Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home (Switch): all the updates (latest: Ver. ???)
On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home on Nintendo Switch (originally released on November 3rd 2022 in North America and Europe, and March 9th 2023 in Japan)!
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Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home – Ver. ???
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
Patch notes:
- healing items now restore two lives instead of one
- upgrades to maximum life and shields are obtained earlier
- creatures will not react to the player by themselves while in relations mode, which makes it easier to communicate with them
- Sensua: moved some collectibles around a bit, so that their location makes it easier to discover a secret room by using senses
- AI Station: removed lasers and made it easier to reach the platform where the player destroys a battery
- Gula: made it easier to jump around the islands
- Gula: the scent will not now lead you to the upgrade only after unlocking double jump
- Labirynth: fixed an issue in which the player could get blocked after swimming through the underwater vines
- Proditia: the robots now drop shield restoration items more often
- Proditia: less robots are now spawned at the same time
- yellow scent paths that lead to mission goals are now a little bigger
- two new maps (Roboton and Kometon) and a hub between them, which unlocks after finishing the game
- four new outfits to unlock on DLC maps
- two new lore fragments to collect
- two new achievements – for completing DLC maps
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Longterm Games (Steam)
Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home – Ver. 1.0.1a
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
- After starting a new planet, player’s health is now fully restored
- Robo-Spider no longer deals damage while being hacked
- Flying robots and spiders now have 30% chance to drop a Shield after destroying their battery
- From now on, barking will cause Bea to drop her currently held item
- Fragments of destroyed robots have been moved to another layer, so that the Player and items to pick up are in front of them
- Improved the randomness of shot sounds, so that they sound better when firing in bursts
- A hint that appears in front of Drydon village will no longer appear after the player makes a Drydon mad
- Hints on Sensua, describing relations, will no longer be displayed after the player obtains all parts of 808BY
- Fixed the delays of dynamic gases in the Tutorial, so that it’s easier to avoid them
- Skins tab can now only be entered from the Main Menu
- Hostile Squids now have a negative sound effect
- Increased the size of safe area on the planet Gula, so that the player can no longer jump out of the map with Double Jump
- Fixed a crash that occurred while attempting to enter Main Menu from Credits
- Fixed an issue in which a cutscene on Sensua was launching again after returning to the arena
- Fixed an issue in which a Drydon’s Spear dealt damage to the player after loading the game and dropping it
- Fixed an issue on Proditia planet; SHA spawner was connected to the camera, instead of a smell detector above the generator
- Fixed an issue in which a camera on Proditia planet was active, despite not being switched on through Hackbox
- Fixed save issues related to the counter
- Incorrectly saved time
- Could activate itself after loading the game
- Fixed an issue in which the cannons were shooting even though the counter was not activated
- The issue was occurring after loading the level
- Fixed an issue in which the cannon did not change its color (that represents its status)
- Fixed an issue on Proditia planet, in which the cameras look like they’re active, despite destroying all generators
- Fixed an issue in which a cannon on Proditia planet kept shooting at the player despite activating Eris
- Fixed an issue in which a cutscene glow was activating each time the level was loaded on planet Proditia
- Fixed an issue in which AI barrier on planet Proditia reappears, despite completing all paths
- Fixed an issue in which a sound of jumping into water was still present, even if the water was no longer there
- Fixed an issue in which some of the spiders remained alive despite destroying all generators
- Fixed a save issue in which the player’s smell did not record correctly after loading
- Fixed jump animation (relations) while the player has a skin active
- Fixed an issue in which post-processing didn’t change after destroying all generators on Proditia planet
- Fixed an issue in which the robots did not self destruct after destroying generators on Proditia planet
- Fixed an issue in which a stone on Senses planet fell on the ground only after a zoom in
- Fixed an issue which could cause the game to become unresponsive on loading screen while moving between arenas on Proditia planet
- Fixed an issue which caused the batteries on Proditia planet to deactivate instead of exploding
- Fixed an issue in which the robots on Proditia didn’t self destruct after destroying all generators in the first room
- Removed companion Rose’s collision with destroyed robot fragments
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Longterm Games (Steam)
How to download updates for Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home for the Nintendo Switch?
To download the updates for Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home, you have three options:
- let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off
If not…
- try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;
- select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.
To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.