
Runner3: levels will be less linear, will have vehicles/animals

Today, Choice Provisions published their latest blog post about Runner3, and in this one, they give some pretty juicy details about the game. First, they explain that making sequels isn’t all that easy. You have to make a new game, while being bound to the rules of gameplay set by the previous entry/ies.

Naturally, fans come to have expectations based on those previous games, too. But at the same time, you cannot just serve a rehash of your past work(s): you have reinvent and evolve the game and gameplay.

As for the Runner series…

  • Runner was fairly linear
  • Runner2 was still fairly linear, but with more ups and downs, splitting pathways, alternate exits, and more

So what did Choice Provisions chose to do with Runner3? It’s pretty simple… They created a “whole new world, with ups, downs, lefts and rights, split paths, and of course forwards”. They also added “controlled events”, where Commandervideo controls various vehicles, animals, etc. If you have an idea for a really wacky vehicle, make sure to let the developers know by clicking on the source link below!

In other words, Runner3 sounds even less linear than its predecessor, with even more variety… and 100% more craziness, it seems!

Source: Choice Provisions


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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