PokéNews (March 29): Pokémon Bank / Pokémon GO
Today’s Pokémon news: clarification about the Pokémon distribution via Pokémon Bank, but also…
- Pokémon GO
- Pokémon Trading Card Game
- Pokémon merchandise
- Game Freak
- Pokémon Kids TV
Pokémon Bank
The Pokémon Company have clarified that the Pokémon distribution via Pokémon Bank, allowing players to get a Hidden Ability Passimian and Oranguru, runs until October 31st worldwide.
Here’s some pictures:
As usual, you can find more details about the various Pokémon distributions for Pokémon Sun and Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon on this page and this page respectively!
Source: The Pokémon Company
Pokémon GO
Today, a brand new Software update for Pokémon GO started rolling out. It brings the game to Ver. 0.139.1 (Android) / 1.107. (iOS), with the following new features / changes:
- Lucky Friends: after becoming Lucky Friend with another player, the next trade is guaranteed to end with a Lucky Pokémon;
- Notifications can now stack together in the notification bar of your phone;
- Tags: add the “Costume” tag, to search for Pokémon wearing a costume (from events, etc.)
As usual, you can find more details about the various Software updates for Pokémon GO on this page!
Also, another event went live today. To coincide with EGX Rezzed 2019 (taking place in London from April 4th to April 6th), the following will be live at the venue:
- increased Pokémon spawns
- Double Stardust
- 4 Hour Lure Modules
Finally, Niantic have announced that they will reveal the schedule for upcoming Worldwide Live Events for Pokémon GO on April 4th.
Source: Serebii
Pokémon Trading Card Game
The Detective Pikachu set for the Pokémon Trading Card Game was released today in Europe (coming on April 5th in North America, and later next month in Japan). The Pokémon Company has released a Software update for the Pokémon Trading Card Game Card Dex app in order to add the data related to that new set. If you want to scan cards from that set, you will have to download it first!
Also, The Pokémon Company has published an interview with Atsushi Nagashima (Game Director), and Mitsuhiro Arita (Illustrator), about the Unbroken Bonds expansion for the Pokémon Sun and Moon Trading Card Game. They discuss the following cards:
- Reshiram & Charizard-GX
- Muk & Alolan Muk-GX
- Marshadow & Machamp-GX
- Greninja & Zoroark-GX
- Lucario & Melmetal-GX
- Gardevoir & Sylveon-GX
Click here to check out the interview!
And here’s some pictures and video for that set:
Source: The Pokémon Company
Pokémon merchandise
Here’s pictures of some more Pokémon merchandise from Japan:
Source: The Pokémon Company
Game Freak
Here’s the latest video from the Game Freak YouTube Channel:
Pokémon Kids TV
Here’s the latest video from the Pokémon Kids TV YouTube Channel (again, no embeds allowed):