Pokémon news (March 3) – Pokkén Tournament / Pokémon: The Movie
- Pokémon GO [Update!]
- Pokémon The Movie
- Pokémon Bank
Today’s Pokémon news:
- Pokkén Tournament
- Pokémon Bank
- Pokémon The Movie
- Nintendo 3DS Themes
- Pokémon GO
Pokkén Tournament
Yesterday, Kotaku published part of an interview with Katsuhiro Harada and Masaaki Hoshino, producers of Pokkén Tournament. Masaaki Hoshino reveals that he wanted from the start that the Pokémon looked realistic. He had to convince not only the staff working on the game, but also The Pokémon Company.
As for Katsuhiro Harada, he was surprised to see that some of the Tekken signature moves actually fit the Pokémon pretty well, which is why there’s a few of them hidden in the game. Since Pokémon and human have totally different bone structures, he didn’t think they would fit at all… but they did!
Talking of Pokkén Tournament, here’s two TV commercials for the game:
Pokkén Tournament (Wii U) comes out on March 18th, worldwide.
Pokémon Bank
Yesterday, The Pokémon Company announced another promotional campaign for Pokémon Bank. All users who use the service between today and October 31st will receive Regirock, Regice, and Registeel (all with a Hidden Ability), who can then be transferred to Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby, or Alpha Sapphire via the Pokémon Link function.
To transfer your Pokémon, all you have to do is:
- launch Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby, or Alpha Sapphire;
- select Pokémon Link in the main menu;
- transfer each Pokémon one by one (they will be put in one of your boxes).
Of course, you can only get the three Pokémon once by Pokémon Bank account, even if you own several copies of Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby, or Alpha Sapphire. Also, you will need a valid subscription to get them: you will not receive anything if your subscription has ended.
Here’s some details about Regirock, Regice, and Registeel:
With the Hidden Ability Sturdy, if Regirock has full HP and is hit with an attack that would normally knock it out, it will be able to endure the hit with 1 HP remaining. This is a great Ability for Regirock to have, being a Rock type with many weaknesses.
Level: 50
Ability: Sturdy
Moves: Explosion, Ice Punch, Stone Edge, Hammer Arm
Regice’s Hidden Ability Ice Body allows it to restore HP when the weather condition is hail. Regice is strong against opponents that attack it with special moves. By using Hail, it can recover HP throughout the battle while doing even more damage!
Level: 50
Ability: Ice Body
Moves: Thunderbolt, Amnesia, Ice Beam, Hail
Registeel’s Hidden Ability Light Metal reduces its weight by half. This decreases the damage it will take from moves such as Low Kick and Grass Knot that are more powerful the heavier the target is. It is especially good for Low Kick, a Fighting-type move that is super effective against the Steel-type Registeel. Roll with those supereffective punches and strike back!
Level: 50
Ability: Light Metal
Moves: Iron Head, Rock Slide, Gravity, Iron Defense
Source: The Pokémon Company
Head after the break for the rest of this post!
Pokémon The Movie: Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna
This morning, the second trailer for Pokémon The Movie: Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna was shown during the Oha Suta show on TV, in Japan. A few hours later, The Pokémon Company uploaded it on YouTube.
Here it is:
Here’s the short version of that trailer:
Finally, here’s a trailer for the movie:
Nintendo 3DS Themes
In Japan, two new Nintendo 3DS Themes for Pokémon have been revealed, and will be available from March 18th to April 8th. However, there’s a catch: they will not be available on the Nintendo 3DS Theme Shop. Instead, players will have to go to the following stores to request a free download code: Pokémon Centers, Aeon Malls, Eidon, Ito-Yokado, Toys R Us, Bic Camera, Yodobashi Camera, and Fuji.
Here’s pictures of the two Nintendo 3DS Themes, based on Pokémon XY&Z (the current TV anime series) and Pokémon The Movie XY&Z: Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna:
The download code will have to be redeemed before August 31st.
Source: Serebii
Pokémon GO
On March 14th, there was supposed to be panel about Pokémon GO at the Game Developers Conference, with John Hanke, CEO of Niantic. Unfortunately, it will not happen: the panel seems to have been cancelled.
Here’s the statement Game Informer received from John Hanke himself:
“We have decided to forego our GDC talk on Pokémon GO in order to focus on getting the product ready for beta test and launch,” says Niantic CEO John Hanke. “As much as we hate to disappoint those in the industry attending GDC, we feel our time and energy right now are best spent on making sure every aspect of the product is where we want it to be.”