Nintendo news (Nov. 18): Devil’s Third / Fascination
Today’s Nintendo news: Tomonobu Itagaki interview about Devil’s Third, but also…
- Fascination
- Super Mario Run
- The Wonderful 101
Devil’s Third
Yesterday, Polygon published a pretty lengthy interview with Tomonobu Itagaki, creator of the controversial Devil’s Third. In this, he explains at greath lengths how Devil’s Third came to be, how it ended up on Wii U, how they made it through 8 years of development, and more.
Here’s an excerpt:
When THQ went bankrupt, Kanematsu approached [Satoru] Iwata-san at Nintendo and they picked up the game. The reason why Nintendo picked up the game is that they don’t have enough strong online games. Devil’s Third is not a game that Nintendo could make internally, so we came in as their mercenaries to make a strong online game.
Click here to check out the full interview!
There are plenty of rather obscure games in Nintendo’s history, especially if you look at the pre-NES era: Sky Skipper is one of them. But did you know that Nintendo once worked on… an erotic game? No, it’s going nothing to do with the company’s infamous lovel hotels, and is actually directly linked to Wild Gunman, on Arcade.
That erotic game was called Fascination, and naturally, it was never released. But you can learn more about it thanks to Video Games Densetsu, who posted a nice article the other day (complete with a quote from Gunpei Yokoi, who was the one behind the game): click here to check it out!
Super Mario Run
Here’s the latest illustration for Super Mario Run:
Obstacles like this are no match for Mario! #SuperMarioRun
— Nintendo of Europe (@NintendoEurope) November 18, 2016
Super Mario Run (iOS) comes out on December 15th worldwide. The Android version will follow at a later date.
The Wonderful 101
Ahead of the removal of the Wonderful 101 original soundtrack, on December 31st, Platinum Games is doing a countdown of the most popular tracks from the soundtrack. This week, it’s track #6: Title Screen!
Unite Up even before pressing Start with the Title Screen theme, No. 6 in our Wonderful 101 soundtrack ranking!
— PlatinumGames Inc. (@platinumgames) November 18, 2016