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My Nintendo: new rewards available in Europe and North America

My Nintendo 2Today is May 1st, and it looks like Nintendo has chosen to start the month by adding some new My Nintendo rewards in Europe and North America (but not Japan, for some reason). In Europe, there’s the pre-launch discount for Fire Emblem Fates, and a couple of discounts. In North America, there’s a few more discounts available, including some previously available only in Europe.

Important note about the Fire Emblem Fates discount in Europe: when you chose this reward, it automatically applies a “Just for You” discount on the Nintendo eShop. If you try to purchase the game before its release via this offer, you will get an error (but the discount will still remain valid).

Also, it looks like the Miitomo rewards that expired today have been renewed for another month.

Without further ado, here’s the list of new rewards for both regions:


[3DS] 10% Discount on Fire Emblem Fates: 20 Gold Coins (available until May 19th)
[3DS] 20% Discount on Animal Crossing: New Leaf: 600 Platinum Coins (available until July 16th)
[Wii U] 20% Discount on Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (eShop): 600 Platinum Coins (available until July 16th)
[Wii U] 40% Discount on Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (eShop): 100 Gold Coins (available until July 16th)

North America

[Wii U] 30% Discount on Metroid Prime Trilogy (Wii U download on Wii): 50 Gold Coins (available until July 1st)
[Wii U] 30% Discount on Donkey Kong Country (eShop): 50 Gold Coins (available until July 1st)
[Wii U] 30% Discount on Donkey Kong Country (eShop): 70 Gold Coins (available until July 1st)
[Wii U] 15% Discount on Dr. Luigi (eShop): 230 Platinum Coins (available until July 1st)
[3DS] 30% Discount on Tomodachi Life (eShop): 80 Gold Coins (available until July 1st)
[3DS] 30% Discount on The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (eShop): 100 Gold Coins (available until July 1st)
[3DS] 15% Discount on Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move (eShop): 150 Platinum Coins (available until July 1st)

Naturally, our My Nintendo Rewards page has been updated!

Source: My Nintendo


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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