
Monster Strike getting a Nintendo 3DS game and an anime series

Just like Puzzle & Dragons, Monster Strike is one of the most popular games on mobile platforms in Japan. While the goal of the game is more or less the same (to fight hordes of monsters by collecting, fusing and evolving them), the gameplay couldn’t be any more different. Indeed, in Monster Strike, you need to flick them over the screen, with a physics-based gameplay.

And today, Mixi (the developers) announced that Monster Striker would get a Nintendo 3DS, along with an anime series: both are slated for this year in Japan. Unfortunately, very little is known about this Nintendo 3DS game, which was announced during the Financial Results Briefing of the company. We don’t quite know if it’s going to be a straight port, or if there will be significant enhancements like Puzzle & Dragons Z.


In the past, Satoru Iwata said several times that various developers/publishers of mobile games were looking into making a Nintendo 3DS version of their games. It looks like Mixi, with Monster Strike, was one of them! But just how many companies were interested in such projects in total?

No doubt we should be getting more details about this Monster Strike game on Nintendo 3DS in the upcoming days/weeks!

Source: Mixi
Via: Famitsu


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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