
Monster Hunter X: Weapons and Hunting Styles showcase videos (Full version, Day 4)

Monster Hunter XBack in August Capcom uploaded Weapons and Hunting Styles showcase videos for Monster Hunter X. As the name implies, they showcased each of the weapons types in the game (14 in total, just like in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate), coupled with one of the four Hunting Styles (one of the central elements of Monster Hunter X, which allows players to really customise their hunting experience).

And on Wednesday Capcom started uploading the full version of these videos. While the original batch only showed two styles, this new series of Weapons and Hunting Styles showcase videos allow us to see each type of weapon used with all four Hunting Styles:

  • Guild Style
  • Striker Style
  • Aerial Style
  • Bushido Style

Today’s videos

Today, Capcom showcased the following weapons: Lance and Gunlance.

Head after the break for the second video!

Previous videos and planning

Monster Hunter X (3DS) comes out on November 28th in Japan.

Source: Capcom


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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