Just Die Already (Switch): Software updates (latest: Ver. 1.4)
On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various Software updates for Just Die Already on Nintendo Switch (originally released on May 2021 in Europe and North America)!
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Just Die Already – Ver. 1.4
- Release date: August 8th 2022 (North America, Europe)
- Patch notes:
Fix Progression Issues
- Saving Issue
- Vending machine wipe bug
- Debug & find the root cause of the issue
- Fix the root cause
- If the root cause is too intricate or isn’t found, implement theplan b contingency fix.
- Balloon boomer not spawning issue.
- Challenge book tracking fix – QA & design fixes
Fix “Always Online” Issue
- Make the login process smoother in general – QA & design fixes
- E.g. Move EOS login prompt to when you actually press to play online.
- Fix Infinite loading screen
- Fallback for when user closes browser without answering the prompt
Bug fixes
- Crypt Vampire door Key unlock fix
- Out of bounds fix for sports area.
- Water & Electricity consistency fixes
- General bug fixing
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Curve Games
Just Die Already – Ver. ???
- Release date: October 12th 2021 (North America, Europe)
- Patch notes:
No patch notes available. This update brings the following:
- adds new “Censored Gore” option
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: official Twitter account
Just Die Already – Ver. ???
- Release date: June 23rd 2021 (North America, Europe)
- Patch notes:
No patch notes available. This update adds the following:
- Player Versus Player mode
- A brand new game dubbed ‘Farm’: A cat and mouse type affair where one player takes the role of a farmer trying to stop the apple thieves with his shotgun and the others set about lifting that fruit.,
- Battle arenas where players will duke it out using the array of weapons and tools scattered around the level. Players can choose between a variety of settings such as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Stock, Time Limit, and King of the Hill to tweak their battle to their liking.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Curve Digital PR
How to download updates for Just Die Already for the Nintendo Switch?
To download the updates for Just Die Already, you have three options:
- let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off
If not…
- try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;
- select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.
To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.