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Indie News (Oct. 18) – Nefarious now content complete / Shovel Knight soundtrack

Today’s Indie news: Nefarious now content complete, but also…

  • Shovel Knight vinyl
  • Shoot The Ball


Yesterday, Josh Hano posted the latest Kickstarter update for Nefarious (on Wii U). He announced that the game was finally content complete: that means that everything that should be in the game is now in the game. Unfortunately, that doesn’t quite mean development is over: there’s still the polishing and bug fixing to deal with! The update also provides another soundtrack sample, and gives us a look at some in-game propaganda.

Click here to check it out!

Shovel Knight

Did you know? Shovel Knight (like many other indie games before it) is going to get a vinyl release for its soundtrack. Yesterday, Brave Wave revealed the illustration which is to be used on the cover (drawn by Hitoshi Ariga).

Also, Brave Wave is bringing the Shovel Knight to CD, iTunes and streaming services.

Source: Brave Wave

Shoot The Ball

Yesterday, RCMADIAX announced their latest game: Shoot The Ball, which will be released on New Nintendo 3DS on November 10th in Europe.

Here’s some screenshots:


We don’t know when the game will be released in North America, but it will most likely be at the same time as Europe (if not before).

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Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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