Indie News (Jan. 26) – FreezeMe dated for North America (Feb. 4th)
Yesterday, the developers of FreezeMe revealed that this 3D platformer (on Wii U) would be released on February 4th in North America… yes, that’s next week! The game will cost $13.99, but thanks to a special launch discount, you will be able to get it for only $9.99 during the first week. What about Europe? As soon as the developers have the PEGI / USK / ACB ratings (via the IARC), it will be submitted to Nintendo of Europe.
Source: Facebook
Yesterday, RCMADIAX made a couple of announcements:
- Peg Solitaire (Wii U) is coming out on February 4th in North America, where it will cost $1.49
- Tap Tap Arcade (Wii U) is coming out on February 18th in North America, where it will cost $1.99
BPlus Games
BPlus Games is behind Bit Boy!! Arcade, and is currently trying to get Puzzle Box Setup on Stream Greenlight. This successor to the Nintendo 3DS title is a bit special, because it was made… for the NX platform.
Not possible cause this game is made for NX but modified to be released on Steam earlier cause sadly I’m not able to wait til NX and need to release this game soon. But the Steam-Version will see some Updates and grow, grow and grow AND you can create Levels to use in several modes and share them with NX players too!!
Here’s another quote:
NX Version will be different in many kinds – and cause of the controls you will be able to use 8 different colors instead of 4 … which opens possibilities to completely different pictures and modes for NX Version.
Puzzle Box Setup was an game play experiment on Nintendo 3DS and it was a big success. It will grow with time and player input to become a great Puzzle Box
BPlus Games also teased Bit Boy!! Arcade for the NX platforms:
You will definitely see Kubi traveling back to the old Bit-Eras on NX. Stay tuned. Cannot talk about something specific before Nintendo announces a the new plattform – you know
Source: Facebook