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Ice Station Z getting update on January 11th, will fix many bugs

Released on November 3rd in Europe and North America, Ice Station Z is a Multiplayer Open World Zombie Survival game for the Nintendo 3DS. Unfortunately, it looks like quite a few glitches managed to find their way in the final version of the game, and unfortunately, they will not be fixed before Christmas.

Indeed, Wobbly Tooth announced last week that the very first update for Ice Station Z would be released on January 11th. They did try to get it out earlier, but there was not enough time for that (no surprise with the holiday break coming pretty soon).

The update will bring Ice Station Z to Ver. 1.1, and will provide the following fixes:

  • Fixed exploit that allowed the player to become invincible.
  • Fixed system hang when rendering too many objects. 
  • Fixed problem where triggers would be lost when Host Migration occurs.
  • Fixed issue where interactions could occur while sleeping causing unexpected problems.
  • Fixed problem where changing to a snowboard while sleeping could result in the player being stuck in collision geometry.
  • Fixed collision hole at end of corridor in underground base.
  • Fixed bug when using snowboard when already using vehicles.
  • Fixed bug with prone animation. 09. Increased prone movement speed slightly.
  • Added extra checks to make sure invincible players are no longer invincible or if they somehow become invincible the game will rectify it.
  • Increased number of zombies in multiplayer games.
  • Reduce effectiveness of Bear Traps versus other players.
  • Added a height check for Bear Traps so that they don’t trigger when they are above or below the player.
  • Added sweep test to stop player falling through map.
  • Fixed collision bug on some beds.
  • Stopped displaying full sessions on the matchmaking screen.
  • Fixed problem returning to Home Menu during loading.

One thing to note about this update is that you will need to download it in order to keep using the online features of the game (multiplayer). Also, Wobbly Tooth recommends that players who encountered issues such as missing doors or items that cannot be picked up create a new save if they want to host a game, as those issues will keep happening if you don’t.

Source: Wobbly Tooth (Miiverse)


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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