
Harvest Moon: Skytree Village DLC now available in Europe

Harvest Moon: Skytree Village came out last month in Europe, and if you were wondering whether the DLC would also be released in that region or not, the answer is… yes! In fact, the DLC is already available, with the same content that was released in North America.

Here’s what those DLC packs consists of:

  • Pack 1: Farms Decorations Set, including 16 new customisation items, walls, and decorations [Free]
  • Pack 2: Harvest Sprite Statue Set, including 5 new customisation items (Harvest Goddess-themed pergola, Harvest Sprite statue, and more) [Free]
  • Pack 3: new marriage candidate (Edmond), and a statue of the Harvest Goddess [Price: 3.99€/£3.99]

Edmond, a grand mage, who trained both Gareth and Tabitha, and whose knowledge of the world far exceeds either of them. Despite this, he is rather calm and introspective in comparison to the slightly arrogant Gareth and boisterous Tabitha. He has returned to the land of the Harvest Goddess after some time, but what brought him back? Is there some sort of deeper secret he hides within?

  • Pack 4: new marriage candidate (Nova), and a statue of the Doc [Price: 3.99€/£3.99]

Nova, a kind and strong-willed girl who showed up in Skytree Village, yet how she got there is a bit of a tale in itself. Her father is a human from the surface world, while her mother is of the tribe of Gorgan from the Underworld Kingdom. Since she was raised in the dark and damp underground mines of the Underworld, the surface world is still a bit strange and confusing to her. Help her learn the ways of the surface dwellers!

Finally, here’s some screenshots for that DLC:

Source: Rising Star Games PR


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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