Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch): all you need to know about DLC, Expansion Pass (line-up, schedule, pricing)
Back in 2012, Fire Emblem Awakening (on Nintendo 3DS) was one of the very first Nintendo games to get proper paid DLC. Fire Emblem Fates, released a couple of years later, also received a fair amount of DLC with various additional quests. Of course, it was all but guaranteed that Fire Emblem: Three Houses would also get DLC, especially as Nintendo has made it a key element of their strategy on Nintendo Switch (to keep players engaged).
On this page, you will find all there is to know about the DLC for Fire Emblem: Three Houses on Nintendo Switch, including the full line-up, the release schedule, pricing, and more. It will be updated on a regular basis, as new details are announced by Nintendo (the page is quite empty at the moment, since all we know so far is that the game is getting DLC… and that’s pretty much it!).
Fire Emblem: Three Houses – Expansion Pass
The Expansion Pass is basically a bundle with all the DLC for the game is one handy package. It gives you access to the various pieces of content automatically as soon as it’s released.
- Contents: all the DLC sets listed below.
- Price: 24.99€ / £22.49 / $24.99 / 2 700 Yen
- Availability: July 3rd 2019 (North America) / July 4th (Europe, Japan)
If you’re interested, the Expansion Pass is available with a special bundle including the game + the Expansion Pass. It costs 84.98€ / $84.98 / £72.98 / 10 238 Yen, and does not offer kind of discount whatsoever, it’s just a convenient way to buy both at the same time!
Fire Emblem: Three Houses – Individual DLC
Important: the DLC is not sold separately. You have to purchase the Expansion Pass to get access to any of the DLC sets listed below.
DLC Set #1: Officers Academy Uniform (Byleth)
- Contents: Officers Academy outfits for Byleth (the protagonist)
- Price: TBC
- Availability: July 26th (worldwide)
- Requires: Ver. 1.0.1
DLC Set #2: Additional Auxiliary Battles
- Contents:
- New items: Sacred Galewind Shoes (Movement +1), Sacred Floral Robe (HP +7), Sacred Snowmelt Drop (Strength +3), Sacred Moonstone (Speed +3) (available from the bed in Byleth’s Personal Quarters, one set of item per save file)
- Auxiliary Battles: Battle at Lake Teutates, Battle in the Forest, Battle at Gronder Field, Battle at the Sealed Forest, and Battle at Conand Tower (listed in the battle-selection screen with a yellow !, but may not be available depending on your progress. These battles may give you status-up items, such as Ailell Pomegranate, and an increased Gold reward, in addition to the Bullions. Each battle costs 1 activity point)
- New song for auxiliary battles: Corridor of the Tempest
- New attire/accessory: House Loungewear (students, Byleth. Only wearable inside the monastery, or for specific unit classes during battle. Cannot be sent along with a traveler) / Glasses for Byleth (Byleth. Can be combined with any other attire, and can be worn in the monastery and during battle)
- Availability: September 10th 2019 (North America) / September 11th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Requires: Ver. 1.0.2
DLC Set #3a: Additional Quests + Outfits
- Contents:
- Additional quests (includes new activities, such as the sauna, feeding cats and dogs, and recruiting new battalions). They are marked with a light-blue icon during Exploration.
- Additional outfits (Servants Attire, Summer Wear, and Evening Wear). They are for the protagonist and for the playable characters. They can be selected via Personal Quarters in the monastery.
- Additional quest allowing you to make Anna available for recruiting in the monastery after the third chapter, Mutiny in the Mist.
- Note: Anna can participate in battles and activities.
- Note: Anna does not have Support relationships.
- Note: Recruiting Anna unlocks a new paralogue after a certain chapter.
- Note: It’s possible to set Anna as a traveler, but the recipient cannot recruit her as an Adjutant unless they also own the Expansion Pass.
- Note: If a player has not purchased the Expansion Pass, only one of the new characters in the Expansion Pass can visit as a traveler.
- Availability: November 7th 2019 (North America) / November 8th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Requires: Ver. 1.1.0
DLC Set #3b: New Attire
- Contents: Additional costumes (Sothis Regalia for Byleth)
- Availability: December 18th 2019 (North America) / December 19th 2019 (Europe, Japan)
- Requires: Ver. 1.1.1
DLC Set #4: Additional Story Content, Cindered Shadows
- Contents: new story content (Cindered Shadows), with additional playable characters, locations, and more + another free update
- Availability: February 12th 2020 (North America) / February 13th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
- Requires: Ver. 1.2.0
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) is now available worldwide!
Source: Nintendo