[Updated] Fire Emblem if: new characters revealed in Famitsu, lots of new details, scans
We’ve updated the post with some additional details about class change and other various tidbits!
This week, Famitsu magazine is once again featuring Fire Emblem if in its latest issue. This time around, several characters are be revealed in the article, and thanks to the usual leaks, we already have most of the details about them.
New characters
Here’s the new characters revealed in Famitsu magazine this week:
Both games
– Cyrus (Cavalier): voiced by Sho Okumura. Childhood friend of the Avatar. A fledgling knight from Nohr.
– Elfie (Armor Knight): voiced by Yuuki Kuwahara. A knight who serves Elise, the Princess of Nohr. She may not look like it, but she possesses amazing strength, and never forgets her training.
– Harold (Brave Hero): voiced by Riki Kitazawa. He’s Elise’s subordinate. He always believes that’s a hero of justice. His exceptionally bad luck is probably his only flaw.
– Hinata (Samurai): voiced by Mitsuhiro Ichiki. His family has served Hoshido for generations. He serves under Takumi. He thinks a lot about his friends, but he’s quick to argue.
– Oboro (Lancer): voiced by Sasaki Nozomi. Seems to have a crush on Takumi, which is her liege. Due to her past, she has come to hate Nohr more than most people.
– Rinka (Oni): voiced by Yui Ishikawa. A fighter who comes from the Fire Clan. She help Hoshido in their battle against Nohr, following the Chieftain’s orders (her father’s).
– Tsukuyomi (Spell caster): voiced by VALSHE. He was born into the Wind Clan. He may be young, but he’s actually a really talented spellcaster. He Hates dark places.
Some other tidbits: Felicia can apparently reclass/promote to Brave Hero, Bow Knight and Strategist, and multiple promotion options seem likely. Samurai can promote to Master Swordman.
Each character has his/her own personal skills (independent of their class, and cannot be removed), which are as follows:
– Avatar: Mysterious Charisma, which boosts the Accuracy (by 10), Damage (by 2) and Damage Received (by 2) of the Front Unit when he/she’s acting as the Back Unit, and the Front Unit has a C (or higher) support.
– Hinata: Desperate Struggle, which halves Damage from swords, lances and axes when HP are at half or lower.
– Elfie: Super Strength, which increases Damage by 3 if the enemy’s Strength is 5 points lower than this unit.
– Oboro: Nohr-hater, which increases Damage by 3 when engaging a Nohr-related enemy.
– Harold: Unlucky Soul, which lowers the Critical Evade by 15 for enemies within a two tiles radius, but the user’s Critical Evade is reduced by 5.
– Tsukuyomi: Arrogance, which increases Damage by 4 whenever this unit’s Level is lower than the enemy’s (apparently, promoted units count as Level +20).
Here’s some additional skills:
– Lancer Class: Defence Seal, which lowers the enemy’s Defence by 6 after dealing damage to that enemy.
– Lancer Class: Substitute. On the map, you can chose an adjacent target and substitute it. This most likely means you can have a character take damage instead of the intended target, which would be quite useful to protect weak allies.
– Kazahana’s inactive skill: increases Damage by 10, but also increases Damage received from enemies by 10. She also has “Flowing Strike”, Vantage and Strength Seal.
Just like on most RPG, characters learn new skills when they level up. For battles, you can chose among 5 different skills for each character.
Class change
Famitsu also gives some additional about the Class Change mechanic. Level 10 characters in an unpromoted class can use a “Master Seal”, in order to promote into one or two promoted classes. Doing so reset the character’s level, so they can keep on gaining experience in their new class.
However, Fire Emblem if also introduces the “Parallel Seal” to change class, but without the level reset (similar to the “Second Seal” from Fire Emblem Awakening. However, there’s restrictions: the classes available depend on the character, and it can only be done within the same tier (for example: a character from a basic class cannot change to a promote class).
Famitsu gives two examples:
1) Hinata (Samurai), who can use a Master Seal promote to:
– Trueblade (with superior speed and with more chance to get multiple hits);
– Weapon Master (a new class, wielding Swords, Lances and Axes).
2) Felicia (Maid), who can use a Parallel Seal to change class:
– Great Hero
– Bow Knight
– Strategist.
According to Serene Forest, this implies she has access to the following class branches:
– Mercenary (> Great Hero/Bow Knight)
– Rod Knight (> Strategist/Maid)
NB: please note those details are not 100% confirmed for now, but we should get confirmation when the full scans are available.
Here’s the scans from Famitsu magazine:
We should be getting more info and scans in the upcoming hours!
Fire Emblem if (3DS) comes out on June 25th in Japan, and next year in Europe and North America.
Source: Famitsu
Via: GameFaqs / Serenes Forest