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eShop (May 24) – Mighty No. 9 / Twisted Fusion

Today’s Indie news:

  • Mighty No. 9
  • Twisted Fusion
  • Tadpole Treble
  • Chompy Chomp Chomp Party

Mighty No. 9Mighty No. 9

Today, comcept finally shared Part 2 of their Online Race Battle in Mighty No. 9. Who ended up winning? Keiji Inafune or Rattchan? Check it out for yourself:

Twisted Fusion

Today, Lewis Pugh posted a message on Kickstarter, in order to announce that development for Twisted Fusion was now over. All that’s left is to make the e-manual, and then the game will be ready to be sent to Nintendo for lotcheck. The release date will be announced later, via the game’s Kickstarter page.

Lewis Pugh also used this as an opportunity to thank fans for their support. You can click here to check out his message!

Head after the break for the rest of this post!

Tadpole Treble

Here’s a video interview of Matthew Taranto, creator of Tapdole Treble (coming soon to the Wii U). It covers various topics, such as Tadpole Treble itself, but also E3 2016, and Paper Mario.

Chompy Chomp Chomp Party

Yesterday, the developers of Chompy Chomp Chomp Party held an AMA session on Reddit. You can check it out by clicking here!

River City Ransom: Underground

River City Ransom: Underground is a bit special, as it’s an officially licenced Kickstarter project. Unfortunately, even though the campaign was successful and the game funded for PC, Conatus Creative didn’t get enough money for console ports. However, that doesn’t mean they will never happen.

Contacted by NTower.de, Sarah from Conus Creative explained that they didn’t have any plans for ports right now, but depending on the sales of the PC version, they will see if a port makes sense for them (and on which platforms). In other words, if River City Ransom: Underground sells well on PC, it might get a Nintendo 3DS or Wii U version down the line.

Source: NTower.de


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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