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eShop News (Dec. 5) – Sneaky Ninja / Circle Ent.

Today’s Nintendo eShop news: another gameplay clip for Sneaky Ninja on Wii U, but also…

  • Circle Ent. news

Sneaky Ninja

Last week, Starfall Studios shared another gameplay clip for Sneaky Ninja (coming to the Nintendo eShop of the Wii U). This time, it’s a rather… unique weapon that’s showcased: the mallet, which actually comes from the gong mini-game. As you can see, it may not be the most stealthy of weapons, but it’s certainly one of the most effective!

Here’s the latest gameplay clip for the game:

Sneaky Ninja will be released on the Nintendo eShop of the Wii U.

Circle Ent.

Today, Circle Ent made a couple of announcements:

  • a game called Frontier Days Founding Pioneers will be released “soon” on Nintendo 3DS, in Europe and North America. More details will be revealed at a late date, but there’s no doubt this is Dai Kaitaku ~Machi o Tsukurou~, released a while ago in Japan;
  • the 10 games from the Kutar series are coming soon to Europe… and by soon, we mean December 15th!

Naturally, the Upcoming Releases page has already been updated with both the new game and the release date for the Kutar series titles in Europe!


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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