eShopWii U

Electronic Super Joy coming to Wii U, courtesy of Broken Rules

After Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition, Broken Rules isn’t done porting games to the Wii U! The next one is Electronic Super Joy, which originally came out on mobile platforms and PC. At first, the studio simply said they were working on something for the Wii U, without revealing the title:

Then they gave a clue:

This quote is taken from the Destructoid review of Electronic Super Joy, which received a 9/10. Unfortunately, we don’t know when the game will be released on Wii U, as Broken Rules didn’t make a formal announcement.

On Twitter, Broken Rules also confirmed that Secret of Raetikon, a “sequel” to Chasing Aurora (one of the launch titles for the Wii U Nintendo eShop), would most likely never come out on Wii U. The reason? It would require a rebuilding of the game engine, which currently does not support multi-threading.

Source: Broken Rules
Via: NintendoLife


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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