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E3 2015: Natsume reveals its lineup

With less than two weeks until the event kicks offs, publishers are starting to reveal their lineup. Yesterday, it was Natsume’s turn to tell us what games they will bring to the event this year!

Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories (Wii U)

For the first time ever, the Harvest Moon series (Natsume’s, not the original one) is coming to the Wii U. In this brand new entry, you will have to revitalise a farm by unlocking the “Seeds of Memories”. To do so, you will need to befriend the villagers, giving them items, catching fish, raising your fist cow and more.

Gotcha Racing (Nintendo 3DS)

Published by Arc System Works in Japan, Gotcha Racing is a racing game with 12 different tracks, six racing grades, Grand Prix races, and more. You can unlock car parts via capsule machines or StreetPass (which also allows you to race other players).

Brave Tank Hero (Nintendo 3DS / Wii U)

An action game in which you have to get back a city from invaders, aboard a tank (three different types). The game includes over 50 levels, power-ups, rankings, a radar (to plan your strikes), and more.

Ninja Strike (Wii U)

A port of Ninja Strike, already available on iOS.

GameBoy Advance on Wii U Virtual Console

During E3, Natsume will talk about their upcoming GameBoy Advance on the Wii U Virtual Console, such as Medabots, Pocky & Rocky with Becky, and more.

E3 takes places on June 16th to June 18th in Los Angeles.

Source: Natsume


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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