Daily news (August 21st, Round 3): Jack Jeanne / Paper Mario @ shmuplations
Today’s Daily news: Voice Drama for Jack Jeanne, but also…
- Paper Mario @ shmuplations
- Splatoon merchandise
- Dr. Mario World
- Dragalia Lost
- Tool Assisted Speedrun
Jack Jeanne
Here’s the first Voice Drama for Jack Jeanne:
Jack Jeanne (Switch) comes out on December 3rd in Japan.
Paper Mario @ shmuplations
The latest translated interview from shmuplations is about the original Paper Mario on Nintendo 64. Click here to check it out!
In this interview, developers from Nintendo and Intelligent Systems discuss the making of the original Paper Mario, a late Nintendo 64 title that charmed fans with its unique 2D/3D papercraft aesthetic, inventive action-tinged battle system and offbeat take on the Mario universe.
This interview was found at the GSLA, a Japanese a website that, among other things, preserves game developer interviews from older, now-defunct print sources. The GSLA often redacts the original interviewer questions, so the text ends up reading more like a narrative than an interview.
Splatoon merchandise
Nintendo have revealed a new line of Splatoon merchandise, called Ink You Up. It’s now available at the Nintendo Tokyo Store and via the My Nintendo Store in Japan.
Here’s a video clip and some pictures:
Source: Nintendo (Twitter)
Dr. Mario World
Here’s the latest video for Dr. Mario World:
Dragalia Lost
Here’s the recording of the latest episode of the official Dragalia Lost web radio program:
Dragalia Lost (Android, iOS) still does not have a release date in Europe yet.
Tool Assisted Speedrun
Here’s the latest Tool Assisted Speedrun video for Nintendo platforms:
- The Punisher (NES) by XTREMAL93 in 59:00.5