Daily Briefs (Oct. 26, Round 2): Vampyr / NBA 2K Playgrounds 2
Today’s Daily Briefs: Vampyr announced for the Nintendo Switch, but also…
- NBA 2K Playgrounds 2
- Crystal Crisis
- Just Dance 2019
- Tool Assisted Speedrun
In the press release with its financial results for H1 2018-19, Focus Home Interactive reveals that Vampyr (a vampire game developed by DontNod Entertainment, of Life is Strange fame) is headed to the Nintendo Switch. Unfortunately, that’s pretty much all we know about it for now, and we will have to wait for a formal announcement for more details!
In Q3, the Group will continue to maximise the potential of the Vampyr licence. After the game’s impressive success on PC, Xbox One and PS4, it will be Nintendo Switch’s turn to welcome the DontNod title to reach an even wider audience.
Vampyr (Switch) does not have a release date yet. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!
Source: Focus Home Interactive
Thanks Niceguydan8 for the heads up!
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2
To celebrate Halloween, Saber Interactive released an update for NBA 2K Playgrounds 2. It adds a Halloween-themed playground and some new costumes, but unfortunately, it’s not available on Nintendo Switch yet… in fact, it may not even be released in time for Halloween! You can find more details about the update on this page!
Here’s a trailer showcasing the new content:
Crystal Crisis
Here’s the latest video clip for Crystal Crisis:
D6 to the rescue! Or maybe not… #CrystalCrisis #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/78whjnHzg3
— Nicalis, Inc. (@nicalis) October 25, 2018
Crystal Crisis (Switch) does not have a release date yet.
Just Dance 2019
Here’s the launch trailer for Just Dance 2019:
Tool Assisted Speedrun
Here’s the latest Tool Assisted Speedrun video for Nintendo platforms:
- LEGO Bionicle (GameBoy Advance) by Memory in 08:15.42