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Daily and Indie news (Nov. 30): Runner3 / Credits warp

Today’s Daily Briefs: creature revealed for Runner 3, but also…

  • Credits warp
  • Stone Shire


Yesterday, Choice Provisions posted the latest devblog post for Runner3. This time around, they showed a new creature, simply known as “crate monster”. For some reason, it decided to take up residence inside an empty Schlörtz crate, like some sort of “bizarre, landlubberly hermit crab”.

Here’s one lone picture for that “crate monster”:

Unfortunately, that’s all they showed today, but we can expect another devblog post for Runner3 later this week!

Source: Choice Provisions

Credits warp

If you follow the (Tool Assisted) Speedrun scene, you’ve definitely heard of credits warp: when a glitch is used to execute arbitrary code, in order to trigger the credits sequence extemely early, sometimes at the very beginning of the game. Well, someone actually managed to find a way to trigger a credit warp using another game.

Check out this video to learn more about this really impressive trick:

Stone Shire

If you have a North American Wii U, you’re probably still waiting for the Ver. 1.2 update for Stone Shire. The good news is, you don’t have much longer to wait, as we finally have a proper release date for the update: December 1st… that’s right, it’s tomorrow!

Source: Cordero (Miiverse)


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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