Ace Attorney: the creators talk about what’s in store for 2016
On Monday, published their yearly feature, in which they go and ask various game creators about 2015, and what they have in store for 2016. We already had one post yesterday, but this one is focused on the Ace Attorney series with comments from Shu Takumi, Motohide Eshiro and Takeshi Yamazaki.
- Shu Takumi (Creator of the series): as mentioned yesterday, he’s getting ready for his next project, but he’s also overseeing the script for the Ace Attorney anime (which starts airing in April). He has regular meetings with the anime staff, in order to revise the script when needed. After all, he created the series itself, so he’s the one who knows its world and characters the best. However, he is not a writer proper, simply a supervisor.
His most impactful game for 2015 is Picross 3D 2.
- Motohide Eshiro (Producer): he mentions that the Ace Attorney series will celebrate its 15th Anniversary in 2016. Naturally, Capcom will have various things to celebrate, and he hopes fans are looking forward to them. Now, what could Capcom have in store? Another orchestral concert? More arrange albums? One more Takarazuka show? Obviously, the biggest two “events” will be the release of Ace Attorney 6 and the start of the anime series!
His most impactful game for 2015 is Star Wars Battlefront.
- Takeshi Yamazaki (Director): he explains that the team is planning to release Ace Attorney 6 next year. Obviously, he doesn’t give any date or even timeframe: we will have to wait a bit longer before finding out!
His most impactful game for 2015 is Metal Gear Solid V.
Ace Attorney 6 (3DS) will come out next year in Japan. A European and North American release has already been confirmed.
Via: Court-Records