
Medabots 9: 2nd trailer introduces the Robattles

Medabots 9This morning, Rocket Company uploaded the second trailer for Medabots 9, which is coming out at the end of the month in Japan (on December 24th). This one introduces the Robot Battles, or Robattles for short. Just like in previous entries, those battles are 3 vs 3, and command-based.

In this entry, new main Medabots are introduced: Souen (Kuwagata version) and Zipper (Kabuto version). It turns out they have their own special move:

  • Souen can use a special attack allowing you to damage all enemy Medabots in one turn;
  • Zipper can use a special attack that allows you to target specific parts of an enemy Medabots, and maximise damage.

Other Medabots have various sub-skills, and you will need to use them efficiently in order to gain the upper hand in battle. Customising your robots with different parts is another central element of the game, and your battle strategy. Using StreetPass, you will be able share custom parts with other players. Finally, the trailer reminds us that Medabots 9 can be played in local and online multiplayer.

Here’s the second trailer for Medabots 9:

Medabots 9 (3DS) comes out on December 24th in Japan.

Source: 4Gamer.net


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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