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Mario Kart 8: 150cc vs 200cc videos

Today, during the latest Nintendo Direct, Nintendo revealed a brand new class for Mario Kart 8: 200cc. It will be added on April 23rd via a free Software update, and as you can expect, it’s really, really fast. Nintendo actually uploaded two videos, one of them comparing 150cc to 200cc so that players can really see the difference for themselves.

This new class will certainly put your skill to the test, and if you’ve always wanted more speed in Mario Kart games, 200cc is definitely THE class for you!

The two videos uploaded by Nintendo shows the differences between 150cc and 200cc on two circuits:

– Dolphin Shoals
– Grumble Volcano (only in 200cc), where using the breaks is pretty much mandatory in 200cc;

200cc is coming to Mario Kart 8 on April 23rd, via a free Software update.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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