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Indie news (Jan. 4) – Chicken Wiggle / Nindies interviews

Today’s Indie news: pricing revealed for Chicken Wiggle, but also…

  • A Year in Development
  • Hive Jump
  • Plantera

Chicken Wiggle

Chicken Wiggle will be released on Nintendo 3DS in Q1 2017 (if everything goes well). Wondering how much it will cost? $10… most likely $9.99!

A Year in Development

Year in Development is a series of interviews by NintendoLife, where various Nindies talk about the past year, their plans for the new year, and more. Here’s those they published for 2016:

Hive Jump

Back in December, Graphite Labs announced that the PC version of Hive Jump would be released on January 18th, and the Wii U version would follow at a later date. If everything goes well, this version should be released in early 2017 (so most likely in Q1 2017). Another engineer was even added to the Wii U development team, to speed things up a bit.

As of writing, the team was focused on optimisation, with the physics calculations causing the biggest hits. What about the GamePad mini-map? It was in a demonstrable state, but it needed some optimization in order to be fully featured and running smoothly. Finally, they also had to take care of some input bugs.

Oh, and if you’re wondering whether the team changed their mind since then, and are now planning to release the game on the Nintendo Switch instead, the answer is… no! The game is still planned for a Wii U release:

Source: Graphite Lab (Kickstarter)


Yesterday, Ratalaika Games sent the Nintendo 3DS version of Plantera to Nintendo for lotcheck. And today, they sent the Wii U version to QA. Once they’re done with that, they will start working on the update for Defend Your Crypt.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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