
Europe: limited edition for Yo-kai Watch, sales data for New Style Boutique 2 (France)

A few weeks ago, Nintendo announced two new bundles for the Nintendo 2DS in Europe: one for Yo-kai Watch, and one for Nintendo Presents: New Style Boutique 2 – Fashion Forward. If you’re interested, both bundles are available for pre-orderon Amazon.:

  • Nintendo 2DS (Black + Blue) + Yo-kai Watch (pre-installed): 99.99€ / £79.99 [France / UK / Germany]
  • Nintendo 2DS (Pink + White) + Nintendo Presents: New Style Boutique 2 – Fashion Forward (pre-installed): 99.99€ / £79.99 [France / UK / Germany]

NB: affiliate links.

With how well Yo-kai Watch has been selling this Summer, especially in France and Spain, the first bundle should prove pretty popular! Talking of Yo-kai Watch, a Limited Edition (including an exclusive Yo-kai medal) will also be released on October 7th (same day as the bundle). You can already pre-order it on Amazon (France / Germany). It has been added to our Upcoming Releases page!

Here’s what the cover of this “Limited Edition” looks like:

As for Nintendo Presents: New Style Boutique 2 – Fashion Forward, Nintendo reveals via a Press Release that it has already sold over 150 000 units since launch in France. The new bundle should therefore prove pretty popular too, this Christmas!

The two bundles mentioned above and the limited edition of Yo-kai Watch will all be released on October 7th in Europe.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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