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Torchlight III (Switch): Software updates (latest: Spring Update)

On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various Software updates for Torchlight III on Nintendo Switch (originally released on October 22nd 2020 in Europe and North America)!

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Torchlight III – Ver. ??? (Spring Update)

  • Release date: May 25th 2021 (North America, Europe) / May 26th 2021 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:

New Features:

  • New Class: Cursed Captain
  • New Pets and New Variants of familiar friends
  • New Wardrobes and Fort Props
  • New Contract: Fur and Fashion
  • New Legendary armor and weapons
  • Inventory Sorting
    • Players can now sort their inventories with filters! Look for the button at the top right corner of any Inventory menu.
  • Players are now able to reset their accounts by mode: Singleplayer, Multiplayer, and Arc (multiplayer with Arc Account Link)
  • Increased the max character slots to 25 (online) and 40 (offline).

Improvements and Bug Fixes:




  • Fixed an issue where all class resources were not updating properly when using skills
  • Using skills without sufficient resources while moving no longer prompts the ‘Not Enough Energy’ notification.
  • Fixed an issue where player’s characters sometimes moves the opposite direction of player’s mouse clicks
  • Critical Pet Condition audio warning no longer sounds in town.

Dusk Mage

  • Celestial Pants Legendary affix has been reworked – Now reads “When Light Bar is charging, Dark Bar charges at 25% of normal rate (and vice-versa). Set Bonus: The opposing bar now charges at 50% of normal rate”. This has outright replaced the former affix, which increased damage while in Harmonic Form. To compensate this notable loss, a small baseline damage increase to Dusk Mage skills has also been installed.
  • GreatWeapon is more visible when standing idle during Character Select.
  • Radiant Blast now exhibits VFX when Show Blood is toggled off in the Options.
  • Harmonic Form can once again be achieved after the player dies with fully charged Light resources.
  • Damnation skill description has been revised to describe the skill more accurately.
  • Dusk Mages can no longer obtain an indefinite +75% damage buff by summoning minions of Bane or Coldheart (bug).


  • Steam gauge now presents a numerical value on the HUD.
  • Fixed Sonic Pulse’s final milestone so it will actually apply it’s damage bonus for steam skills.
  • Reworked Pressure Shot’s tier 3 milestone. Instead of always critically hitting, which was not functioning correctly, the fourth shot always stuns all the enemies it hits.
  • Revised the proc for Forged’s steam cone on melee basics to only trigger when a monster takes damage from the basic attack.
  • Fracking Strike’s damage increases correctly by skill level
  • Fixed some lingering references to Servo-Driven uppercut
  • Fixed item affixes that referred to Pressure Shot as Slug Shot
  • Fracking Strike’s Tier 1 bonus now works as described.
  • Fracking Strike no longer double charges when its bonuses are unlocked


  • Fixed inconsistent text highlights in skill tooltips: Mortar Car, Shotgonne Car, Ghost Train, Shocking Rounds, Flamethrower Car, Pound, Blasting Charge, Hammer Spin, Flying Picks, Lantern Flash, and Torque Swing
  • Revised Blasting Charge so it works with the Battery Ram Legendary as intended.
  • Fixed Lantern Flash’s synergy bonus reading 65% on the tooltip. It now reads 10% (which is the amount previously provided – only the tooltip was incorrect).
  • Hammer Spin’s effect no longer persists after the lifetime of the skill.


  • Curse of Pi’pi skill no longer affects friendly minions.
  • Corrected some typos in the Curse of Pi’pi skill.
  • Fixed Fate of Rizzi and Onslaught skills so they all scale appropriately with per point damage factors.
  • Changed the tooltip for the Ghost Visage bonus to not reflect the amount of critical chance in the mouse-over tooltip. It can be found in the base tooltip.
  • Sacrifice to Goose’s tier 1 milestone now gives +20% damage vulnerability to the skill, taking it from 25% to 45% as designed.
  • Onslaught now has a Precision tag on it’s tooltip description
  • Tier 2 bonus for Scattershot now gives a 50% increase instead of doubled ranged basic attack damage.


  • Fixed relic skills showing “0 Relic Energy” as a cost.
  • Fixed skills showing “Too much Relic Energy” when the message should be “Not enough Relic Energy”
  • Fixed skills with no cooldown showing “0 Cooldown” in the skill description
  • Jagged Ice – Chance to Chill when hit increased to be equal to Chance on Hit.
  • Frost Shock – Fixed an issue where the tier 2 milestone freeze duration was only half as long as stated. Then doubled the freeze duration.
  • Ice Shield – Increase damage to 400% WD base.
  • Frost Skin – Base cooldown reduced to 40 seconds, up to 20 seconds at rank 5.
  • Ice Golem – Health increased to 1000% from 200%, freeze duration on Slam increased to 4s up from 1s.
  • Smooth Bores – Increased icicle damage by 50%.
  • Breaking Point – Max Health per point increased to 5% (from 2%), Freeze Nova damage doubled and per point scaling increased to 25% up from 10%.
  • Snowstorm – Tier 3 milestone critical hit chance now works against Chilled enemies as well as Frozen.
  • Cold Front – Damage increased to 450% (from 330%)
  • Fixed a bug that caused Bane’s Eight Legged Allies to have a summon cap 4 more higher than the tooltip listed.
  • Blooddrinker’s Blood Barrier now has a new icon.
  • Fixed Blooddrinker’s Bloodseeker’s skill, and Flaming Destroyer’s milestone to add a hazard’s skill, so they all scale appropriately with per point damage factors.
  • Adjusted the tooltip for Coldheart’s Ice Golem skill to reflect that its active skill deals 600% of its basic damage, not the player’s weapon damage.
  • Changed the source of damage for Coldheart’s Snowstorm skill, which was previously causing it to fail to scale per point.
  • Fixed an issue with Electrode’s Thousand-Volt Burst missiles VFX
  • The tier 3 effect of Flaming Destroyer’s Summoning Smash skill was not working. It is now.
  • Fixed an issue with Flaming Destroyer’s Sword Smash not dealing damage to Ordrak.
  • Fixed issues of Flaming Destroyer’s Cloak of Flames’ and Summoning Smash’s damage not scaling correctly to the skill points invested on them.
  • Fixed Flaming Destroyer Cloak of Flames tier 1 bonus changing size when forced root motion is applied
  • Flaming Destroyer’s Blazing Pillars will no longer proc Giant Swings
  • Fixed an issue where Flaming Destroyer’s Sword Smash VFX were displaying a gray box in place of designed visuals.


  • Fixed it so +damage% to Basic Attack affixes works as intended.
  • Fixed an issue causing Fazeer’s Dungeon Challenge Bonuses on items to be conveyed to some Legendary affixes. Legendary affixes are not meant to inherit the effects of the Challenge Bonus.
  • Fixed Sword of the Lost Legion “Call the Legion” skill that was not applying the 25% cooldown reduction upon equipping the Frostwall Legendarium affix.
  • Winter Legendary chest buff now uses a four-leaf clover icon
  • The Holy Icon Legendary Shield now spawns ghostly Alpaca in combat!
  • Mountain King’s Pauldrons and Toymaker’s Tool minions are now split into two inventories so their caps don’t affect each other.
  • Fixed the Explodobot summoned by Mountain King’s Pauldrons not dealing the listed amount of damage.
  • Fixed missing damage description for Mountain King’s Pauldrons
  • Woodsbeast’s Wrap Set Bonus now Ignites enemies for 40% Weapon Damage on evade.
  • Elfin Cap and Frostform Head’s drop weight has been adjusted.
  • Fixed an issue where the Echoes of Life missiles did not move correctly
  • Fixed an incorrect actor limit rule for Archives that was preventing the boss chest/pet chest from appearing
  • Fixed an issue where new characters were unable to use the base legendarium affixes


  • Players can now interact with the Style Station in other player’s Forts.
  • All Contracts: Bonus Character Slot rewards have been replaced with a Respectacles consumable.
  • Fixed an issue where Props remained highlighted after exiting the fort customization mode.
  • The fort button will now ignore the cursor hit when the menu is up. The button will still be present.
  • Fort Customization UI appears when the player spawn inside their Fort on Xbox + Game Pass.
  • In the Fort Customization UI, the Enchanter’s Altar will have a “Unlocks at Level 46” tag until the player reaches the pre-requisite level.
  • Players are no longer able to steal gear from other players via their Wardrobes.
  • Hyvid Shield Bonus (Offhand) enchanting recipe now unlocks the correct enchantment, Hyvid Shield Bonus, instead of Hyvid Smasher.
  • Echonok Ranger and Hyvid Scrapper enchanting recipes are now Legendary quality
  • Various Wardrobe repairs have been made
  • Fazeer’s Dun’djinn Extreme Close-Up affix is no longer affected by the player toggling Inventory Menus.
  • Fazeer’s Dun’djinn level 249 and 250 now drop 118% gear, so normal maps can be used for farming the absolute best items instead of just 251 boss runs.
  • Fazeer’s Dun’djinns should now save level seed information as intended.
  • Adjusted the rotation position of the Fazeer Dun’djinn prop.


  • New Pets management UI will be present whenever the player rescues a new pet or visits their Pet Shelter.
  • Wet Kisses works again!
  • Halloween and Winter pets are still available, but are twice as rare (relative to their quality)!
  • Pets will follow the player between areas, again.
  • Most summoned minions can now teleport to you if they get too far away, just like your pet does!
  • Pets now benefit from pet attack speed affixes on pet tags and collars.
  • Made the chance that pet cages appear at the end of dungeons more reliable.
  • Fixed aggressive texture compression on owl eyes.
  • Adjusted anchors and size of the pet swap UI panels.
  • Addressed an issue where the Send Pet to Town button was not updating when used.
  • Addressed another issue where the Pet Timer would not begin when pet would die or be sent to town.
  • Pets no longer freeze in combat with Blackfang Spiders.
  • Pet Enchantment Resistance (Pet) is now known as Elemental Hitter (Pet).
  • Aura skills no longer disappear from the skill bar upon travel.

Monsters and Bosses

  • Skullotar’s Cat minion now is destroyed upon his death.
  • Missile-based skills are moving again after being unpooled
  • Attempt to fix Secret Alpaca Level monsters from disappearing when they’re using the Stormbringer affix
  • Echonok Charging Coil VFX fixes
  • Squawk Claw’s Charging Coil VFX fixes.
  • Skeleton critical hit death VFX improvements
  • Fixed an issue where fire trails from Blazing affix were not appearing in combat.
  • Grundlepox minion-summoning missiles no longer leave permanent VFX on the ground
  • Further reduced the monster spawner disabling volume near the entrance of the goblin forest area used in Fazeer’s Dun’djinn, which was preventing the unique goblin champion Gunsmith Grundy from spawning in certain seeds, preventing the quest Gobs ‘n’ Guns from being completed.
  • Minor description fix for Stormbringer challenge affix
  • Reduced the size of Secret Weapon’s click capsule so that players can click to get behind him a bit easier.

User Interface

  • Characters’ class titles are displayed in the Character Selection list, now.
  • Hardcore label for characters is now red.
  • Increased the size of the character thumbnail in the Character Selection.
  • Vendors now have markers for their location on the mini-map of each town.
  • Players are no longer allowed to open the option menu while dead.
  • Fixed Potion UI in offline mode
  • Pet Storage now has a Close button.
  • Changed director endpoint from “” to “”
  • Disabled tooltip on all class resource widgets in the skill class info panels
  • Fixed the skill description for Loyal Shasta to appear during Character Creation
  • The camera no longer goes to the wrong position after cancelling the Forged walkdown sequence in character create.
  • Loading Screen no longer presents during the opening cinematic on the account’s first character.
  • New player portrait templates for when portraits are loading upon initial party formation.
  • Addressed various issues with text, alignment and other tweaks in the mechanics screen of the help menu
  • Customize Fort button will no longer appear when the Menu is opened while customizing the fort.
  • It is no longer possible to dual-box on the Game Pass version of Torchlight III
  • Updated the text from “Always Show nameplates” to “Always Show Dropped Item Names” in the options screen.
  • Updated the text on the Friends Refresh button to indicate that it refreshes online status not the actual friends.
  • Players are no longer blocked from using the dye option of the Style Station when using a gamepad.
  • Addressed various Icon issues.
  • Fixed various text wrapping issues on item tool tips in various menus.
  • When using a gamepad, the player’s HUD will close to open the Menu when the player calls it.
  • Players are no longer given blank window prompts when attempting to invite blocked players to parties on Playstation Network.

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes:

  • Addressed multiple Multiplayer Party + Voice Chat issues
  • Gamepad can now change selections in drop-down menus
  • Respectacles gold value has been reinstated, and no automatically loot if the player has available space in their Consumables Inventory.
  • Bonus Character Slot Contract rewards have been replaced with a Respectacles consumable.
  • Additional attempts have been made to fix the Luck Tree quest bugs
  • Destructible meshes can no longer receive decals.
  • Fixed Imperial Guard NPC disappearing during the Establishing shot of the Character Creation sequence.
  • Slight increase of critter spawn tick and tick intervals (for performance purposes).
  • Cleaned up Missile pooling code
  • Friendly guards should no longer spawn in mapworks dungeons (either map scroll or Fazeer’s Dun’djinn). They should still be able to spawn in the normal story dungeons/areas. There was an issue previously where area-wide affixes would apply to these guards in addition to actual monsters.
  • Instances will not be restarted if the player puts the portal in location and returns through it after a reset
  • Added more space between top navigation buttons and controller prompt buttons
  • Privacy settings towards other players are now considered in the Join Session logic on Xbox + Game Pass. Additionally, blocked users will no longer be able to initiate parties with those who block them.
  • Xbox users can now read text chat channels.
  • “Clue” has been removed from the quest item drops in “The Artifact” story quest.
  • New Credits for Contributors!
  • Various Fazeer Dun’djinn quest bug fixes.
  • Various Environment bug fixes.
  • Various Localization changes and updates.
  • Various Performance bug fixes and updates.
  • Various Crash fixes for all platforms

Torchlight III – Ver. ???

  • Release date: April 2nd 2021 (North America) / April 3rd 2021 (Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:


  • Unreal engine update.


  • Fixed some missing and untranslated text.
  • Fixed nameplates that were displayed on top of the Health Orb.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented players in a party from accessing the Style station in your fort.
  • The tooltip for Fort customization is sometimes not displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Luck Tree menu becomes unresponsive after interaction.
  • Pet slots are now no longer inaccessible on wardrobes.


  • Fixed an issue where the range of auto-picking is reduced to a small area making it difficult to pick the gold or fame.

Torchlight III – Ver. ???

  • Release date: February 17th 2021 (North America) /February 18th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:


  • Fixed the Terms of Service/Privacy Policy that cannot be scrolled through on Console.


  • Fixed several server crashes.


  • Fixed the ‘Listen Only’ option that did not block speaking under certain circumstances.


  • Fixed NPC guards in Fazeer maps that appear to be spawning Plague Bearer Balls.

The Secret Trail

  • Removed a prop that was blocking the entrance into Voltura Village.


  • Removed an invisible wall that appeared to be blocking progression in a specific instance.

Venomous Nest

  • Fixed an instance in the Venomous Nest where the area near the entrance could generate a path blocking prop.

The Power Line

  • Moved an Ancient Cache chest prop that was able to appear behind a path blocking quest prop.


  • Fixed some cases where placing the Luck Sprout in your fort prevented players from interacting with it.
  • Fixed an exploit found with Multiplayer Wardrobes.


  • Fixed an issue where the Reindeer does not fit in the screen of the Pet’s preview.
  • Fixed an issue where the narrator would wrongly tell you that your pet was badly wounded, even when in town.


  • Fixed some Fazeer items that should not scale. This fix is just for certain items/affixes that do not actually scale, but the tooltip was claiming that they were, and in addition, corrects the limitations for the enchanting slots, which were incorrectly scaling up when they should not have been.
  • Fixed Fazeer boss cards that were blank.
  • Gear Bags opened in Fazeer no longer take on the Bonus affix of that Dungeon.
  • Fixed an issue where the items that got equipped automatically while in Fazeer Dungeon’s would lose their bonus affix.
  • Fixed Boosted Recipes that were found in Fazeer that were a visual bug only.


  • Fixed the following quests that did not have enough items to complete on a specific Dungeon seed.
      – “Silky Threads”, “Operation Maple Dawn”, “Gob Bomb”, “Ichory Situation”, “Unpinned”, “Part Picking”, “Tablet Game”.
  • Reduced required count of Netherim Jawbone from 3 to 1 for the Nether Inkling quest.
  • Fixed “Tutorial: From a Humble Seed” getting stuck with no other objectives/tasks.
  • Removed “Clue” from quest item drops in “The Artifact” story quest. This was an optional quest item that is not needed to progress the story.
  • Fixed an issue where the player cannot complete Power Up due to missing Ancient Caches for Ember Generator Manual for the Cheat Codes mapworks quest.
  • Repositioned the goblin fishing spot (and spawner for Ol’ Wormfingers) at the end of the goblin river run mapworks area to address situations specific to this area where he would spawn out in the water. Shrank the spawner area attached to the goblin fishing spot and moved it closer so that it can all fit into a tighter space. This affects all seeds/locations within this area that the fishing spot can appear.


  • Items that get added directly to your inventory now have their dye/styles unlocked.
  • Players can now see the original dye/style they originally had and switch back to the original option if they so choose.
  • Removed the unobtainable items found in the style station.
  • Fixed the Random Fort Decoration bags that were not showing their preview window when claimed.


  • Fixed an issue where the items that are automatically equipped when picked up in the Fazeer’s lose their Challenge Bonus.


  • Fixed Frostwall’s Cooldown for Call the Legion skill that was not reduced when equipped in the Legendarium.


  • Fixed the winter contracts image that does not render immediately after opening the tab.
  • Fixed the broken number that appears on the Snow & Steam contract once it’s completed.


  • Fixed the alpacas that would disappear before they are defeated on the Secret Alpaca Level.
  • Moved Gunsmith’s Grundy’s spawner in Dungeons to make him more reliably spawn.


  • Fixed the Lantern Flash Tier 2 bonus that is now set to 10%, down from 65%. Character stat screen now reflects the right percentage.


  • Fixed an issue where not every 4th Pressure Shot is a critical strike while Tier 3 Bonus is reached.
  • Fixed an issue where the steam resource indicator refreshes itself only after hovering the mouse cursor over it.
  • Cyclone Mode has been updated.

Dusk Mage

  • Fixed an issue where the player can obtain a +75% damage buff that does not fade away until the end of the play session by allowing minions from the relic skills to disappear inside the Consecration area of effect.

Torchlight III – Ver. ???

  • Release date: January 6th 2021 (North America) / January 7th 2021 (Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:


  • Added Russian Localization for update changes.


  • Added Final Icons for new pet skills.


  • Fixed an issue where some players would get stuck in a state where they could not edit their fort.


  • Fixed an issue where the style station could not be used with any controller.
  • Turned on Pet Perches and Pet Beds that were turned off due to a bug.
  • Fixed an issue where the Terracotta Dusk Mage Figure is much more expensive than other Figures of the same type.


  • Fixed an issue where there was not enough lost remains quest items to complete the Lost Remains mapworks/dungeon quests.
  • Fixed an issue where “The Deveined’ quest cannot be finished due to a lack of missing quest items.


  • Raised the goldcap to 500k.


  • Fixed an issue where the set bonus of the ‘My Lil’ General legendary affix applies to the basic bonus, while not having any effect of its own.


  • Fixed the ‘Glacier’s Edge’ Legendary item that was missing from the Legendarium.


  • Fixed an issue where the effect of ‘Hammer Spin’ skill persists even after the skill stops.


  • Fixed an issue where the skills cost in the tooltips is incorrect for Forged vent and steam skills.

Torchlight III – Ver. ???

  • Release date: December 17th 2020 (North America) / December 18th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:


  • Turned off the Echoes of Life staff that is not yet ready that was unintentionally dropping.


  • Fixed an issue where there were not enough Goblins to complete “Gob Bomb” in the Challenge Dungeons.
  • Fixed an issue where there were not enough Adult Hyvid Glands to complete Musky Business in Challenge Dungeons.
  • Fixed an issue where there were not enough Pancakes to complete Operation Maple Dawn in Challenge Dungeons.

Torchlight III – Ver. ??? (Snow & Steam Update)

  • Release date: December 15th 2020 (North America) / December 16th 2020 (Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:


  • Added new winter-themed title screen art.
  • Fixed activation requirement in “Money Tree” achievement.


  • Fixed a crash related to deserializing multiple status effects.
  • Fixed a crash related to skill display garbage collection.Fixed an issue in Singleplayer that could have caused blocking loads or infinite loading screens.
  • Fixed an issue where spawning minions with class skills lowers framerate on the Switch.
  • Fixed a crash that occurs on Switch when starting multiplayer on many devices.
  • Additional improvements to improve Switch performance, including reducing out-of-memory crashes.
  • Performance improvements related to save codes to ensure less stress placed on consoles.
  • Attempt to solve an issue where some players aren’t able to equip gear, use their stash, or sell items.
  • Additional improvements for performance and saved data.
  • Fixed a number of assets that were not being properly ‘cooked’.


  • Added dropdown options in the settings menu for variations of Color Blind mode.
  • Better messaging is provided when a player times out or is disconnected for a specific reason.
  • New “Enable Custom Aspect Ratio” and “Custom Aspect Ratio” options available in Video Settings.
  • Updated the help arc ID display to account for unready linked or shadow account IDs (removed the ‘Newly Created account ID’ text that is displayed.
  • Fixed the link account tooltip is missing on the character select page.


  • New minimap icons for pet vendor, gambler, gear vendor and potion vendor.

Overlay Map

  • Overlay Map Scaling function implemented.
  • The map of the Mini-side Dungeon is displayed on the Map of the King’s Plateau location which causes the Map to be misleading.

Frontier Map

  • Fixed some issues with icons changing size when highlighted. Also fixed stretching on the fort and portal icon and turned on flag animation on the fort.

Party Play & Chat

  • Brought back a fix for this old issue where party members would grey out when out of range.
  • Addressed party invite confusion by adding more clear error messages when and why party invites fail.


  • Imported a new batch of localized text.
  • Fixed some random misspelled English words.


  • Fixed an issueBlank travel UI can be opened using the D-Pad before fort is unlocked.
  • Fixed spacing around the potion widgets when cycling through them in gamepad mode.
  • Gamepad pickup prompt is now more responsive.


  • Added a hidden area (and loading screen) with a new enemy type, quest, quest item, and boss has been added somewhere on the frontier. A new vendor and consumable item has also been added relating to this area.
  • Fixed the Soldier’s (found in passageways) swords that were appearing under the map when highlighted.
  • Updated many portions of Act 1 to make its areas more distinct. Those changes have not been detailed out here, but include new environment objects, updated level skirts, added props, etc.
  • Fixed foliage that was no longer producing SFX.
  • Added missing SFX to cellar doors.
  • Loading screens that have quest requirements now work properly


  • Fixed an issue where the player teleports to the location of the first created portal rather than the new one.


  • Fixed Hyvid Cinematic that was triggering when going into the Ancestral Grove.
  • The Echonok intro cinematic no longer sometimes fails to play in single player. 


  • Moved lore chest object in town to prevent clipping.
  • Rotated Bolten’s Chest in Echo Landing.

Fields of Unrest

  • Removed an extra chest that clipped into the environment.
  • Fixed an issue where the player may get stuck on the roof of the wooden structure on a specific seed.
  • Increased size of spawn trigger.
  • Added a chest to an area that felt sparse.
  • Added a clickable into a hollow area.
  • Added a couple of huts to an edge.
  • Fixed edges that were viewable from the outer edges of the map.

Trial of Fire

  • Moved rock down that was obstructing the player and added some mini-decorations.
  • Rotated a clickable.
  • Repainted terrain in a problem area.
  • Moved a clickable that was falling off the edge.
  • Added spike traps.
  • Fixed a seam.

Edgewood Bluff

  • Rotated Goblin Graffiti lore object.

Guarded Path

  • The warp to Hidden Falls is no longer appearing in Guarded Path. 

Firebelly Village

  • Removed an exploding barrel that was found inside another object.
  • Redressed some props.

Wideload’s Liar

  • Fixed a seam and moved some edge pieces and fixed some nav mesh.
  • Fixed a world edge seam.

Bogwood Hollow

  • Fixed an issue where the player can walk through the rocks without a collision on a specific seed.

Murky Miasma

  • Fixed an issue where there was only one area seed for the Murky Miasma location.

Acrid Plains

  • Added SFX to Lake Lord’s Beacon.

Voltura Village

  • Fixed an instance of Z-fighting.


  • Moved some blacking machinery that preventing the player from walking through the path on a specific seed.
  • Moved a chest to a more logical spot.

The Power Line

  • Added Nav Blockers to prevent unnavigable nav mesh.


  • Added a rule to insert L and S shaped rooms to prevent dead ends in Spider Cave seeds.
  • Increased the length of the “Echonok Throne” mapworks dungeon area to give more monster spawn opportunities.
  • Fixed a boss chest on a specific seed by adding a nav blocker so the player can’t run through it.
    Added some more spawners based on the recent mapworks quest updates (see below).

Challenge Dungeons

  • Fixed an issue where the player can encounter the empty space beyond the environment on a specific seed.
  • Fixed collision volume around a tree in the infested graveyard that blocked missiles.


  • Added Fort cellar that can be found near the stairs.
  • Aligned the Customize Fort prompt icon better with the button text. Also fixed location of target info widget text that was pushed down in the HUD due to the new location of the fort edit button being at the top of the screen.
  • Updated fort navmesh so that the area next to stairs can now be decorated more thoroughly.
  • Added Transmog system (including icons, VFX, SFX, tooltips) and dyes (dye icons) for new transmog system via the Style Station and added Style Station tutorial/notification.
  • Fort decorations can now be arranged vertically. They can be raised up to 10m above the ground, and lowered such that only a portion of their top is visible, but not fully underground.
  • The user interface now displays both the area name (“Trevail Passage”) and the fort name (“Bean’s Fort”), if applicable.
  • Fort props can now hide when covering up the player when the camera is zoomed in to certain UIs.
  • Changed Crafting Result Message from “Cannot buy, insufficient gold” to “Cannot buy, insufficient currency.”
  • Optimized the replication of fort stash entries to the client so that we can send larger numbers of props. This should help fix instances of forts that cannot be customized/edited.
  • Fixed an issue where the Navmesh rebuilds every time the player moves the cursor with a prop attached in Singleplayer. 


  • Added new fort decorations ( including new fort icons/VFX/SFX) found in the time-limited “Snow & Steam” Contract:
        – Snow, Snowy Square Block, Snowy Arch Block, Snowman, Dusk Mage Candyhouse (wardrobe), Igloo, Snow Candle, Festive Arch, Festive Pillar, Railmaster Candyhouse (wardrobe), Ugly Sweater Cat (pet), Trevail Point Snow Globe, Wreath, Forged Candyhouse (wardrobe), Frost Owl, Stove, McTyre’s Cove Snow Globe, Sharpshooter Candyhouse (wardrobe), Grandfather Clock, Banquet Feast, Cider Service, Holiday Tree, String Lights, Cocoa Stand, Dwarven Nutcracker, Echo Landing Snow Globe, Holiday Presents
  • Added Style Station. The Style Station is unlocked and available once you obtain your fort.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bronze Sharpshooter statue cannot be equipped with a bow.
  • Added Fazeer to his throne. He appears from his lamp when the player walks up and disappears when the player leaves.
  • Fixed targeting location of the Training Dummy by having it not be a navmesh blocker.
  • Shrunk the size of the training dummy collision so it more accurately shows missile collision with the model.
  • Added two new types of Storage which can be used to display your pets in your fort. Use the bed to display your land-based pets and the perch to display your flyers.
  • Added five Challenge Dungeon trophies (including icons) that are unlocked through progression via Fazeer’s Dun’djinn.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to change the appearance of the statues from male to female and vice versa.


  • Added item bundles that will be mailed out for upcoming holidays.
  • Increased the drop chance for legendary items from champions and bosses.
  • Increased contrast of the shoulder pad icon when item slot is empty.
  • Fixed an improper message that was displayed when the player attempts to buy an item from any Vendor while not having sufficient amount of gold.
  • Increased the drop rate for legendary gear at higher levels (46+) on higher difficulties. This is a bit more of a significant change for Ridiculous difficulty than for Painful or Hard, but I did at least increase the rate a bit for those as well.
  • Fixed an issue where Act-specific Legendary armor does not drop in the endgame often enough/at all.
  • Fixed an issue where the McTyre’s Cove Gambler is missing the Random Cannon option.
  • Increased the chance that legendary items drop from Greater Item Bundles (earned from contracts) by around +50% to +100%, depending on level.
  • Changed item affix generation logic to use the same kind of logic to pick secondary affixes for legendary items as we do for other qualities, so you can have a better chance of getting improved affixes that you’d gotten on rares.
  • Changed the logic for dropping items so that instead of always preferring class-specific weapons, we weight choosing weapon types to drop equally, but weight the class-specific legendary items higher than non-class-specific legendaries.
  • Fixed an issue where diminishing returns on the defense stat can start retracting the percentage of the prevented damage.
  • Fixed an issue where traits wouldn’t update when unequipping items.


  • Added new Legendary Items (including SFX/FX, Legendarium)
        – Winterweave Armor set, The North Mace, Glacier’s Edge, Frostwall, My Lil’ General, Toymaker’s Tool
  • Added new Rare Items
        – Frostform Head, Elfin Cap
  • Updated Firestarter’s text to reflect its recent change in damage (to 80%, from 40%).
  • Fixed an issue where Firestarter’s fireballs deal 25% Weapon Damage instead of 80%.
  • Ball Lightning movement speed reduced, lifespan increased. Fixed tooltip to show damage values. Nerfed to damage to 70% WD
  • Pet collars that grant elemental damage immunity function correctly.
  • Ball Lightning (item active skill) can no longer be cast in town.
  • Fixed Arc-Powered Pants that had a duplicated affix.
  • Lost Legion active skill now displays the minions’ weapon damage on the tooltip.
  • Changed the Legendary drops that were restricted to specific regions (I.E. the Woodsbeast set in Goblin act regions) to now be restricted by level range instead, so that those items can appear anywhere in Fazeer’s Dun’djinn. Woodsbeast armor pieces can appear in any Fazeer’s Dun’djinn area, rather than just Goblin-themed ones.
  • Fixed the player receives the Frost Nova active skill instead of the Ball Lightning skill while wearing the Lightning Baller.
  • Fixed “Spindly Legs” magic quality locomotion has a legendary item map marker.
  • Fixed typo in Servo-Blade’s legendary affix description.
  • Fixed an issue with Egg of Mayhem costing 25 Relic Energy if it triggered Spinning Blade, instead of that trigger being free.
  • Fixed an issue where the Legendary Affix of Unstable War Arm has no in-game effect.
  • Fixed an issue where the bonus from the Legendary affix of Mountain King’s Gauntlets is not triggered.
  • Fixed an issue where Lighting Strike from Storm Driver’s Legendary affix deals incorrect damage.
  • Added missing SFX to Firestarter’s fireballs.
  • Added missing SFX to the Undead Army.
  • Raging Beater – Now generates Steam when Ramming Robot vents, just as Vortex Bomb and Coal Launch do.
  • Servo-Blade – Same overall effect, but increases Steam-Powered Uppercut’s Steam cost rather than its Heat cost.
  • Fixed an issue where the player can cast Call the Legion skill in Trevail Point or any other city.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Hand Cannon” 1H Pistol has implicit Crit Chance (as if it were a 2 hander).
  • Fixed an issue where the piercing projectile granted by Facebreaker affix may be fired vertically.


  • Fixed an issue where affixes that grant bonus levels to relic skills would grant skills from other relics.
  • Fixed an issue where affixes that grant bonus levels to relic skills didn’t always end up granting at least 1 level.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘+x to the skill level’ item affix becomes unprofitable if it exceeds the 10th level of the skill.
  • Affixes related to Heat Dissipation now go the opposite way, increasing Heat generation for skills.


  • Added a new, limited-time Snow & Steam contract (including new Contract Banner Art) with a variety of winter-themed rewards (see the Forts section above for a complete list of items).
  • Replaced the gear contract rewards:
        – 3 rare items has become 3x 1 magic or higher quality item.
        – 1 legendary item has become 1 rare or higher quality item.
        – This was due to the disproportionate amount of effort this previously put onto finding more efficient ways to grind fame to get contract rewards, as those sorts of strategies tend to be more monotonous and less interesting. This should hopefully put more of an emphasis back onto killing monsters, where it belongs, while still making these nice to have rewards.
  • Increased height of the Contract Claim Chest text area to fit 4 lines of item text.
  • Fixed an issue where Contract rewards appear empty when you open the contract screen, do not populate until you scroll.
  • The contracts page now scrolls correctly to the right reward even though it may not be fully loaded yet.
    Fixed the Inert Mapworks Icon that overflowed in the contract area.


  • “New Legendary Affix” label no longer overlaps item description.
  • Cleaned up the legendary affix description text area so it wraps correctly.


  • Reduced enchanting recipe by 10x.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Goblin Shield Bonus’ enchantment had the ‘Fire Defense’ listed twice as a possible affix.Fixed an issue where the enchanting menu was blank.


  • Disabled Halloween pets from being found in pet cages. They may reappear again in the future
  • Added 2 new pets and 3 new pet variations:
        – Ugly Sweater Cat (rare, Static Discharge): Contract
        – Frost Owl (legendary, Summon Flock): Contract
        – Red-Nosed Retriever (Legendary, random skill)
        – Reindeer (Magic, random skill)
        – Jolly Ferret (rare, random skill)
  • Added a new “Impressive Pet Cage”. This can appear in a dungeon, near the boss chest, about 10% of the time a pet cage is present. The
  • Impressive Pet Cage provides only rare or legendary pets.
  • Pets once again use Battle Cry.
  • Added five new pet skills (including new icons, VFX, and SFX): Dasher, Zoomies, Land Mines, Wet Kisses, and Assemble!
  • Added ability for pets to fetch potions. You can access this menu next to the Sell All pet button.
  • Updated new pet details UI text.
  • Fixed an issue where pets received damage over time from status effects on their owners.
  • Fixed an issue where the pet portrait greyed out when the pet returns to town or dies.
  • Fixed an issue where pets would despawn if you swapped pets while the pet was running away but not yet despawned.
  • Added glow/VFX to pet tracker HUD element to indicate pet is low on health.
  • Battlecry no longer affects pets. Instead it only affects players, which pets inherit their damage from as do minions. Which will help it only ad 25% damage instead of layering on Battle Cry’s effects.
  • Fixed a spelling error across all pet aura tooltips.
  • At 20% health, the narrator comes in saying your pet is hurt/injured/wounded.
  • Added a flash animation on the resident pet UI that should trigger on pet refresh.
  • Updated with a little Glittersprite sparkle themed flash effect.


  • Fixed cocooned Zephoras from being rescued before defeating the boss in “The Recluse” quest.
  • Fixed an issue with the Codex Impression quest item becoming unobtainable after completing the task to “Use the Dwarven Codex” and leaving the area before picking up the item for the “Knowledge is Power” quest.
  • Increased drop chance of Nether Essence for the “Bottle Block” quest.
  • Increased the progressive increase in drop rate for the “Rare Bone” quest item for “Bone Nerd”.
  • Changed all the “kill skeleton” and “get quest item from skeleton” tasks in mapworks quests to be valid for all undead, to make the drop chance less dependent upon differing mixes of monsters.
  • Fixed singleplayer/offline issue with “Tutorial: Pet Shelter” and “Tutorial: From a Humble Seed” being unable to complete when going to their forts outside of Trevail Passage.
  • All mapworks dungeons no longer have exits, instead have quests specifically tailored to each area, which drop a portal to the boss fight when you complete the quest.
  • There are 14 new mapworks quests, with a greater variety of task types.
  • Mapworks boss names appear in task texts for kill boss tasks with no boss row supplied.
  • Fixed certain non-interactable chests (“Ancient Cache”) from spawning in the Grand Hall.


  • Fazeer now appears in front of his lounge in your fort.
  • There are now Fazeer’s Dungeons based on some of our hub areas: Firebelly Village, Acrid Plains, and Machineworks.
  • Most Fazeer’s Dun’djinn checkpoints now have a greater variety of bosses: about 45 instead of 8 possible bosses, though you’ll still need to fight the big bad bosses to earn the new trophies for progressing in Fazeer’s Dun’djinn.
  • The gear that you get as you delve deeper into Fazeer’s Dun’djinn will have a Challenge Bonus applied to all affixes, so there is better level 60 endgame gear the deeper you go, and you’ll need it, as…
  • Damage from monsters increases the further you go into Fazeer’s Dun’djinn, both increasing faster per level and stopping at a higher value than before.
  • Fazeer’s Dun’djinn “set” affixes now apply to bosses, in addition to their own affixes.
  • Added two new Fazeer affixes:
        – Cranked — Lose health perpetually, but heal with each kill.
        – Monster Kill — Gain movement speed and damage with each kill, stacks up to 20 times.
  • Five Fazeer Dun’djinn Trophies are now available and are obtained when reaching level Level 39, Level 83, Level 133, Level 191, and Level 251.
  • Added new Fazeer card art.
  • Fixed a few Challenge Dungeon boss arenas that could never get pet cages.
  • Set the tuning to more reliably have a pet cage at the end of challenge dungeon boss arenas half of the time.
  • Reduced the amount of Dun’djinn tutorial dialog text.
  • Winterweave Set can now be found in Fazeer’s Dundjinn!
  • Items dropped in Fazeer’s DunDjinn now increase in power the higher your challenge level!
  • The difficulty of each challenge level is now higher, both in enemy damage and health, with health getting a much higher increase.
  • Removed Cyclone Mode from the list of skills that are disabled by Anchored in the challenge dungeon.


  • Increased the damage from legendary pack minions by 20% and doubled their hitpoints so they are around longer to be more of a threat while you’re fighting the legendary champion. Increased minions’ experience value to compensate for rise in htpoints.
  • Slightly decreased legendary champion hitpoints (about 15%) to make it more likely that you’re fighting the whole pack of them and not just left with the legendary by itself.
  • Fixed an issue where the Plaguebearer poison balls can’t be heard.
  • Raised the sound of all monsters by 2db.


  • Removed “Gundaddy” from the list of valid mapworks bosses (Phase Dungeon, Map Scroll or Fazeer’s Dun’djinn).
  • Reduced Phase Beast health by about 40% to make it easier to kill them when you’re really trying, especially at higher difficulty levels.
  • Phase Beast portals now lead to one of 59 different boss fights. As these will now be against minibosses instead of the big bosses, the phase beast fights won’t be quite as long as they were previously.
  • Phase Beasts can now spawn in the Fields of Unrest, The Chasm or Trial of Fire, in addition to the areas in which they could previously spawn.
  • The minibosses that the Phase Beasts lead you to are selected from a list of minibosses of the same element as the current act, or physical damage. This increases the phase beast dungeon variety from 1-8 (depending on area) to 28-36 different minibosses in each area.
  • Fixed an issue where some dead vespid would rotate to face their killer.
  • Inactive enemies (like Mimics) can no longer be targeted by Earthen Spikes & Electrode.
  • Fixed Soulless Warrior (i.e. Netherim Warrior summoned via the Dusk Mage’s Nether Well) erroneously attacking Echo Nodes.
  • Added goblin scream SFX to Charging Goblin Riders.
  • Fixed Explosive End Champion Affix that had no audio when it explodes at the end (and during).


  • Fixed an issue where Brall would stubbornly pursue players trying to get into melee range. She’ll give up after a short amount of time and go back to her usual skills.
  • Fixed an issue where Grixl the Ravenous is spawned under the boss area.


  • Fixed Giant Swings (Flaming Destroyer), Blades for Cutting (Blood Drinker), Large Bores (Coldheart), and Shocking Force (Electrode) incorrectly displaying the passive relic skill for Staffing Up (Bane).
  • Fixed the Coldheart and Blooddrinker icons that were squished in the player HUD.
    Review and added SFX for Relic procs.

Blood Drinker

  • The tier 3 bonus effect of the ‘Drain’ relic active skill deals incorrect damage.

Flaming Destroyer

  • Fixed an issue where the fireballs summoned by the Firestorm skill are always dealing 40% weapon damage.
  • Fixed an issue where Cloak of Flames’ Evasion was not applying.


  • Fixed an issue where the shock bolts from the Conjure Electrode skill deal 70% of weapon damage, regardless of how many points are added to that skill.
  • Reduced the Busy-ness of Chaotic Strike bolts to read more cleanly in Multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where the damage values for the Localized Storm skill are not representing the real damage values done in-game.
  • Fixed an issue where the lightning bolts from the Shocking Force passive skill always deal 400% of weapon damage, regardless of how many points are added to that skill.
  • Fixed an issue where the Lightning Strike passive skill deals 125% weapon damage, which is inconsistent with the skill’s description.


  • Fixed an issue where standing close to large monsters causes all of the icicles to damage the monster while using ‘Ice Shield’.
  • Adjusted text for Snowstorm tier 3 milestone to reflect that critical hit chance vs caps at 40% and not 100% like it originally said.
  • Fixed an issue where Snowstorm deals damage only four times, will now do damage until Relic energy is depleted.
  • The icicles from the Cold Front skill deal around 20% weapon damage and is not increased, regardless of how many points are added to that skill.
  • Fixed an issue where Ice Golem with tier 1 bonus unlocked charges Dusk Mage’s Dark and Light Bar.
  • Fixed an issue where Ice Golem can be targeted, causing ranged characters to walk towards enemies.


  • Fixed an issue where leveling Miasma does not increase the skill’s damage.
  • Adjusted the damage for the fanged maw ranged attack so its dealing the proper damage amount, it was not.
  • Fixed an issue where Spectral Spider’s damage is not increasing for every skill point spent; additionally, fixed its in-game base effect is inconsistent with its description.


  • Fixed an issue where leveling a skill causes the spent skill point to still show as being unspent.
  • Clarified tooltips for how +10% boosts to relic skill damage works — it’s a multiplier, and it now says so.
  • Fixed spawning issues where some skills could summon their pets outside the environment.
  • Fixed a confusing, blurred error message that was displayed on the bottom of the screen during difficulty selection when creating a new character.

Dusk Mage

  • Dark Spears tier 2 bonus now grants 10% cooldown reduction to all skills with cooldowns (excluding the cooldowns on charge-based skills).
  • Fixed an issue where damage is not increased by 50% while in Harmonic Form.
  • Players now appear correctly to their party members while casting Holy Fury in multiplayer.
  • Entropy’s Tier 3 milestone no longer increases mana cost, but the pulses deal half the skill’s normal weapon damage.
  • Fixed an issue where Luminous Run would not interrupt other skills, and would not activate if targeted very close or very far from your position.
  • Fixed an issue where Shadow Step would not interrupt other skills.
  • Fixed an issue where Damnation’s duration is not updated in the skill’s description after leveling up the ability.
  • Fixed Harmonic Form from spending charges.
  • Fixed an issue where the mana bar might not decrease under certain circumstances.


  • New Steam Mechanic for Forged, including new HUD/HUD animations. New SFX/VFX for some adjusted skills.
  • Forged now has a second resource!  Steam is displayed directly next to the Heat bar. Steam is generated by venting Heat.  If you Vent a full Heat bar, you get a full Steam bar. Steam very slowly decays over time, but increases Forged Movement Speed so long as you have any Steam, justifying the slow decay. By default, Steam has an immediate early-game benefit to utilize.  It enhances Basic Attacks with special bonus Proc effects that will spend Steam:
        – For Melee basic weapons, a conical blast of steam will deal damage whenever you swing.
        – For Ranged basic weapons, a piercing steam projectile is shot whenever you fire.
    Now that venting Heat generates a bar that can be utilized for extra benefits, Heat no longer decays or stops skill use.  You can still use skills even at maximum Heat.
  • Slug Shot has become “Pressure Shot”, firing a much larger steam blast in a line.  It has far higher DPS than Rapid Fire.
  • Servo-Driven Uppercut has become “Steam-Powered Uppercut”.  It has far higher DPS than Rapid Strike.
  • “Vent: Furnace Blast” has become “Critical Mass”.  It requires over 75 Heat and Steam, and clears both bars.  This positions it as a ‘build around me’ skill, as you need to be building both bars quickly.
  • “Vent: Fracking Strike” has become just “Fracking Strike”, as a powerful cooldown skill spending 75 Steam, sending the current Fracking Strike shockwaves in 8 directions.
  • Power Projection has been updated to rapidly generate Steam over time while the buff is active.  This gives the skill more utility in more builds, and adds a timing component.  You want to use the skill when you are low on Steam.
  • Sonic Pulse is updated to increase damage from Steam-spending skills (including Basic attack Steam procs).  This makes timing Sonic Pulse important – you want to use it with a full Steam bar, regardless of which route you took for Steam spending.
  • Several skill milestones and Legendary bonuses have been updated to work with the new Steam mechanics.
  • Fixed an issue where Critical Mass (formerly Vent: Furnace Blast)s tier 1 & 2 milestone bonus did not function.
  • Replaced the old Forged orb with the new version in the help/mechanics screen.
  • Fixed an issue where all Heat is reduced to 0 upon leveling up.
  • Fixed an issue where Ramming Robot would not interrupt other skills, and would pause slightly after ending the charge before allowing normal movement again.
  • Fixed typo referring to the old Forged skill name of “Steam-Powered Uppercut Damage”.
  • Poison dart tooltip clarified to say what type of damage it deals.


  • Fixed an issue where Reload does not reset cooldown of some of the Adventurer skills.
  • Fixed an issue where Ghost Visage would not interrupt other skills, and would not activate if targeted very far from your position.
  • Fixed an issue where tier 3 of Shasta looked like she was poisoned.
  • Fixed an issue where Ghost Visage was not scaling its crit chance per level correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where Onslaught was not indicating its per level bonus was damage, not duration. Fixed the tooltip so the duration now changes when you get its tier 2 milestone.
  • Added a missing SharpShooter hair anim FBX file that caused it not to animation on the character select screen.


  • Fixed an issue where Hammer Swing would not interrupt other skills, and would pause slightly after ending the charge before allowing normal movement again.
  • Fixed the legendary Shotgonner’s Shield referring to a bonus effect of Shield Car which does not exist.
  • Reduced the length of Railmaster tracks before they start deleting.
  • Reduced the VFX for Shield Car to help with the intensity.
  • Fixed a tier 3 bonus effect of the ‘Blastin Charge’ skill deals incorrect damage.

Torchlight III – Ver. ???

  • Release date: November 12th 2020 (North America, Europe)
  • Patch notes:


  • Added Lionbridge to the Credits screen. This team rocks!
  • Added additional information about the build and environment to the in-game menu. In shipping builds, this information is hidden unless the player holds a combination of keys on the menu for 4 seconds.
    • Keyboard: 1+2+3+4
    • Gamepad: Click Left Thumbstick + Click Right Thumbstick


  • Fixed crash when deserializing multiple status effect entries.
  • Fixed a crash in the material fade swap component when the material is null.
  • Fixed a server crash when adding a new quest while completing several tasks as part of placing a Luck Tree prop.
  • Fixed several more server crashes.
  • Created methods to reduce performance issues on Switch related to minion spawns.
  • Fixed an issue where if there is a communication failure with the login service during the moment when you choose to go to character select, the game will send you to character create as though you had no characters.
  • Fixed a crash found after the ‘Shocking Rounds’ skill bounces off the enemy to a nearby destroyable object.
  • Fixed an issue where Shocking Rounds’ passive causes the enemies’ corpses to be connected with laser beams, and the title may crash if the turret kills an enemy.
  • Fixed a crash that could sometimes happen when a monster or boss was destroyed instantly.
  • Fix missing single-player characters during arc link failures.


  • Updated the Welcome Screen art for Halloween update.
  • Certain mailbox items are no longer hidden on the mail reward screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the close button wasn’t being hidden on the terms/privacy modal when it was asked to. 
  • Fixed Voice Overs for NPCs and Lore objects that weren’t playing if the user’s OS language is set to certain locales.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to equip gear, unequip gear, use stash, sell to NPCs, or edit fort.

Frontier Map

  • Fixed an issue where when a player enters the second act, and generates a portal, the icon show for McTyre’s Cove is the same icon for Trevail Point on the World Map.


  • Updated the minimap warp pad icon to look more like the actual one in game.
  • Overlay Map Scaling and Material updates.

Character Create

  • Player/pet names are no longer checked for profanity in Singleplayer mode.
  • Fixed an issue where players could see duplicates of their characters in the character select list.
  • Fixed an issue where the character select screen could open on top of an error modal after failing to enter the game after creating a character.
  • Fixed an issue where skill icons are displayed with a short delay during the Character Create process after picking the Relic.
  • Increased the size of the Relic selected state glow in the Relic picker flow. 
  • Fixed one of the Sharpshooter hair options not changing color.
  • Fixed an issue where the player given “cannot revert” prompt when changing difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue where the icon of the Character Level shield changes while the player from normal difficulty sets the higher one.

Party Play & Chat

  • Reduced the size of the “Right here” Tombstone icon in the Revive dialog box.
  • Fixed an issue where a friend’s online status does not update when friend goes online/offline.
  • Fixed an issue where Hardcore Forged and Railmaster characters do not stay dead if they die while in a party.
  • Fixed an issue where creating a character with at least one dead hardcore character and the character limit is reached, the player is stuck after the character creation process.
  • Fixed an issue where players can no longer revive other players while traveling after picking a revive option that sends them to town or another area.
  • Fixed an issue where party invites do not get sent correctly when certain glyphs are in the Steam account name. 
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Party’ and ‘Whisper’ buttons are initially not displayed in the ‘Steam Friends’ tab.
  • Fixed an issue where invites would fail when inviting a Steam friend by account name.
  • Console sessions now join automatically bringing the joining player into a new or existing party of the target player.
  • Fixed players able to get into situations where they are in multiple parties at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue where the party leader would not get kicked from the party after they disconnected.
  • Partial fix for an issue where players don’t get kicked from the party after they have timed out.
       Dev Note: It could sometimes promote the same person who disconnected to be the leader.
  • Fixed an issue where players are not notified right away when their party member enters the area they are in.
  • Long player IDs should now fit correctly in the player notification widget.
  • Party members no longer appear greyed out as if they were dead when they are in another area. 
  • Fixed an issue where the “Your portal was destroyed” notification appears for everyone in the party.
  • Updated the message that displays when a player sends an invite to another player who is offline. 
  • Fixed an issue where walking away from the party member causes their avatar to be displayed as a default character with level 1.
  • Fixed an issue where unknown glyphs are displayed as underscores in chat when they are part of the user’s Steam account name.
  • Fixed a bug where the invite option could be displayed for your current party members in the friends list on consoles.
  • We now Mute/Unmute players in your party if you block/mute them via console system UI.
  • Updated “Mute” button to say “Block” to reflect the function of the button. 
  • Fixed an issue where the voice chat speaker icons do not appear on Steam.
  • Fixed an issue where walking away from the party member causes a skull to be displayed on their avatar.
  • Fixed an issue where blocking a party invite caused the blocked party member to see a blocked prompt.


  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Unlock’ and ‘Gain Level’ tooltips were not translated into Traditional Chinese.
  • Correcting Poison Dart and Ramming robot descriptions not being translated into Traditional Chinese.
  • Adding localization for new Non-Class Armor and Non-Class Weapons legendarium skills tabs.
  • Corrected missing skill description localization.
  • Correcting untranslated lines on character select and help menus.
  • Fixed the “Reset to Default” text that spilled out when language is changed to Deutsch and Italiano.
  • Fixed some Forged skills’s description being displayed in English on all language settings.


  • Fixed an issue where the list of playable characters cannot be scrolled with the left stick.
  • The ‘Refresh’ button in the Friends menu is now hidden when a controller is active.
  • Fixed an issue where Button prompts for menu and tab navigation were missing on all controller setups.
  • Fixed an issue where when the player selects any adjustable setting in the Options menu, the Modify tooltip always displays the D-pad Left button, regardless of the marker’s position.
  • Added missing “Relic” marker on all console controller Help Diagrams.
  • Updated the D-pad icon for “Send Pet to Town Vendor” to the correct one (up instead of down).
  • Targeting breakables with a gamepad is easier now.
  • Fixed an issue where skills in the relic select screen can’t be navigated with gamepad for information.
  • It is no longer possible to assign a regular skill to a pet slot or vice versa by using the gamepad mid-drag/drop.
  • Fixed an issue where Goblin Fury drops would show a gamepad button prompt and be targetable while being auto-picked up.
  • The button that opens the in-game menu at title and character select now also close it. 
  • Removed the ‘select’ option on the safe-adjust zone settings option for the controller.
  • Added slot group toggle indicator to the skills bar in the skills screen.


  • Shortened Fields of Unrest, as there was a large section of this hub before The Chasm, which led to difficulty finding The Chasm. The density of monster spawns here also was leading to over-leveling and for it to just take too long to clear on your way to The Chasm when playing through the story.
  • Slightly lowered the XP to level from level 2 to 3 and 3 to 4 to more consistently reach a level as you clear these first dungeons.
  • Increased the amount of XP to level from level 4 to 5 to account for the section after the Den of Upheaval in Edgewood Bluff, the section at the beginning of the Fields of Unrest and (to a lesser extent), the invaded Trevail Passage (on your first character on your account).
  • Slightly raised the XP to level from level 6 through 41 to more accurately accommodate additional XP from champions. 
  • Fixed an issue where the player may revive or warp under the map – especially with large monsters nearby.
  • Fixed the Burning Tree having no SFX.


  • We now prevent party members from accessing portals created by a player that is only meant to portal to themselves (causing infinite load screens).
  • Fixed an instance of an infinite loading screen during portal to party member.
  • Fixed portal-to-party only taking you to the area, not to the player when you do it from town. 
  • Fixed cases where Phase Beast Dungeons don’t put you back where the portal generated.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get an endless loading screen when going into a Phasebeast portal.
  • Fixed an issue where travelling through the portal from the first Mapwork location to another player that is already in the Boss area can result in an infinite loading screen or getting stuck in a void.
  • Fixed the Squawkclaw boss warp so it should now take you to Machineworks, not back to the Scavenger’s Trail.
  • Fixed an issue where the player cannot enter Boss location via portal after completing the quest on a specific Mapworks seed.
  • Fixed an issue where after leaving the dungeon by the player’s teleport, they can use the waypoint to travel to their portal and end up in the void. 
  • Fixed instances of double area headers from occurring when portalling.


  • Hyvid Frontier first time cinematic added.
  • Echonok Frontier first time cinematic added.
  • Fixed Sadista’s outro cinematic from playing again if the character re-enters the boss arena.
  • Added a couple of lights in the first cinematic to brighten darker areas.


  • Added bubble text to Imperial Pest Control Researcher.
  • Fixed Kenik from appearing where they shouldn’t.
  • Fixed the rocking chair in McTyre’s Cove rocks from side to side with the wind.

Edgewood Bluff

  • Fix and odd artifact issue found on the skirt in a specific seed.
  • Fixed a visible hole in the world found in a couple specific seeds.
  • Rotated a chest that was facing an odd direction.

Heroes Bluff

  • Removed invisible trap present on the specific seed.

Fields of Unrest

  • Fixed a floating clickable found in a specific seed.
  • Fixed a hole in the terrain near the edge.
  • Removed some awkwardly placed gravestones and replaced them with foliage.
  • Fixed the mini-map that incorrectly showed an untraversable area on a specific seed even though the player can walk through it.
  • Fixed a barrel that clipped through the ground in a specific seed.
  • Removed some breakables that were causing issues.
  • Added missing minimap in a specific seed.
  • Added foliage to an area that needed it in a specific seed.

The Chasm

  • Fixed an overhanging resource node in a specific seed.
  • Moved an unreachable breakable.
  • Moved a floating decoration.

Trial of Fire

  • Fixed a chest that clips through the environment in a specific seed.
  • Fixed a clickable object that clips through the environment on a specific seed.
  • Fixed a seam found in a specific seed.
  • Moved a pillar that clipped through a bridge on a specific seed.
  • Fixed a floating chest.

Wideload’s Lair

  • Moved the stalagmites up a bit so you can’t see the top of them. 

Firebelly Village

  • Moved a resource node found in a specific mini-dungeon seed that clips through a bone pile.
  • Moved some tree resource nodes to a more natural location.
  • Fixed a floating plant found in a specific seed.
  • Added water tiles near Warp 1 so that edge is not seen.
  • Moved a climb up spawner to the other side of the doc and added a couple traps.
  • Rotated lore object for better visibility in a specific seed.

Excavated Workshop

  • Moved a shrine to an elevated location.

Crash Course

  • Rotated a lore object.

Overgrown Trek

  • Fixed a tree found in the water.

Firebelly Stronghold

  • Cleared the area for a shrine that was covered a bit.
  • Moved a tree harvest node to resolve some clipping.
  • Moved a chest to a more viewable location.
  • Moved a dock down a bit to prevent z-fighting.
  • Added decoration and chest to a dead end area.
  • Added some foliage to a barren area.

The Kennel

  • Updated a spawner in a particular location near a hut.
  • Moved a lore object closer to a wall.

Mossrat Den

  • Removed spike trap that doesn’t belong.
  • Moved a resource node that hangs off the map a bit.

Watcher’s Thicket

  • Added a wooden platform underneath some rocks to flatten navmesh and prevent the player from falling into hole.
  • Moved a coffin out a bit to prevent clipping through rocks.
  • Added wooden platforms to jump down spawners so they’ren’t running in air.
  • Moved a spawner so that monsters don’t appear from a random busted wagon.
  • Placed mushroom in a more suitable location so it’s not hovering off of a rock.
  • Moved a chest so that it doesn’t clip through a wooden decoration.
  • Moved a chest so that it doesn’t clip through the floor.
  • Fixed z-fighting on some wood planks.

Lakeside Clearing

  • Removed extra skirt tile causing issues and a tree in the water.
  • Extended a dock section.

Lake Gobdunk

  • Moved a chest away from a post to prevent clipping.

Hidden Falls

  • Moved and rotated a couple of stone resource nodes.
  • Added a small rock to hide a hole in the wall.
  • Added smoke VFX to obscure an entrance and hide a spawn.

Witching Grounds

  • Moved and rotated some skeleton bodies.

Guarded Path

  • Added some rocks in the lower sections and cave skirts so edges are better obscured.
  • Repainted some terrain in a problem area.
  • Moved a chest that clipped through a rock.
  • Painted some mismatching terrain.
  • Moved a quest object to a better clearing area.
  • Added a rock behind a spawn hut and moved runout spawner to a better spot and made some other adjustments.

Polluted Plateau

  • Repainted some terrain to match the ground.

Corpsefire Crypt

  • Added additional level skirts.
  • Repainted some terrain to match the ground.
  • Placed foliage in an area.
  • Fixed bad seam painting.
  • Repainted terrain around mounds for better blending.

Venomous Nest

  • Moved warp location to not be too close to the NPC when chest reward falls.

Bogwood Hollow

  • Fixed an issue where the player can walk through the rocks without a collision on a specific seed.
  • Fixed an issue where the player can sink into the ground texture for a moment on a few specific seeds.
  • Fixed an issue where the player can walk through rocks without a collision in a specific seed.

Hyvid Hatchery

  • Made this area less linear.
  • Added a wall to fix a hole in the world.

Murky Miasma

  • Added a skirt to a barren part of the level.

Acrid Plains

  • Fixed an area where the player could sink into the ground.
  • Added chests to a couple of dead end areas.
  • Added a crystal to a vent that needed some.

Ancestral Grove

  • Added navblocker and some foliage to prevent the player from clipping into Boss chest.
  • Added some decorations and breakables to an area that needed it.

The Ascent

  • Moved spawn location a bit further from warp point so you don’t click on it by mistake.

Amber Hold

  • Fixed an area where gold was being dropped and could not be picked up.

Library of Firebeard’s Legacy

  • Removed floating papers.


  • Fixed an issue where the playable character cannot walk through the path on a specific seed.
  • Increased the lighting and added more accent lights throughout the level.

Grand Hall

  • A view-obscuring wall with no collision may appear after traveling into specific area seeds from Echo Landing.

Chop Shop

  • Fixed invisible stone resource crate.

Volutra Village

  • Removed a resource node that could not be reached.
  • Fixed a floating trap found in the background.


  • Fixed dead ends found in a hyvid caves dungeon seed.
  • Shortened the goblin forest waterfall (River Run) mapworks dungeon.

Challenge Dungeons

  • Fixed an area where the player can step off the bridge without collision. 
  • Added a nav blocker to prevent the player from clipping through a boss chest.
  • Added volume blocker to prevent the player from being blocked by a cliff.


  • Fixed an issue where Hyvid Paste currency item takes a while to load in the material/textures (appears gray initially).
  • Breakable green-goo banner prop in Hyvid areas can now drop Wood Logs.
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Ridiculous’ Gear luck buff does not apply in combat area while in party.
  • Increased the drop rate for legendary gear at higher levels (46+) on higher difficulties. This is a bit more of a significant change for Ridiculous difficulty than for Painful or Hard, but we did at least increase the rate a bit for those as well.


  • Added Gear ‘N’ Goblins Gift Bundle. Only available in multiplayer boxes on Halloween weekend. 
  • You can now buy Respectacles at a vendor for 2500 gold.
  • Reduced the drop rate of Lifebound Scrolls, so you’re not sitting on so many of them, from a 1 in 20 chance to a 1 in 40 chance. 
  • Fixed Netherbloom disappearing upon interacting with it.
  • Renamed “Liquid Courage” consumable item to “Netherbloom Nectar”.


  • Fixed the formatting of the stat for bleed, burn, shock and poisoned DoT affixes in the stats menu so they show as a % of weapon damage instead of just an unformatted value. 
  • Skill-enhancing affixes in the normal affix pool have been greatly improved, now offering bonuses to Relic skills, increased values on bonuses, and more types of bonuses.
  • Fixed Herman’s Masterwork legendary affix not functioning.
  • Disabled Cooldown reduction for Luminous Run affix. Does not function properly with charges and other movement skills do not have cooldown reduction available. 
  • Freeze, Immobilize, Stun, and Blind chances/durations have been lowered across the board.
  • Added three missing skill modifier affixes to the AffixTable: Forged Cooldown: Coal Launch & Vortex Bomb, Sharpshooter Duration: Onslaught


  • Fixed an issue where icons for armor matching description were not updating for use in other classes.
  • Ghost pets summoned by The Ancient One’s Token now last their full duration.
  • Addressed a bug with Shasta’s Promise Sharpshooter legendary to make it deal additional damage for Shasta.
  • Marked the towns as valid to provide secondary defense affixes of any element, so that the gambler can give you useful gear for the end game in any town after you have finished the story. 
  • Fixed an issue where the poison shrine VFX is displayed over the characters head when the ‘Overheated’ buff from Mountain King’s Gauntlets is active.
  • Fixed an issue with Dusk Mage Set’s Celestial Pauldrons set bonus not functioning.
  • Firestarter’s fireball damage increased to 80% Weapon Damage (up from 40%)
  • Item affixes that grant skill levels should now grant the skill if needed.
  • Fixed the Neckband of Poison Warding that did not give immunity to Poison damage to the player’s Pet.
  • Fixed Tight Breeches (common item) coded incorrectly to appear as a Legendary drop on the mini-map.
  • Fixed Shardblade (rare item) coded incorrectly to appear as a Legendary drop on the mini-map.
  • Fixed Hardened Miner’s boots (magic item) coded incorrectly to appear as a Legendary drop on the mini-map.
  • Add new icons, SFX, and VFX for new Legendary items.
  • Added the following Legendary items that can only be found in Fazeer’s Dun’djinn: Lightning Baller, Sword of the Lost Legion, Ancient Ember Helm,
  • Ancient Ember Shoulders, Ancient Ember Pants, Ancient Ember Gloves, Ancient Ember Chest, Ancient Ember Boots, Ancient Ember Treads, Ancient Ember Hatch
  • The Musketeer Gloves summon now uses the correct weapon and animations.


  • Fixed issue with text running off the description area. 
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘New Legendary Skill Slot’ notification icon appears when hovering over the edges of the remaining icons displayed at the upper-right corner of the screen.


  • Nerfed Enchanting Recipe drop rate.
  • Fixed the Hyvid Scrapper recipe that unlocked the Hyvid Wrecker recipe instead.
  • Fixed a typo in the name of the Hyvid large armor enchanting recipe (was “Hyvid Scrapper(Armor)” now, “Hyvid Scrapper (Armor)”).
  • Added Essence drop models for the new Fazeer affix.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘All enchanting slots are full.’ prompt was not updated respectively.
  • Lowered the minimum level for enchanting recipes to drop from 47 to 46, so they can drop in the first Fazeer’s Dun’djinn.


  • Two new spooky fort decorations have been added to each Contract. See the list below in the fort section for details.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not navigate the contracts menu after unlocking a high level reward, scrolling all the way to the end, then closing and re-opening the menu.
  • Contract banners are now higher resolution.
  • Fixed an issue where after switching contracts, they displayed amount of fame always refers to the contract that has been chosen when the player has entered the game


  • Fixed an issue where area quests would not be added if the quest service takes too long to return quest progress.


  • Increased the drop chance for all mapworks/Fazeer quests.
  • Fixed an issue where the character can get stuck in act 3 (Codex Impression doesn’t drop to complete Knowledge is Power quest).
  • Reduced spiders required to complete the “Silky Threads” quest and changed to a percentage. Reduced required Silky Webbings from 4 to 3.
  • Decreased required count for spiders for the “Ichory Situation” quest, and changed to a percentage. Reduced the required count for collecting Spider Ichor and increased the progressive drop chance.
  • Increased drop chance of Aetheric Stars for the Aborted Invasion quest.
  • Fixed the Netherim Pylon re-exploding for the “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” quest.
  • Fixed an issue where The player cannot finish the quest due to the insufficient amount of objects to collect on a specific seed for ‘Bone Nerd’
  • Fixed an issue where The player cannot finish the quest due to the insufficient amount of objects to collect on a specific seed for ‘Bottle Block’
  • Increased drop chance of Adult Hyvid Glands for Musky Business quest.
  • Increased progressive drop chance of Rare Bones from the “Bone Nerd” quest.

Text & UI

  • Updated “Return to Your Portal” tutorial UI to include the minimap icon.
  • Fixed Plate of Pancakes quest item that dropped sideways.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong string is displayed for the quest task to Defeat Yapper.
  • Aligned a key icon in the Legendarium tutorial text.


  • Fixed an issue where the fort save could fail to load if a prop was saved with an uninitialized trait value. 
  • We now load a default fort of the fort server loads too slowly (instead of an empty fort).
  • Fixes to Camera behavior in Fort.
  • Fixed an issue where you can’t edit your fort if you start at a zoomed enough view.
  • Fixed an issue where the highlighted object’s outline is still visible after changing tabs in the fort inventory.
  • Personal forts no longer change a player’s default town. 
  • Added title element for Trevail Passage on the HUD.
  • Updated various NPCs in passages with names and bubble text.
  • Added NPCs to idle around fort passages.
  • Potential fix for an issue where players were unable to see their fort props but could still enter the fort on Xbox.
  • Moved fort edit button to top of the screen.


  • Fixed an issue where Wardrobe items are lost after the player leaves the fort and returns to it.
  • Added new icons for new spoopy fort decorations.
  • Added the following spoopy fort decorations:
    • Adventurer’s Contract: Faceless Orator (Rare), Tombstone (Common)
    • Homesteader’s Contract: Wooden Coffin (Common), Cemetery Stone Wall (Magic)
    • Craftsman’s Contract: Witch’s Table (Rare), Skull Gate (Magic)
  • Fix for no SFX being played after placing Training Dummy in the Fort.
  • Increased Training Dummy limit from 1 to 4, so players can test AoE skills.
  • Luck Tree now has a similar hold time option to sacrifice items (like destroying an item).


  • Fixing the violet glittersprite portrait to be the correct one.
  • Fixed an issue where pet collars stored in a wardrobe appear as unequippable.
  • Fixed an issue where your pet can disappear upon changing location using Waypoint.
  • Adding portraits for four new pet variations.
  • Added three new pet variations: Midnight Cat, Spooky Retriever, Dragonling Spirit. All of them can now be found randomly in pet cages.
  • Added the Echtra Life alpaca. This will only be available to those who donate to our 2020 Extra Life fundraising campaign.
  • We now show your pet type on windows that should provide that info.
  • Fixed an issue where the pet’s preview is not always displayed when the player rescues a Pet from the Pet Cage.
  • The Pet Glittersprite now lands next to the player in the character select and not behind the pillar.
  • Glittersprites now do not use perch.
  • Fixed the missing countdown timer from pet inventory when pet has fled.


  • Fixed an issue where the player cannot progress after the first level of the Challenge Dungeon.
  • Increased the bonus monster damage by Challenge Dungeon level, starting at +1% at level 16, increasing to +47% at level 251. 
  • Made the difficulty more distinct on the HUD.
  • Champions no longer spawn in Fazeer’s Dun’djinn with the Gauntlet Affix.


  • We now prevent Infamous and Gauntlet from being applied to the same Challenge Dungeon card option.
  • Made the descriptions of some of the detrimental challenge dungeon affixes have less specific numbers, so our tuning can be more flexible relative to localization. 
  • Shackled affix once again functions as described.
  • Fixed an issue where Shocked effects would not apply correctly if they affected one of the skill slots that is in a different position with Gamepad vs. Mouse/Keyboard.
  • Added the new beneficial Challenge Dungeon affix “Essential” which allows monsters to drop essence for enchanting and the boss to drop legendary essence.
  • Added a random fort decoration bundle from the bosses for the Harvest Lucky Challenge Dungeon affix.
  • Standardized loot spawn from bosses so that all of the bosses use the same item spawn logic, but the big bad bosses give an additional chance to drop Respectacles.


  • Added new Relic Legendary gear icons.
  • Added relic icon to the Relic HUD progress bar.
  • Added a new Relic Description entry with icon to the skill description tooltip. 
  • Both tooltips for the relic HUD elements now show the proper numbers for the current energy levels. 


  • Revised the tier bonus text for Ice Shield to correctly refer to Ice Shield, not Ice Barrier. 
  • Adjusted Ice Golem base damage to 150% weapon damage, matching the tooltip description.


  • Electrode’s Chaotic Strikes tier 1 bonus now correctly fires 3 storms instead of 2.

Flaming Destroyer

  • Fixed a tooltip error in the barrier skill for Flaming Destroyer, “Nimble Flames.”

Blood Drinker

  • Fixed it so Blood Drinker’s Bloodseeker’s tier 1 milestone now heals as it says.
  • Fixed the Tier 2 of the Spinning Blade skill that did not apply the Bleed effect to enemies.
  • Fixed the Blood Missiles from Blood Seekers incorrect tooltip.


  • Added final Bane icon for enhanced activation.
  • Fixed an issue where leveling the Venomous Maw skill does not increase its damage over time.
  • Fixed an issue where Fanged Maw was using the wrong skill for the spider on the Tier 2 milestone.
  • Fixed it so Bane’s Spectral Spider now does poison attacks with its tier bonus.
  • Addressed an issue where Bane minions were not getting the bonus from the Puppet Master passive.
  • Edited the tooltip for Spiderlings to make it accurately reflect how the passive functions.


  • Further reduced monster hit points on Painful and Ridiculous difficulty levels from levels 2 to 20 to give you more time to progress and build up damage-dealing skills, gear, etc. This should help the feeling of slog on the higher difficulties, especially against champions and bosses. 
  • Fixed an issue where minion quality champions were getting affixes like Stormbringer.
  • Adjusted how we calculate per-level damage bonuses for various minion skills and their tooltips.
  • Reduced damage from the Nether Well missiles from 150% of monster damage to 50% of monster damage.
  • Increased the drop chance for legendary items from champions and bosses.


  • Fixed a missing name for the Shocked status effect against the player.


  • Flagged additional monsters as valid for being solo (legendary or unique) champions so that we can more reliably spawn champions.
  • Adjusted the tuning of the stone elementals vs. decoy stone elementals in the various areas for which they are valid.
  • Improved the ability for stone elementals to spawn into The Abandoned Mine.
  • Fixed an issue with the stone elementals’ spawners, which caused them to often fail to spawn.
  • Increased the chance that stone elementals and static stone elemental props will be populated into the world.
  • Set the various stone elemental spawners as “always roll active” to help them provide stone elementals more reliably.
  • Reduced Phase Beast health by about 40%.
  • Fixed an issue where Brall stops attacking halfway through the battle.
  • Fixed spawners for B’hemau – Netherim Brute and Algramath – Netherim Herald found in Mapworks and Challenge Dungeons that may have prevented them from spawning properly.
  • Custodians no longer scale up after spawning.
  • Fixed an issue where Goblin Shaman monsters wouldn’t resurrect their fallen allies. 
  • Slowed down the Hyvid Larvae by 25% so they aren’t quite so frustrating for melee builds, especially at higher difficulties. 
  • Herman’s specter now wields a Herman’s Masterwork bow instead of a Two-Ton Pull.
  • Thunder Thighs title now reads Thunderthighs.
  • Reduced the damage of the Netherim Brute ground-snaking nether bolt skill from 100% of monster damage to 30%, as you could fairly easily get hit by multiple of them at a time. 


  • Phase Dungeon bosses are now picked based on the area that you are in. Only big bosses that you would have defeated before gaining access to the area in which you defeat the boss can be encountered in the phase dungeons. Ordrak no longer appears in Phase Dungeons.
  • Fixed Sadista intro triggering again if the player dies and respawns in the area or goes to the previous area and re-enters the boss area.
  • Strongtusk health reduced by 25%.
  • Fixed Wideload’s Cavebreaker dealing 100% weapon Damage instead of the listed 30%.
  • Fixed logic for picking the monsters for Phase Dungeon boss fights with: Psora, Sadista, Shriekbeak, Squawkclaw, Krronk
  • Fixed an issue where Shriekbeak’s Lightning Orb attack could deal damage multiple times.


  • Fixed an issue where Brall did not have a walking animation for the first 2-3 seconds when starting the fight.
  • Fixed an issue where monsters that were off-screen when they died could end up frozen in their last-seen poses when coming back into view. 
  • Fixed Skittles, Thunderthighs and Oakbeard having a unique champion monster quality decal under them, when we don’t do that for other minibosses that you fight in boss arenas. 
  • Fixed some cases where Voltura are invisible after spawning.
  • Ordrak has been given a new ‘instant spawn’ anim (a version of his idle that is 0.2 seconds long) to prevent feet-sliding to a player on spawn.
  • Set the correct miniboss status effect on the miniboss Syzygyx, so that he gets the proper miniboss VFX.
  • Fixed an issue where Thorned Striders are spawning into the Ascent of Echoes with no animation – they just pop in.
  • Switched the netherim minibosses to use a standard miniboss status effect so that they get the teal decal for unique and miniboss monsters instead of the purple decal, which can make them easy to confuse with elite quality champions. 


  • Add Parameterized Damage Reduction, effectively making the trait multiplicative. This prevents some instances of invincible builds.
  • Fixed an issue where Chained Beams from certain skills stick around forever (Singleplayer only).
  • The menu now remembers the last open tab when reentering the skills menu mode.
  • Made the Thump fail sound when you can’t cast something softer.


  • Fixed an issue where unlocking the Tier 1 bonus of the Sacrifice to Goose skill does not grant additional damage vulnerability on enemies.
  • Adjusted the icon for Sacrifice to Goose’s vulnerability so that it matches the proper icon for the skill that inflicted it.
  • Fixed an issue where leveling Ghost Visage does not increase the critical chance that is granted after using the skill.
  • Fixed an issue where the tier 1 bonus of Reload reduced the cost of charge-based skills. 
  • Scout’s Bones now deals poison damage instead of the player’s weapon element type. 
  • Herman’s spirit uses the sharpshooter bow idle animation instead of the melee weapon idle.

Dusk Mage

  • Added a tooltip to the DM mana ball.
  • Fixed an issue where Tier 1 Absolver milestone was disabling the Harmonic Form bonus.
  • Fixing Light Spear so it heals only when in Harmonic Form with its Tier 1 Bonus, as designed.
  • Fixed an issue where Consecration’s 35% damage bonus didn’t apply its trait.
  • Fixed an issue where the party members do not see any VFX displayed for the ‘Entropy’ skill. The Dusk Mage player using this skill is seeing it displayed properly.
  • Removed errant string in Harmonic Form mouse over tooltip that talked about mana cost increases.
  • Fixed an issue where damage dealt by the Miasma skill caused both Dark and Light bar of the Dusk Mage to be charged, which affected entering the Harmonic Form. 
  • Fixed a bad copy/paste in the skillstable that was breaking Holy Fury.
  • 0.5 second cooldown added to Luminous Run (for real this time) to prevent accidental double casts. 


  • Fixed Shotgonne Blast’s flaming projectile from the Tier 3 bonus that did not deal any damage.
  • Fixed an issue where leveling the Poison Dart skill did not increase the damage over time which is applied to the enemies that are standing in the poisoned spot.
  • Fixed an issue where the display information for Forged Servo-Driven Uppercut and Slug Shot listed incorrect scaling types. Both skills have always scaled up their damage per point, but were displaying Stun Chance and Critical Hit Chance respectively. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Tier 3 bonus of the Power Projection skill did not give invulnerability.
  • Edited Rapid Strike’s tooltip to reflect that it hits three times by default, not 4.
  • Furnace Blast’s Tier 3 bonus makes the skill use a larger cone skillshape.


  • Railmaster Lay Track’s Tier 3 milestone duration increased to 10 seconds (up from 3 seconds).
  • Fixed an error where Blasting Charge’s damage vulnerability tier one bonus was a multiplier instead of additive.
  • Fixed the Tier 2 of the Blasting Charge skill that did not have any effect.
  • Fixed an issue where the Blasting Charge Tier 3 bonus explosion spawned by the player instead of by the first explosion. 
  • Fixed the Tier 1 of the Torque Swing skill that did not have any effect.
  • Fixed an issue where Railmaster’s Torque Spin triggered on-cooldown effects, such as Battery Ram, twice.
  • Edited Railmaster Shocking Rounds skill. In the process of adding milestones we removed the lightning strikes from above from the base activation and moved it to the tier 3 milestone. However, we forgot to replace this with the intended active portion to the skill. Now the chain lightning strikes an additional target when active (two by default), with an additional target struck when the tier 1 milestone is achieved.
  • Fixed an issue where the Endurance regeneration portion of Shocking Rounds didn’t function.
  • Edited Pound’s Endurance bonus buff tooltip to reflect that it does 30% bonus to attack speed and damage for basics, not 50%.
  • Added a small delay to the Pound skill’s tier 3 bonus to make it more obvious that it’s happening.
  • Removed functions that were not working on Lantern Flash, resulting in non-functioning bonuses to its duration.
  • List of changes:
  • adds three new pets. The Midnight Cat, Dragonling Spirit, and the Spooky Retriever can be rescued from dungeons and bosses, and come with a new legendary pet skill, Necropupper. This ability summons two skeletons that last 12 seconds, deal 50% weapon damage and have 50% of your health. These spooky pets will only be available until December, so players will need to track them down before then!
  • adds the Ancient Ember gear set. A Relic-focused set, provides two new skills: Imbue Relic, which restores all Relic Energy and resets Relic skill cooldowns, and Earthen Spike, which conjures spikes from the ground that deal 100% weapon damage to a nearby enemy when an Active Relic Skill is activated.
  • adds two new weapons. The Sword of the Lost Legion grants a new active skill that allows players to summon a battalion of ghostly skeletons, while the Lightning Baller mace fires a large shock bolt that splinters into smaller shock bolt projectiles.
  • adds six new fort decorations to unlock, as two new fort items have been added to each of three contracts in the multi-tiered contracts progression and reward system that lets players earn Fame and unlock elite items.
    • Adventurer’s Contract
      • Faceless Orator (Rare)
      • Tombstone (Common)
    • Homesteader’s Contract
      • Wooden Coffin (Common)
      • Cemetery Stone Wall (Magic)
    • Craftsman’s Contract
      • Witch’s Table (Rare)
      • Skull Gate (Magic)
  • introduces a number of quality of life improvements
    • two new added affixes to Fazeer’s Dun’djinn: Anchored and Essential
    • the ability to buy Respectacles — special items players can use to respec their builds — in town via potion vendors
  • provides bug fixes
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Perfect World

Torchlight III – Ver. ???

  • Release date: October 29th 2020 (North America, Europe)
  • Patch notes:


  • Additional updates to ensure singleplayer save files retain progress.
  • Fixed several rare crash cases for clients and servers.


  • Fixed server crash if the hazard ends up invalidating itself in the status effect clear action.
  • Fixed a server crash that can happen if a root motion occurred that ended up with a duration that was too short.
  • Fix for players who could get stuck in Singleplayer when rejecting the legal policies.

User Interface

  • Fixed an issue when members of a party are not within the same level, their party icon displays them as dead.


  • Reenabled Wardrobes. We disabled these due to reports that Wardrobes in Singleplayer were permanently stealing/losing gear. The item loss issue is now resolved, and wardrobe recipes are no longer hidden in the Fort > Storage crafting menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the player is unable to see items within their fort after the fort is initially created.
  • Fix for players whose forts could go missing in Singleplayer.


  • Fixed Enchanting recipes are not dropping at post-campaign levels.


  • Fixed an issue where the player may not receive the reward for opening the boss’s chest if they’re doing it simultaneously with other team members.
  • Fixed an issue where Sadista disappears completely.


  • Reduced the Netherwell Champion damage.
  • Reduced B’hemau’s ground missile bolts damage.


  • Fixed an issue where open-world bosses would regenerate full health when the player moved away from the immediate area.


  • Fixed the ‘Chaotic Strikes’ Tier 1 bonus that was not functioning.

Dusk Mage

  • Fixed an issue where the Consecration buff does not go away.
  • Fixed Damnation with the tier 3 bonus unlocked that does not immobilize enemies.
  • Fixed Dark Spear tier 3 bonus that did not deal with damage upon activating the skill.
  • Fixed a case of Consecration base increase of damage that does not work.
  • Fixed Netherlings summoned by Spirit Well that does not attack enemies.


  • Fixed the Scout’s Bones Tier 1 bonus that was not granting an additional stack of the Precision Skill buff.
  • Fixed Sharpshooter hair not always animating in Character Create.
  • Increased fidelity on Sharpshooter walk to run blend for Controller stick.


  • Fixed the Furnace Blast Tier 3 bonus that fails to function.


  • Fixed the tier 3 of the Pound skill that fails to function.

How to download updates for Torchlight IIIfor the Nintendo Switch?

To download the updates for Torchlight III, you have three options:

  • let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off

If not…

  • try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;


  • select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.

To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.