SNES Classic / SNES Mini / Super Famicom Mini: trailers, details on new features, more
Today, Nintendo shared some additional details about the Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Super NES Classic Edition (SNES Classic) / Nintendo Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES Mini) / Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Famicom (Famicom Mini), complete with new trailers revealing and detailing the various features (new and “old”).
Let’s start with those trailers!
North America:
The SNES Classic / SNES Mini / Famicom Mini has a pretty neat feature called Rewind, which is pretty self-explanatory: it allows you to rewind up to 5mn of gameplay from your last save. What’s more, each game can have up to four suspend points, which means you really should no longer get stuck at an impossible place anymore, there will always be a way for you to save the day without restarting.
But this feature is also pretty helpful with certain games, as it allows you to see what you were doing before you saved!
The console also has a Frame feature, once again pretty self-explanatory: it allows you to customise the frame the games are displayed on. It looks like some of the frames change colour based on the game you’re playing… pretty neat! There’s 12 different types of frames for you to choose from.
Next, we have a feature called “My Play Demo”, which uses your suspend point. Basically, it displays a video based on your last suspend point as if it was one of those “demo videos” you generally got by leaving the game running on the Title Screen for a few moments. That way, you will be able to see which game you played last… provided you didn’t deactivate this feature!
Finally, there’s the Analogue TV Mode, which emulates the “look” of old television sets. The NES Classic / NES Mini / Famicom Mini had a similar feaure that emulated the look at 80’s TVs, but since this is the SNES we’re talking about, the feature was updated to emulate the look at TV sets from the 90’s!
Here’s a video from the official website (Japanese), showcasing those 4 features:
Next, here’s some gameplay footage for all 21 games included in the Super Famicom Mini (most of the games are also included in the SNES Classic / SNES Mini, but there’s a few differences… click here for more details!):
And here’s screenshots of all 21 games included in the SNES Classic / SNES Mini (complete list can be found in this post):
Finally, here’s a few more pictures of the console itself:
The Super NES Classic Edition / Nintendo Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System comes out on September 29th in Europe and North America.
The Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Famicom comes out on October 5th in Japan.