Sid Meier’s Civilization VI (Switch): all the updates (latest: Ver. ???)
On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for Sid Meier’s Civilization VI on Nintendo Switch (originally released on November 16th 2018 in North America, Europe, and Japan).
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Sid Meier’s Civilization VI – Ver. ???
- Release date: August 8th 2024 (North America, Europe, Japan) [TBC]
- Patch notes:
No patch notes available yet. This update brings the following to the game:
- adds monthly challenges
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Take-Two (Twitter)
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI – Ver. ??? (August 2023 Game Update)
- Release date: August 30th 2023 (North America, Europe) / August 31st 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Julius Caesar – Veni, vidi, vici
- New: +300 Gold whenever you conquer a city for the first time or when you earn Gold from a Barbarian Outpost. The Gold becomes 500 after researching Metal Casting and 700 after Steel (on Standard Speed). When targeting Barbarians, receive +5 Combat Strength and always earn normal XP.
- Old: Receive 200 Gold whenever you conquer a city for the first time or 100 Gold when you clear a Barbarian Outpost. These Gold amounts increase to 500 after you research Steel.
Wu Zetian – Manual of Entrapment
- New: All Spies operate at 1 level higher. Whenever an offensive spy mission is successful, you also gain 100% of the Culture, Science, and Faith that the targeted city made that turn. Receive a free spy at Defensive Tactics and +1 Spy Capacity. You can purchase Spies with Faith.
- Old: All offensive Spies operate at 1 level higher. Whenever an offensive spy mission is successful, you also gain 50% of the Culture and Science that the targeted city earned that turn. Receive a free Spy (and extra Spy Capacity) after discovering Defensive Tactics.
Harald Hadrada (Varangian) – Varangian Guard
- New: (Base game) 75% discount on levying units, and all units pay 2 less Gold maintenance. +1 Influence Point per turn from the Stave Church.
- Old: (Base game) 75% discount on levying units, and all units pay 2 less Gold maintenance.
- New: (Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm DLCs) All units pay 2 less Gold maintenance. 75% Discount on levying units, and levied units receive Culture, Faith, and Science from kills equal to 50% of the opponent’s Combat Strength. +1 Influence Point per turn from the Stave Church.
- Old: (Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm DLCs) 75% Discount on levying units, and levied units receive Culture, Faith, and Science from kills equal to 50% of the opponent’s combat strength.
Abraham Lincoln – Emancipation Proclamation
- New: Industrial Zones give +2 Amenities and +3 Loyalty per turn, but your Plantations give -2 Loyalty per turn. Receive a free Melee unit after constructing Industrial Zones and their buildings. The free unit does not require resources when created or to maintain and receives +5 Combat Strength.
- Old: (Base game) Industrial Zones give +2 Amenities. Receive a free Melee unit after constructing Industrial Zones and their buildings. The free unit does not require resources when created or to maintain and receives +5 Combat Strength.
- Old: (Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm DLCs) Industrial Zones give +3 Loyalty per turn but your Plantations give -2 Loyalty. Receive a free Melee unit after constructing Industrial Zones and their buildings. The free unit does not require resources when created or to maintain and receives +5 Combat Strength.
- Changed Kongolese leader Nzinga Mbande’s preferred settlement placement; she now dislikes foreign settlement a great deal more.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing Barbarian attack forces from spawning properly on Immortal difficulty.
- Added Victory Achievements for Leaders introduced in Civilization VI: Leader Pass.
- Abraham Lincoln can no longer complete the “A Man A Plan A Canal Panama” Achievement that requires you to build the Panama Canal as Teddy Roosevelt.
- Fixed a reported issue that was preventing pillaged Dams from being repaired.
- Fixed a reported issue with Ottoman Empire leader Suleiman’s (Muhtesem) secondary agenda not working properly.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Take-Two
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI – Ver. ??? (April 2021 Game Update)
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
New Units
Trebuchet: Medieval Era Catapult upgrade. Siege promotion class. Upgrades into Bombard. Cannot move and attack on the same turn unless they’ve earned the Expert Crew Promotion.
- Units now replacing this unit: Khmer Domrey.
Man-At-Arms: Medieval Era Swordsman upgrade. Melee promotion class. Upgrades into Musketman.
- Unique units that will upgrade into this unit: Roman Legion, Kongolese Ngao Mbeba, Macedon Hypaspist, Persian Immortal, Maori Toa, and Gallic Gaesatae.
- Unique units now replacing this unit: Norwegian Berserker, Japanese Samurai, and Georgian Khevsur.
Line Infantry: Industrial Era Musketman upgrade. Melee promotion class. Upgrades into Infantry.
- Unique units that will upgrade into this unit: Spanish Conquistador and Ottoman Janissary.
- Unique units now replacing this unit: French Garde Imperiale and English Redcoat.
New Maps
- Mediterranean Large Map: A large map of the greater Mediterranean region with resources, terrain, and features reflecting their historic locations.
- Earth Huge Map: A larger sized representation of Earth with resources, terrain, and features reflecting their historic locations.
- TSL Earth Huge: Civilizations start at the location of their historical capital on the huge Earth map.
- TSL Mediterranean: Civilizations start the location of their historic capital on the large Mediterranean map.
Civ and Leaders Balance Update
- Tlachtli: [Base Game] Added +1 Culture. [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Added +2 Culture.
- Coast is now a Tier 2 start bias.
- [Gathering Storm] The Last Best West: Increased the yields of Mines and Lumbermills on Snow, Tundra, Snow Hills, and Tundra Hills to +2 Production. Increased the yield of Camps on these terrains to +2 Food. Farms provide +2 Food on these terrains.
- Dynastic Cycle: Now when completing a Wonder, receive a random Eureka and Inspiration from the era of the Wonder.
- Château: +2 Culture and +1 Gold at base. +1 Culture for each adjacent wonder (increasing to +2 with Flight). +2 Gold for being on a River. Must be adjacent to a Bonus or Luxury resource not adjacent to another Château.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Glory of the World, Kingdom and Faith: No longer receives +100% Faith for 10 turns after declaring a Protectorate War. Instead, combat victories provide Faith equal to 50% of the Combat Strength of the defeated unit (on Standard Speed).
- Rivers are now a Tier 5 start bias.
- Thermopylae: Added +1 Combat Strength for every Military Policy slotted.
- [Gathering Storm] Qhapaq Ñan (leader ability): Added +1 additional Production to Mountains when the game reaches the Industrial Era.
- [Gathering Storm] Inca Terrace Farm: Now gives +1 Housing (was +0.5).
- [Gathering Storm] Mountains (non-Tundra/Snow) are now a Tier 2 start bias.
- Coast tiles are now a Tier 3 start bias.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Grand Barays: Cities with an Aqueduct receive +1 Amenity from entertainment and +1 Faith for every Population. Farms provide +2 Food if adjacent to an Aqueduct and +1 Faith if adjacent to a Holy Site.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Monasteries of the King: Holy Sites are granted a Major adjacency bonus with Rivers, a Culture Bomb, Food equal to its adjacency bonus, and +2 Housing, if on a River.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Prasat: +6 Faith. +0.5 Culture for every Population. Receive +10 Tourism per turn in cities with 10 population. Cities with 20 population are granted double this number.
- Nkisi: Relics, Artifacts, and Sculptures also give +1 Faith. Removed Great Writers from his additional Great people points.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Three Kingdoms: Mines now receive +1 Science for each adjacent Seowon district. Farms now receive +1 Food for each adjacent Seowon district.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Toqui: Cities with an established Governor provide +5% Culture, +5% Production, and +10% Combat Experience towards all units trained in this city. These numbers are tripled in cities not founded by the Mapuche. All cities within 9 tiles of a city with your Governor gain +4 Loyalty per turn towards your civilization.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Swift Hawk: +10 Combat Strength when fighting Free Cities or civilizations that are in a Golden or Heroic Age. Defeating an enemy unit within the borders of an enemy city causes that city to lose 20 Loyalty and 40 Loyalty if that player is in a Golden or Heroic Age.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Chemamull: Added +1 Production.
- Mayab: farms now recieve +1 Production for every adjacent Observatory.
- Ix Mutal Ajaw: Non-capital cities within 6 hexes now also receive a Free builder when the city is founded.
- Start bias changes: Grass, Plains, Grass Hills, Plains Hills are now Tier 1 start biases. Tier 2 consists of Plantation luxuries (Gypsum, Ivory, Jade, Marble, Mercury, and Salt). All other terrains (Desert, Snow, Tundra, Desert Hills, Snow HIlls, Tundra HIlls, Desert Mountain, Snow Mountain, Tundra Mountain) are Tier 3 to discourage Coast spawns.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Ordu: Now gives XP to Siege units.
- Radio Oranje: Domestic Trade Routes provide +2 Loyalty (was +1) per turn for the starting city. Trade Routes sent or receive from a foreign civilization grant +2 Culture (was +1) to the Netherlands.
- Ta-Seti: Now +30% Production toward Ranged units (was 50%).
- Nubian Pyramid: Increase to +2 Faith and +2 Food.
- [Gathering Storm] Grand Vizier: Added +1 Governor Title when Gunpowder Technology is unlocked.
- [Gathering Storm] Niter is now a Tier 5 start bias.
- Pairidaeza: Appeal bonus reduced to +1 (was +2).
- Lithuanian Union: Taking territory from a foreign city with a Culture Bomb converts it to the majority religion (was only the religion founded by Poland).
- Mother Russia: Reduced the number of free tiles in new cities to 5 (was 8).
- Lavra: Moved the Great Writer point to the Shrine, the Great Artist point to the Temple, and the Great Musician point to the Tier 3 Worship building.
- Kurgan: +1 Faith, +3 Gold. +1 Faith for each adjacent Pasture, becoming +2 Faith with Stirrups. Provides Tourism from Faith after researching Flight.
- Treasure Fleet: May form Fleets and Armadas with Mercantilism, instead of Nationalism and Mobilization. Trade Routes receive +3 Gold, +2 Faith, and +1 Production. Trade Routes between multiple continents receive triple these numbers. Cities not on your original Capital’s continent receive +25% production towards districts and a builder when founded.
- El Escorial: Inquisitors can Remove Hersey one extra time. Inquisitors eliminate 100% of the presence of other Religions. Combat and Religious units have a +5 Combat Strength against players following other religions.
- All rulesets now feature the buffed Gathering Storm version of the Mission: +2 Faith. +2 Faith additionally, +1 Food, and +1 Production if on a different continent than your Capital. +1 Science for every adjacent Campus and Holy Site. +2 Science once Cultural Heritage is discovered Cultural Heritage. The Loyalty bonus is still Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm only.
- Remove Coast start bias.
- [Gathering Storm] Geothermal is now a Tier 3 start bias.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Adventures of Enkidu: Added +5 Combat Strength to units when they and their ally are at war with a common foe.
- [Vietnam and Kublai Khan Pack] Thành: No longer provides a Great General point.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Isibongo: Buildings in the Ikanda receive +2 Gold and +1 Science.
- [Gathering Storm] Governor Moksha’s base ability (Bishop): +2 Faith for every specialty district in a city.
Units Balance Update
- Swordsman: Combat Strength decreased to 35 (was 36).
- Infantry: Combat Strength increased to 75 (was 70).
- Ngao Mbeba: Combat Strength increased to 38 (was 36).
- [Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack] Hypaspist: Combat Strength increased to 38 (was 36)
- [Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack] Immortal: Melee/Ranged Combat Strength increased to 35/25 (was 30/25).
- [Gathering Storm] Toa: Combat Strength increased to 38 (was 36).
- Berserker: Combat Strength increased to 48 (was 40). -5 Combat Strength when defending penalty now only applies to melee attacks.
- [Rise and Fall] Khevsur: Combat Strength increased to 48 (was 45).
- Conquistador: Combat Strength increased to 58 (was 55). +10 Combat when there is a Religious unit within 1 tile. If this unit captures a city or is adjacent to a city when it is captured, the city will automatically adopt the Conquistador player’s Religion as the dominant Religion.
- Garde Impériale: Combat Strength increased to 70 (was 65).
- Redcoat: Combat Strength increased to 70 (was 65).
- Digger: Combat Strength increased to 78 (was 72).
- Samurai: Unlocked with Feudalism (was Military Tactics).
- Machine Gun: Melee/Ranged Combat Strength increased to 70/85 (was 65/75).
- Catapult: Melee/Ranged Combat Strength increased to 25/35 (was 23/35).
- [Khmer and Indonesia Civilization & Scenario Pack] Domrey: Melee/Ranged Combat Strength increased to 40/50 (was 33/45).
- Bombard: Melee/Ranged Combat Strength increased to 45/55 (was 43/55).
- Rocket Artillery: Melee/Ranged Combat Strength increased to 70/100 (was 70/95).
- Pikeman: Combat Strength increased to 45 (was 41).
- [Rise and Fall] Impi: Combat Strength increased to 45 (was 41).
- AT-Crew: Combat Strength increased to 75 (was 70).
- Modern AT: Combat Strength increased to 85 (was 80).
- Hoplite: Combat Strength increased to 28 (was 25).
Light Cavalry
- Courser: Combat Strength increased to 46 (was 44).
- [Gathering Storm] Black Army: Combat Strength increased to 49 (was 47).
- [Ethiopia Pack] Oromo Cavalry: Combat Strength increased to 48 (was 46).
- Helicopter: Combat Strength increased to 86 (was 82).
- [Gathering Storm] Mountie: Combat Strength increased to 62 (was 60). Added additional National Park charge. Costs 290 Production (was 400).
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Malón Raider: Costs 230 Production (was 250). Upgrades to Cavalry (was Helicopter).
Heavy Cavalry
- [Rough Rider Teddy] Rough Rider: Replaces the Cuirassier. Upgrades to Tank (was Modern Armor). Prerequisite tech is now Ballistics (was Rifling).
- Knight: Combat Strength increased to 50 (was 48).
- Mamluk: Combat Strength increased to 50 (was 48). Upgrades to the Cuirassier (was Tank).
- [Gathering Storm] Mandekalu Cavalry: Combat Strength increased to 55 (was 49).
- [Byzantium and Gaul Pack] Tagma: Combat Strength increased to 50 (was 48).
- Tank: Combat Strength increased to 85 (was 80).
- Modern Armor: Combat Strength increased to 95 (was 90).
- Winged Hussar: Combat Strength increased to 64 (was 55). Unlocks with Mercantilism (was Mercenaries). Replaces Cuirassier. Cost increased to 330 (was 250). Maintenance increased to 5 Gold (was 3).
- Varu: Upgrades to the Cuirassier (was Tank).
Ranged Cavalry
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Keshig: Melee/Ranged Combat Strength increased to 35/45 (was 30/40). Costs 160 Production (was 180).
- Saka Horse Archer: Melee Combat Strength increased to 20 (was 15). Upgrades to Crossbowmen (was Field Cannon).
- Crouching Tiger: Costs 140 Production (was 160).
Naval Melee
- Destroyer: Combat Strength increased to 85 (was 80).
Naval Ranged
- Missile Cruiser: Melee/Ranged Combat Strength increased to 75/90 (was 70/85).
Naval Raider
- Sea Dog: Ranged Combat Strength increased to 55 (was 50).
- U-Boat: No longer requires Oil.
- Warrior Monk: Combat Strength increased to 40 (was 35).
General Gameplay Fixes
- Allied Civs will no longer be shown as espionage destinations.
- Buildings with overrides (ex. [Ethiopia Pack] the Alchemical Society which overrides the University) will now correctly receive yields intended for the base building.
- Idle Governors now must be addressed (assigned to a city or by closing the screen) before advancing to the next turn.
- Fixed an issue where the Maryannu Chariot Archer was not being counted as Ranged Cavalry.
- Fixed an issue where the Science Foundations policy card would go obsolete when there were no Great Scientists remaining.
- Fixed an issue where Mahaviharas would not receive adjacency bonuses when built adjacent to [Maya and Gran Colombia Pack] Observatories or [Base game] Lavras.
- Fixed an issue where bonuses granting percentage yields from completed items based on cost (ex. [Babylon Pack] Ayutthaya’s 10% Culture from completed buildings) were sometimes larger than intended.
- Fixes for the Basilikoi Paides and Ordu not giving experience correctly to trained units.
- Fixed an issue where the Keshig would not receive the +3 Combat Strength from Genghis Khan’s Mongol Horde.
- Fixed an issue where Imhotep’s unique ability did not scale with game speed.
- Fixed an issue where the Yields Report would show amenity yields for cities that are Content.
- Fixed an issue where bonus resources would not be removed from a tile after a district is built on it.
- [Gathering Storm] Fixed an issue where the Invention Policy Card would grant +2 instead of the intended +4 Great Engineer Points.
[Gathering Storm] Tourism Updates
- “Cultural Domination” term clarified in Culture victory sections of World Rankings and Civilopedia.
- Cultural Domination provides ongoing effects:
International Trade Routes to foreign cities you culturally dominate provide +4 Gold.
Spy missions in foreign cities you culturally dominate are 50% faster to complete.
Your citizens exert 25% more Loyalty pressure on foreign cities you culturally dominate.
Red Death
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect unit icon would be displayed when viewing the Alien faction’s UFO unit in the Unit List.
Ethiopia Pack
- Vampires no longer receive the benefit of ignoring walls during a city attack when adjacent to Siege Towers.
- Fixed an issue where a notice would fail to appear for the second Secret Society discovered in a single turn.
- Fixed clipping issues caused by incorrect overrides with Secret Society unique buildings.
- Fixed an issue where the client will only have 2 active Relic slots after taking over an AI player during a multiplayer game in progress.
[Babylon Pack] Heroes and Legends
- Hero Combat Strength has been adjusted to match the new base unit strengths.
- Sinbad’s Fortunes rewards reduced to 200 gold naval raids (was 300). Sinbad’s Journeys rewards 400 for discovering continents and natural wonders (was 500).
- Khmer’s unique building, the Prasat, has been updated for Heroes and Legends gameplay: Recalling Heroes in this city costs 15% less Faith.
- Himiko’s “Inspiring” ability grants +5 Combat Strength (was +10).
- Kongolese Unique Ability, Nkisi, grants +1 Faith for Heroic Relics during Heroes and Legends gameplay.
- Show the unlocked unit on the project pages for Devotion projects in Heroes and Legends.
- Fixed an issue where 2 extra Hero relic slots could appear when replacing a Monument with a Hero relic equipped with an Old God Obelisk [Ethiopia Pack – Secret Societies].
- Fixed an issue where Heroes could remain on the map after their Lifespan expired.
- Fixed an issue where Questing Knights would not have the correct Melee Strength during the Atomic Era.
Vietnam and Kublai Khan Pack
- Industry improvements cannot be built on Luxury Resources that are on Volcanic Soil.
- Added failure text when a Product cannot be produced because the necessary Corporation has been pillaged.
- Fixed an exploit allowing Kublai Khan’s bonus to grant multiple boosts from the same city.
Barbarian Clans
- Increased the unit spawn rate for Cavalry-type Barbarian Clans.
- Added a new notification when a Barbarian Outpost converts into a City-State.
- Added missing Civilopedia entries for Barbarian Horseman, Horse Archer, and Raider.
- Treat With Tribe menu now includes clan type name.
- Barbarian Clans are now searchable in the Map Search panel.
- Fixed an issue that prevented new Barbarian Camps from spawning.
- Fixed an issue where dispersing a camp would grant gold instead of XP.
- Fixed an issue where Gold could be gained by dispersing a Barbarian Outpost through border expansion.
- Fixed an issue where Barbarian camps would be left undefended.
- Fixed an issue where the Coastal Raid command would not disperse a Barbarian camp.
- Fixed an issue where City-States converted from Barbarian Clans would briefly display a negative Garrison Defense Strength.
- Fixed an issue where Barbarian Bribe indicators would not appear consistently over affected units.
- Fixed an issue where Hiring units from a Clan would sometimes not pick the best unit available.
- Fixed an issue where the Culture border would appear as the wrong color when a Barbarian Clan converted to a City-State.
- Fixed an issue where coastal raiding as Norway would not pillage the tile and end the Norwegian unit’s turn while Barbarian Clans mode was active.
- Fixed an issue where players would sometimes see “Clan Dispersed” notifications for an unrevealed Clan.
- Fixed an issue where Barbarian Clan unit tooltips would only display the information for one function while multiple were active.
- Fixed an issue where Incited Barbarian units would sometimes attack other targets than the one the player selected.
Portugal Pack
- The chance for a new Zombie to spawn after a city attack is affected by the population of the city. The higher the population, the higher the chance a Zombie will spawn.
- Spies will now be killed by failed Zombie Outbreak spy operations at City-States.
- Fixed an issue where the VFX for the Modernized Zombie Trap wouldn’t loop properly.
- Improved ability for naval units to heal.
- Cities will not build ships for future operations if they are on a lake.
- Increase desire for Districts and Improvements.
- Fixed a crash happening in the Espionage system caused by an off-map spy.
- Various crashes fixed.
- Saved Game Configurations will now regenerate map seeds and clear leader selections on configuration load to make this feature more useable as a way for players to save game types with various modes and advanced settings turned on/off. Players will still be able to use the Leader Pools as a quick way to save leader selections.
- Search in the Civilopedia now auto-translates accented and special characters.
- [Ethiopia Pack] Diplomatic Quarter now has a unique district icon.
- Updated England and France Eleanor names to be consistent with other dual-civilization leaders.
- [Gathering Storm] Mounties will now display their National Park charges in the unit panel.
- Fixed an issue where the Settler Lens would not display on newly discovered tiles when moving a Settler through the Fog of War.
- Fixed an issue where the Power Lens overlay would fail to display after pressing the Esc key and then re-opening the lens with the hot key during gameplay.
- Fixed an issue where inconsistent colors would display when viewing the CO2 Contribution graph.
- Fixed an issue where information would be missing when viewing the Resource tooltip for Global Contribution in the World Climate menu.
- Fixed an issue where users could select “No and stop asking” responses for other human players during multiplayer.
- Fixed an issue where a Civ’s icon would fail to “pulse” when a free city was about to flip to them.
- Fixed an issue where the “Change City Production” button in the City Manager would be disabled when placing a district on a tile.
- Fixed an issue where invalid City-States would appear in the City-State Selector for True Start Location maps.
- Fixed an issue where the amount of boost gained from a Eureka would display inconsistently between the Eureka popup and Tech Tree.
- Fixed an issue where VO triggered from the Civilopedia would continue playing after closing it.
- Fixed an issue where unit entries were greyed out in the unit list World Tracker panel when they still had movement points left.
- Fixed an issue where Culture borders would not appear consistently when activating the Power lens.
- Fixed an issue where the player could see information on an opponent’s Specialists in district tooltips.
- Fixed an issue where the City-State Picker would save unintended changes after cancelling out of the Advanced Setup menu.
- Fixed an issue where unit portraits would appear incorrect in the production menu.
- Fixed an issue where tooltips would fail to appear on slotted Policies when viewing the Government menu.
- Fixed an issue where the buttons on the Confirm Kick menu would overrun the menu window.
- Expanded parameters of various menus to accommodate foreign language support.
- Various text updates.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when loading into a new game.
- Fixed truncated stat titles on units in Polish and Spanish.
- Fixed an issue where the Random leader Pools icon color changes after creating a Multiplayer game with a Scenario ruleset.
- Fixed an issue where “Show Resource Icons” and “Show Yield Icons” are present with no function in the Map Options menu within the Pirates scenario.
- Fixed an issue where multiple options are misaligned after creating a Multiplayer game with a scenario ruleset in Multiplayer.
- Fixed the forbidden mark from displaying on the appointed Secret Society Governor portrait after loading a save file with Secret Societies mode enabled.
- Fixed a bad line break from being displayed in the Leader Pool description on the Leader Pool menu in Japanese.
- Fixed an issue where the leader pool name does not display when selecting a Leader Pool in the Create Game Advanced Setup menu.
- Fixed the Hero ability description from being misaligned when discovering a Hero.
- Fixed an issue where the product slot icon was grey in the Monopolies and Corporations mode.
- Fixed issues where the text, button or icon was smaller than intended in certain locations.
- Fixed issues with overlapping or overrunning text in several locations throughout the game.
- Fixed an issue where a City-State’s icon was corrupt after converting from a Barbarian encampment within Barbarian Clans Mode.
- Fixed a text overlap that occurred in some localizations within the Unit Panel in the Pirates Scenario.
- Fixed an issue where information becomes cutoff on the Culture tab of the World Rankings menu when the Advisor information text is expanded.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when loading saves from within a game. –
- Fixed an issue where Leader names overrun if multiple leaders prefer same outcome in World Congress.
- Fixed the Multiplatform Cloud text from overlapping the text banner in Japanese and Russian.
- Fixed the text box of “The following player prefer this outcome” overlapping the description in the World Rankings menu.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Take-Two
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI – Ver. ??? (February 2021 Game Update)
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
- [NEW FEATURES]Barbarian Clans Game ModeA new game mode that adds diverse Barbarian groups and strategies. This game mode replaces standard Barbarian Tribes with Clans, with a variety of terrain and combat preferences. Additionally, the mode introduces new player actions for peaceful interactions with Barbarians that provide increased strategic options.
Every Clan can progress towards converting into a City-State. If the camp remains in play long enough and/or receives enough boosts from player actions, it will transform into a new City-State.
New Clans Types
This mode includes seven types of Barbarian Clans. Each clan type has its own preferred range of units to field and requires a different set of map conditions in order to appear. In addition to their normal units, clans also have the ability to field Unique Units from Civs that were not selected during game setup.
- Flatland Clan – Prefers to place their Outposts in open terrain away from woods and hills. They prefer a balance of melee units for attack and ranged units for defense.
- Woodland Clan – Prefers to place their Outposts in or adjacent to woods and rainforests. They prefer greater numbers of ranged units than melee units and use them for both attack and defense.
- Hills Clan – Prefers to place their Outposts on open terrain with hills. They strongly prefer melee units, even to the point of excluding ranged units completely.
- Rover Clan – Require a nearby Horse resource and prefer to place their Outposts in open terrain away from woods. They prefer as many mounted units as possible, using both light and heavy cavalry for attack and defense.
- Chariot Clan – Require a nearby Horse resource and prefer to place their Outposts in the desert. They prefer mounted vehicles and light cavalry in all roles, rarely using ranged units at all.
- Jungle Clan – Requires a nearby Ivory resource and prefer to place their Outposts inside rainforests. They prefer a mixture of light and heavy cavalry units supported by foot and ranged units.
- Seafaring Clan – Always place their Outposts on coastal plots. They defend their Outposts with land-based anti-cavalry units, but otherwise they exclusively use naval melee and naval ranged units for scouting and attacking.
New Unit Commands
Combat units that enter a Barbarian Outpost do not automatically destroy it. Instead, they can choose from two new unit commands to deal with the clan.
- Disperse Clan – Destroy the clan completely and earn experience points for the dispersing unit.
- Raid Clan – Player is rewarded with Gold and the clan’s progress towards City-State conversion is reduced, but the Outpost is not destroyed. Raided clans gain immunity to raids for a short duration and spawn a defender unit in reprisal the same turn.
New Player Commands
Players can take peaceful or diplomatic actions with Clans. To initiate one of these interactions, players will need to click on the map banner over the Outpost.
- Hire Clan – Spend Gold to permanently purchase the best military unit the clan can currently train. The clan will gain progress towards City-State conversion.
- Ransom Unit from Clan – Spend Gold to recover a civilian unit captured by the clan. Clans that ransom units lose progress towards City-State conversion.
- Bribe Clan – Spend Gold to expel units from your territory and prevent them from targeting your cities for a number of turns. The clan will gain progress towards City-State conversion.
- Incite Clan – Spend Gold to encourage the clan to raid and attack the cities of another civilization. The clan will lose progress towards City-State conversion.
Leader Selection Pool
- The Leader Selection Pool is a new advanced option that allows players to create 2 custom pools of leaders for their single and multiplayer games. What this does is allow players to create lists of leaders that can be chosen by others, or by the AI. For instance, you might want to have one group of leaders for your friends in an online game, and then restrict the AI to a different set of leaders. This still allows for some randomness – you could create a list of leaders that you haven’t seen before, a list of non-aggressive leaders for a peaceful game, or all the warmongers for a real brawl.
General updates
- [Maya and Gran Colombia Pack] Fixed an issue where the Basilikoi Paides Barracks replacement was not properly applying the combat strength increase for Lahore’s Nihang unit.
- [Base game, Rise and Fall] The Llanero [Maya and Gran Colombia] and Oromo Cavalry [Ethiopia Pack] no longer require a strategic resource in order to train.
- [Gathering Storm] Earth Goddess now gives 1 Faith for Breathtaking tiles.
- Fixed an issue where the Coastal Raid unit action was not properly raiding coastal plots with support units on them.
- Fixed an issue where games with 20 civs and 24 City-States would start without a Free Cities player, making rebellions from loyalty impossible.
Natural Wonder updates
- Cliffs of Dover gives 3 Gold, 3 Culture, 2 Food.
- Crater Lake gives 5 faith instead of 4.
- Lysefjord gives +1 Production to adjacent tiles.
- Giant’s Causeway provides +1 Culture to adjacent tiles.
- The Campus now receives a major adjacency for the Great Barrier Reef.
- [Maya and Gran Colombia Pack] Removed the Major Adjacency bonus for the Theater Square and Commercial Hub from Paititi.
Governments update
- Autocracy Policy Slots – 1 Military, 1 Economic, 1 Diplomatic, 1 Wildcard
- Oligarchy Policy Slots – 2 Military, 1 Economic, 0 Diplomatic, 1 Wildcard
- Monarchy Policy Slots – 2 Military, 1 Economic, 1 Diplomatic, 2 Wildcard
- Merchant Republic Policy Slots – 1 Military, 2 Economic, 2 Diplomatic, 1 Wildcard
- [Gathering Storm] In addition to the housing Monarchy now gives +2 Favor from each Renaissance Walls.
Buildings update
- Arena and Tlachtli buildings provide +2 Amenities.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Ferris Wheel now provides +2 Amenities.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Audience Chamber now provides +2 Amenities and +4 Housing.
- [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Add the Water Park building to Toronto (Rise and Fall) and Mexico City (Gathering Storm).
Red Death
- Removed non-functional map options such as resources, start positions, and temperature from Game Setup menu as they don’t apply to Red Death.
Ethiopia Pack
- Fixed an issue where extra Great Work slots on a building would disappear when a bank created by a Great Merchant would be replaced by the Gilded Vault during Secret Societies mode gameplay.
Byzantium and Gaul Pack
- Fixed an issue where the Culture Industry Golden Policy card would provide +25% Production to specialty districts when it should only apply to non-specialty districts.
- Fixed an issue where players could spam tavern visits on the same turn.
- Fixed an issue where the City Banner tooltips would display incorrect text when viewing the “Sack City” and Visit Tavern” tooltips.
Vietnam and Kublai Khan Pack
- [Babylon Pack] Hero ability “Maui’s Inventions” will now only spawn a random resource that already exists in the world to prevent players from being granted a Monopoly on a single resource.
- Fixed an issue causing redundant failure messages for Corporation creation.
- Fixed an issue causing Kublai Khan’s agenda to not count negative modifiers towards military power.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when a player tried to steal a Corporation from another player.
- “No and stop asking” responses are disabled when human opponents engage in diplomatic options with the player during Multiplayer gameplay.
- Improved matchmaking.
- AI has bigger bias towards building air units.
- AI will use better formations for air units.
- AI will have more aircraft ready.
- AI will more efficiently use anti-air against aircraft.
- AI will place a larger value on trades that include strategic resources needed to build air units.
- AI is more likely to make a deal for strategic resources related to air units.
- Increase AI’s desire to engage in the Culture race.
- Strengthened bias against building too many spaceports.
- AI will not build units that require an ongoing resource they don’t have.
- Fixed an issue where the AI would offer more Gold per turn than intended for low-value items.
- Fixed an issue where a Civilization’s data would be erased from the CO2 Levels Global Contribution graph after they were removed from the game.
- Fixed an issue where “Sleep” icons were missing from the Unit List in the World Tracker.
- Various text updates
- Fixed an issue where the Defeat screen buttons would not function if player was defeated before another player settles a city in multiplayer.
- Fixed a wooden border that was present in the Global Resource Report screen.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Great People menu to be overlapped by the Notifications menu.
- Fixed an issue with an extra symbol being present in the Purchase with Gold tooltip.
- Fixed an icon for Taoism being displayed as the Mongolia icon for China in the Path to Nirvana Create game menu.
- Fixed a crash that could occur after a desync in multiplayer.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when progressing through gameplay during late game.
- Fixed an issue where a message prompt does not appear when setting the number of City-States in the Single Player Create Game menu.
- Fixed an issue where Great People tooltips display on the Heroes tab of the Heroes & Great People menu.
- Fixed a temporary hang that could occur when starting a game after launch.
- Fixed an overlapping issue in the Create Game menu with the Game Random Seed and Map Random Seed text.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the right tray expand button was not present when Joy-Cons are not attached.
- Fixed a City Recommendation tooltip that would not display when toggling tooltips.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Take-Two
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI – Ver. ??? (December 2020 Game Update)
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
City-State Picker
In Advanced Setup, players can now bring up a new menu to choose which City-States they would like to include in their next game. Selected City-States are not guaranteed to be in the next game, rather, they are part of the pool of City-States that will then be randomly selected and placed. Ones that are not selected will never appear in a game.
Searchable Unit List
Leave no scout, archer, or Giant Death Robot behind. Players can use search and filtering functions in the World Tracker panel to quickly find any unit on the map.
Items in the list below apply to the Gathering Storm, Rise and Fall, Pirates, and Byzantium and Gaul Pack ruleset only
- [Gathering Storm] Religious Community: International Trade Routes receive +2 Gold to cities with Holy Sites and an additional +2 Gold for every building in the Holy Site.
- Fixed an issue where Wonder build requirements were being fulfilled by districts owned by other players.
- Drop melee units’ combat bonus against anti-cavalry to 5.
- Reduced Combat Strength bonus from +10 to +5 for Thrust anti-cavalry Promotion.
- [Gathering Storm] Fixed an issue with John Curtin’s leader ability, Citadel of Civilization, lasting for 20 turns when it should last for 10 turns.
Great People
- Einstein applies to Research Labs since Newton already applies to Universities.
- Alfred Nobel’s ability applies 100 Great Person Points.
- Increase Da Vinci’s Culture bonus for Workshops to +3 (instead of +1).
[Gathering Storm] Amenities
o Restoring penalties from Negative Amenities back to their previous thresholds:
Revolt will occur at -7
Unrest will occur at -6 to -5
Unhappy will be -4 to -3
Displeased will be -2 to -1
Content will be 0 to 2
o Increased Happy to +10% and Ecstatic to 20%.
[Gathering Storm] Policies
- Raj: +2 Gold for Trade Routes to City States (in addition to its previous effect).
- Public Transportation: Neighborhoods with Charming appeal receive +3 Food and +1 Production. Breathtaking appeal receives additional +1 Food and +1 Production. All Neighborhoods receive +1 Gold.
- Democracy: The bonus to trade routes now applies to city-states the user is Suzerain of (previously only allied civilizations)
- This was on the previous build notes when we made the checklist, but it is no longer on the list. We have confirmed this update.
- Wisselbanken, and similarly the legacy (and normal) effect of Democracy, apply to allies and Suzerained City-States.
- Frescoes: +2 Great Artist points. +2 additional Great Artist Points for every Art Museum.
- Laissez-Faire: +2 Great Merchant Points for every Bank and +4 Great Merchant Points for every Stock Exchange. +2 Great Admiral Points for every Shipyard and +4 Great Admiral Points for every Seaport.
- Science Foundation: +2 Great Scientist Points for every University and +4 Great Scientist Points for every Research Lab. +2 Great Engineer Points for every Factory and +4 Great Engineer Points for every Power Plant.
- Military Organization: +2 Great General Points for every Armory and +4 Great General Points for every Military Academy. Great Generals receive +2 Movement.
- Symphonies: +4 Great Musician Points. +4 additional Great Musician Points for every Broadcast Center.
- Invention: +4 Great Engineer Points. +2 Great Engineer Points for every Workshop.
- Rationalism: Now requires a population of 15 and an adjacency bonus of 4.
- Simultaneum: Now requires a population of 15 and an adjacency bonus of 4.
- Grand Opera: Now requires a population of 15 and an adjacency bonus of 4.
- Free Market: Now requires a population of 15 (already had adjacency requirement of 4).
- Urban Planning: Becomes obsolete with Rationalism (Enlightenment Civic).
[Gathering Storm] Technology and Civics
- Reduced Boost requirements:
Advanced Ballistics: Build 1 Oil Power Plant (down from 2)
Advanced Flight: Build 2 Biplanes (down from 3)
Capitalism: Build 2 Stock Exchanges (down from 3)
Electricity: Build 2 Privateers (down from 3)
Globalization: Build 2 Airports (down from 3)
Industrialization: Build 2 Workshops (down from 3)
Professional Sports: Build 2 Entertainment Complexes (down from 4)
Refining: Build 1 Coal Power Plant (down from 2)
- Adjusted Information Era Boosts:
Lasers: Build 2 Drones
Nuclear Fusion: Build a Nuclear Power Plant (changed from “Boost through Great Scientist or Spy”)
Satellites: Build 2 Broadcast Centers (changed from “Boost through Great Scientist or Spy”)
Telecommunications: Boost through Great Scientist or Spy (changed from “Build 2 Broadcast Centers”)
[Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm] Ethiopia Pack Updates
- Players only receive a free Governor title from the first Secret Society they discover (instead of every time).
- Diplomatic Quarter buildings receive +1 yield from the Autocracy bonus.
- Fixed an issue where neutral-territory Vampire Castles were not removing Vampire build charges.
- Stopped Ley lines from appearing on Snow tiles.
- Ley Lines provide a Major Adjacency bonus to all specialty districts.
- Reduced the number of Ley Lines on TSL maps.
- Updated Secret Society popup flow upon discovering and joining a society.
- Implemented new names and descriptions for Secret Society popups and notifications.
- Chainshot can no longer target non-visible hexes.
- The Dowsing Rod and English Pointer relics now only apply to naval ships.
- Trade ships now spawn less often.
- Shore Parties can no longer use Bury Treasure ability while in colonial city culture borders.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Shore Parties from embarking when placed on a tile adjacent to the map edge.
- Fixed an issue where the starting year was incorrect in the status bar.
- Fixed an issue where randomly generated treasure was appearing on improved hexes and owned territory.
- Flyover text when performing point scoring actions will now appear consistently.
- Removed audio cue for treasure notifications.
- Changed Treasure Found notification icon for consistency.
Byzantium and Gaul Pack
- Biosphère’s Appeal now applies to all cities in the empire in which it was built.
- Byzantium can no longer build the Water Park if they have a Hippodrome.
- Byzantium will no longer receive free cavalry units in captured cities for already existing buildings.
- Mines built by Gaul now provide tourism.
- Fixed an issue where the Sakdina Golden Age Policy Card was not properly granting extra Great People Points.
Heroes and Legends
- Hippolyta is now an anti-cavalry class unit. Previously was a melee class unit.
- Enemy units will convert to player’s units after attacking and dying to Hunahpu and Xbalanque.
- Arthur’s Accolade can no longer be used on naval units.
- Oya’s Storm now affects religious units.
- Fixed an issue causing Hero Antiquity shipwrecks to be placed in ocean tiles.
- Passive ability icons added for Heroes on Heroes & Great People screen.
- Added Hero glow animation for Hero unit flags
- Improved logic for demands, so the AI does not ask for them when at a disadvantage.
- Added a “Stop asking me” option for AI friendship and peace requests.
- Added “Do not ask again” option to deal items requested by the AI.
- Added “Stop asking” option for trades and agreements.
- Added additional considerations to the cost for peace.
- Improved AI logic to raze cities, especially for Mayan cities that are unusable to non-Mayans.
- Prioritize the purchase of Heroes.
- Additional AI improvements.
- Added enabled game modes to Hall of Fame history
- Military Policy Cards backing height is now consistent with other card backings.
- Fixed an issue where the District Defense Strength displayed on the map would not update when performing actions that would change the value.
- Fixed an issue on the Scenario menu where banners would overrun their borders when viewing on 1080 or smaller resolutions.
- Various text improvements.
- Fixed an issue where the client displays as present in a Local Multiplayer lobby after turning on Airplane mode.
- Fixed a text issue in the 2K Account tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where the user could be blocked from advancing to the next turn during the AI’s turn.
- Fixed multiple crashes that occurred throughout the game.
- Fixed text overlap issues that were present on the Heroes & Great People and World Congress menu.
- Fixed multiple localization issues.
- Fixed an issue where the “Show Resource Icons” and “Show Yield Icons” options are present in the Pirates Scenario.
- Fixed an issue with the icons on the notifications menu of the Pirates Scenario.
- Fixed an issue where the Post Game screen could be skipped in the Pirates Scenario.
- Fixed an issue where the Game Modes tab is blank in the Advanced Setup menu when no Game Modes are present.
- Fixed an issue where the Choose Civilization section on the Create Game menu could not be cycled.
- Fixed an issue where Secret Society notifications were not redirecting to the Governor menu when selected in Multiplayer.
- Fixed an issue where the highlight would automatically move to Apocalypse mode when selecting Secret Societies in the Create Game menu.
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip for Forest Fires would not appear in the World Climate menu.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Take-Two
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI – Ver. ??? (October 2020 Game Update)
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
[New Feature]
Pirates Multiplayer Scenario
“Pirates” is a fast, competitive scenario for 1-4 players. Each player takes the role of a Pirate King as they progress on their pirating career. Over 60 turns, players pillage ships and cities, build up their fleets, collect powerful Relics, and strive to become the most infamous pirate in the tropics. The scenario reimagines many aspects of Civilization VI so players can focus on new naval and scenario-specific gameplay. The four Pirate Kings aren’t only battling each other, however. There are also four AI civilizations (Spain, Netherlands, England, and France) fighting to control the map, as well as Buccaneers, this scenario’s version of Barbarians. Some of these barbarous fleets are even lead by history’s most recognizable Infamous Pirates.
Win/Lose: The Pirate King with the highest score at the end of 60 turns wins! Pirate Kings who lose all their units will be eliminated from the match.
Scenario Maps
- The Caribbean Islands: A handcrafted map of the historical Caribbean. Cities and ports are placed based on their real-world locations and should be familiar to anyone who has played Sid Meier’s Pirates!
- Pirate Islands: The Pirate Isles is a map script custom-built for the unfriendly seas of the Pirates scenario, full of mysterious islands, rich and vulnerable ports, and danger.
Pirate Leaders
Dread Pirate
- Walk the Plank (Active Ability): Can be used by every ship in the Dread Pirate’s fleet. Immediately sinks any badly-damaged enemy ship in exchange for +3 Movement and +5 Combat Strength for 5 turns.
- Fightin’ is What We Do Best (Passive Ability): +10 Gold every time a unit engages in combat.
- Bring Her Home (Active Ability): Can be used by every ship in the Privateer’s fleet. Captures a badly-damaged enemy ship for the Privateer’s patron. Using Bring Her Home grants +5 Infamous Pirate Points and +100 Gold in addition to the usual naval victory rewards. Takes 5 turns to recharge.
- Letter of Marque (Passive Ability): Grants the Privateer a randomly-assigned AI civilization as a patron. The Privateer knows the location of all their patron’s ports. Pillaging trade routes grants an additional 100 Gold.
- Tack into the Wind (Active Ability): Every ship in the Swashbuckler’s fleet can Tack into the Wind to double their Movement for a turn. Takes 6 turns to recharge.
- Sailing the Open Seas (Passive Ability): The Swashbuckler gains +1 Infamous Pirate Point for every 50 hexes revealed on the map.
- Chain Shot (Active Ability): As a free action, all ships in the Hoarder’s fleet can use the Chain Shot ability to anchor an enemy unit in place for two turns. Chain Shot takes 5 turns to recharge.
- Mine! Mine! Mine! (Passive Ability): Unit Maintenance cost is reduced by 3. +10 Treasure Points for burying treasure. The Hoarder gets 3% interest on their gold reserves per turn.
Relics are powerful unit upgrades that occasionally drop when performing actions such as visiting taverns, sinking ships, and finding treasure. Each Pirate King has three slots for active Relics and can swap Relics in and out to customize their playstyle.
- Singing Topmen: Reduces unit maintenance cost by 3 per unit.
- Cursed Lucky Pieces of Eight: +3 gold per unit maintenance (higher chance of mutiny); 3% interest on gold reserves every turn.
- Crates of Rum: +10 gold per turn.
- Journal of Captain William Kidd: 50% chance of finding an additional treasure map when visiting a tavern.
- Blackbeard’s Short Fuse: Every attack on an enemy ship reduces its movement on the next turn by 1 movement point.
- L’Olonnais Cutlery: Gain gold based on the combat strength of defeated units.
- The Krakannons: +1 Range for Sloops and Brigantines. +5 Combat Strength for naval units.
- Jack Rackham’s Jolly Rogers: Gain 50 additional gold when pillaging a trade ship.
- A Bonny Brace of Pistols: +1 additional attack for all units. All units can move after attacking.
- Screaming Skull Fireshot: +3 Combat Strength for naval ships.
- The North Sea Wind Fishing Floats: +2 movement for naval ships.
- English Pointer Figurehead: Every ship will sense the closest unseen ship within 20 hexes.
- Black Spot Branding Iron: +10 combat strength when fighting buccaneers or infamous pirates.
- Dowsing Rod: Every ship can sense the closest treasure chest within 20 hexes.
Maya & Gran Colombia Pack
- Reduce Llanero adjacent strength to +2 (was +4).
- Drop Comandante Generals to no bonus movement (was +1 Movement).
- Drop Hacienda to .5 Housing.
- Hacienda can be affected by Drought natural disasters.
- Cost scaling for purchasing the Nihang unit (Tech progression scales to 4x its base cost).
- Fixed an issue preventing forest fires and meteor showers from showing up as intended in non-Apocalypse games.
- [Gathering Storm] During Apocalypse mode, EYJAFJALLAJOKULL (Vikings Scenario Pack) erupts and can be triggered by soothsayers.
- [Gathering Storm] Comet strikes that eliminate districts now permit the player to build the district (in a suitable location) again.
Ethiopia Pack
- Trade City-States now give 2, 4, and 6 gold as their envoy bonuses.
- Vampires now count Free Cities units as Barbarians for gaining combat strength.
Byzantium & Gaul Pack
- [Rise and Fall] In Dramatic Ages, repeated Dark Ages will no longer result in a negative Golden Age threshold score. It is now a minimum of 0.
- Updated the Era Score meter in Dramatic Ages to properly display information.
- Spy missions can no longer be performed in cities of a player you have an Alliance with.
- Recruit Partisans mission now pillages the Neighborhood district (so that it cannot be spammed), and spawns only anti-cavalry units (weaker units than previously).
Game Speed Scaling
- Faith from the Initiation Rites pantheon and Barbarian camps.
- [Gathering Storm] Favor cost of voting.
- [Gathering Storm] Aluminum cost for the Lagrange Laser Station and Space Race project.
- [Gathering Storm] Uranium cost for nuclear weapons.
- Yields from both Tier 1 Naval Raider promotions (Gold), Gorgo’s Thermopylae ability (Culture), God of War Pantheon Belief (Faith), Native Conquest (Gold), Rough Riders (Culture), [Gathering Storm] from kills with the Mandekalu Cavalry (Gold), and [Maya and Gran Colombia Pack] Nihang’s Trehsool Mukh promotion (Faith).
- The Great People points gained from the Great Scientist Alfred Nobel.
- The amount of Gold obtained from a Barbarian camp.
- [Gathering Storm] The Science gained from the Fez City-State.
- Unit experience no longer scales with game speed.
General Fixes
- [Gathering Storm] Rock Bands can no longer play on pillaged buildings and districts.
- Fixed an issue where the Netherlands bonus of +50% towards Flood Barriers was not working.
- When forming a Corps or Army within range of a Great General, only apply abilities marked as permanent to the Corps/Army.
- Various crash fixes.
- Reduce interest in AI trading for diplomatic favor in the ancient and classical era.
- Decrease AI desire for Diplomatic favor.
- Increased desire for Oracle and Pyramid.
- Ensure AI repairs city defenses promptly.
- Increase value of wall repair project based on value of the city.
- Reduced the number of Spaceports an AI builds.
- Reduced the value of Faith if they have an already high income.
- Improvements to protect Settler units.
- Additional AI updates.
- [Ethiopia Pack] Re-order Governor panel to show Secret Society governors first.
- Policy cards now feature their full description in the tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where Civilopedia page history hotlinks were not working properly.
- The progress meter is no longer shown on Techs or Civics once that it has reached the Researched state.
- Civilopedia will no longer leak info on unrevealed techs or civics in Techs and Civics Shuffle Mode.
- Unit panel now updates on turn end to show correct states for unit actions.
- Beliefs are now sorted by type in the Religion screen.
- [Gathering Storm] Added government lens color and used the standard palette for Gathering Storm government colors so they work with colorblindness adaptations.
- Added support for painting and selecting tiles in World Builder on touch screens.
- Various text updates.
- [PS4/XB1/Switch] Fixed an issue where the loading animation for “Loading, please wait…” failed to appear after selecting the Exit to Main Menu button on the pause menu during gameplay.
- [PS4/XB1/Switch] Fixed an issue where only enabling Tech and Civic Shuffle mode caused the incorrect mode information and image to display in the Create Game menu.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Take-Two
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI – Ver. ??? (August 2020 Game Update)
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
Tech and Civic Shuffle Mode
This new game mode adds variety to the tech tree, as it shuffles techs and civics within their historical eras, leading to different costs and prerequisites than normal. The resulting trees are the same for all players. Techs and civics are also hidden until a prerequisite is earned, preserving the mystery of discovery all the way until the end of the game.
Natural Wonder Picker
Sick of the Bermuda Triangle? Want to break the Delicate Arch? In Advanced Setup, you can now bring up a new menu to choose which Natural Wonders you would like to include in your next game. Wonders checked are not guaranteed to be in your next game, rather, they are part of the pool of Wonders that will then be randomly selected and placed.
Items in the list below apply to the Gathering Storm ruleset only.
- Removed the free population amenity.
- Added an amenity to the palace.
- Increased the Golf Course amenities by 1.
- Decreased all negative amenity level thresholds by 1. Increase Happy and Ecstatic’s minimum by 2.
o New city thresholds:
- Ecstatic at 5+
- Happy at 3 to 4
- Content at -1 to 2
- Displeased at -3 to -2
- Unhappy at -5 to -4
- Unrest at -7 to -6
- Revolt at -8
o Negative amenities non-food yield decrease changes:
- Displeased -10%, was -5%
- Unhappy -20%, was -10%
- Unrest -30% (stays the same)
- Revolt -40%, was -60%
- The Theater Square now gains a major adjacency bonus with the Entertainment complex and Water Park.
Government Plaza Buildings
- Grand Master’s Chapel provides +5 faith.
- +3 Diplomatic Favor from the Foreign Ministry.
- The Naturalist unit now initially costs 600 Faith and will increase by 100 Faith after each purchase.
- Fixed issues that prevented Apostles from receiving all available promotions.
- The Appeal stat has been added to the trait section of the Districts, Terrains, Improvements, and Features Civilopedia pages.
- The text for the Acropolis district now correctly shows major adjacency bonuses for adjacent Wonders.
Apocalypse Game Mode
- Reduced volcanic activity.
- Reduced frequency of Aid Requests.
- Added CO2 production to Soothsayer actions (50 for causing a disaster, 30 for sacrificing a unit).
Forest/Jungle Fires now remain in the burnt state longer.
- Added some bias towards getting governments with lots of wild card slots.
- Fixed an issue where the AI was overvaluing bonuses from governments for cities with governors.
- Increased desire for civics that unlock new governments. Capped desire for Theology for high Faith income civs (ensures they can move on to tier 3 or 4 governments).
- Various AI improvements.
- Governors assigned to a City-State are now displayed in the City-States panel.
- Fixed an issue that caused map selection to break.
- Various UI bug fixes and polish.
- Fixing balanced start positions choosing invalid placements.
- Added bias for starting in the center of a continent the player does not share with other majors.
- Fix crash when forming a Corps and the unit that is joining is not on the map.
- Additional crash fixes.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Take-Two
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI – Ver. ??? (June 2020 Game Update)
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
Red Death – Season 2
New Playable Factions
- Aliens – They’ve always been here… watching from the shadows – The Alien faction specializes in camouflage technology allowing them to turn invisible and ambush their enemies or escape dangerous situations. They also have health regeneration upping their survivability in any given skirmish.
- Zombies – Civilization’s undead rise for humanity’s final moments – The Zombie faction replaces all combat units with Zombie Hordes. These units can’t heal normally and take damage over time. Zombie Hordes instead will heal and gain additional Zombie units when an enemy unit is defeated or by exploring City Ruins, Raider Camps, and Supply Drops
Faction Unique Abilities – Every faction, both old and new, has been outfitted with a unique ability.
- Aliens – Xenological Camouflage: All units can use Xenological Camouflage to become invisible to most units. Adjacent enemy units can see Camouflaged units. Initiating an attack deactivates Camouflage.
- Cultists – The Undying Eye: Cultists start the game with a crippled GDR. The GDR starts damaged and does not heal or gain experience normally. The GDR instead earns promotions when units sacrifice themselves to it. These promotions can then be used to return the GDR to full operation status.
- Borderlords – Grieving Gift: Deploy a fake supply drop to a given location on the next turn. If another player pops the supply drop, it triggers an explosion at that location.
- Jocks – Hail Mary: Small tactical nuke that can be launched from any combat unit. Has a smaller blast radius of 1 hex.
- Mutants – Radiant Personalities: Mutants that start their turn in the Red Death absorb 8 Radiation Charges per turn. They spread Red Death to non-Red Death hexes automatically for 1 Radiation Charge per hex. Mutant units do not take fallout damage from mutant spread Red Death.
- Preppers – Improvised Traps: Units can build the Improvised Trap that causes damage and the loss of a movement point to any unit that moves onto it. Preppers get 5 Improvised Traps per visit to an unexplored City Ruins, Raider Camp, and Supply Crate. Improvised Traps are invisible to non-Prepper factions.
- Pirates – Buried Treasure: Pirates start the game with a Treasure Map to a buried treasure location indicated on their minimap. When a pirate unit of that player reaches the treasure location, the pirate is granted a unit and a new treasure map.
- Mad Scientists – Defensive Inertial Shielding: All units can deploy shielding that provides a +10 combat strength while defending. While shielded, the unit has immunity to WMD Blast, Red Death, and Water Poisoning Damage
- Wanderers – Road Vision: Grants active visibility on all previously revealed terrain.
- Zombies – Barely Weaponized Zombies (Passive): Killing a non-zombie enemy unit creates more Zombie Hordes. Zombie Hordes do not suffer combat penalties when damaged. City Ruins, Raider Camps, and Supply Drops grant additional Zombie Hordes instead of traditional units.
Observer Mode – Upon defeat, players can now activate Observer Mode to watch the remainder of the match. Chat from players using Observer Mode will be hidden to remaining players.
You hear that? That’s the wasteland wind. Civilization VI’s narrator joins the Red Death as game commentator!
Additional quality of life and AI improvements implemented.
Kick Voting
- Players now have the option to boot uncivilized players from their multiplayer games. A vote can be initiated through the in-game chat panel.
Items in the list below apply to the Gathering Storm ruleset only.
Natural Wonders
- Eye of Sahara: +2 Production and +1 Science base yield while still providing +3 Science and +1 Production once the game reaches the Atomic Era.
- Yosemite: Additional +1 Food while still providing +1 Gold, +1 Science, and +2 Appeal to adjacent tiles.
- Cliffs of Dover: +4 Appeal to adjacent tiles and still provides +3 Culture and +2 Gold for land tiles. (Before just+2 Appeal.)
- (NEW) Sacred Places – Founder: +2 Science, Culture, Gold and Faith for each city following this Religion that has a World Wonder.
- (NEW) Holy Waters – Enhancer: Increases Healing of your religious units by +10 in Holy Site districts belonging to cities with your majority religion, or any adjacent tiles.
- Lady of the Reed and Marshes – Pantheon: +2 Production from Marsh, Oasis, and Desert Floodplains. (Before just +1 Production from Marsh, Oasis, and Desert Floodplains.)
- Dar-e Mehr – Worship: This building is no longer pillaged by Environmental Effects. Still provides +3 Faith and +1 additional Faith for each Era since constructed or last repaired.
- Gurdwara – Worship: Grants +1 Housing, +3 Faith, and +2 Food. (Before just +3 Faith and +2 Food.)
- Pagoda – Worship: +3 Faith and +1 Favor (Before +3 Faith and +1 Housing)
- Feed the World – Follower: Shrines and Temple provide +3 Food and +2 Housing each. (Before Shrines and Temples provided Food equal to their Faith output.)
- Religious Community – Follower: International Trade Routes provide +1 Gold for every Temple and Shrine in the origin city. (Before Shrines and Temples each provided +1 Housing.)
- Warrior Monks – Follower: Spending Faith to train Warrior Monks. Also, Culture Bomb adjacent tiles when completing a Holy Site. (Before only allowed spending to train Warrior Monks.)
- Work Ethic – Follower: Holy Site district’s Faith adjacency bonus provides production as well. (Before just +1% Production for each follower up to 15%)
- Church Property – Founder: Removed
- Cross-Cultural Dialogue – Founder: +1 Science for every 4 followers. (Before +1 Science for every 5 followers of this Religion in other civilizations.)
- Pilgrimage – Founder: +2 Faith for each city following this Religion. (Before +2 Faith for every city following this religion in other civilizations and City-States.)
- Tithe – Founder: +3 Gold for each city following the Religion. (Before +1 Gold for every 4 followers of this Religion.)
- World Church – Founder: +1 Culture for every 4 followers of this Religion. (Before +1 Culture for every 5 followers of this Religion in other civilizations.)
- Burial Grounds – Enhancer: Removed
- Play-By-Cloud functionality restored for all players.
- Various crash and performance improvements implemented.
- Additional general bug fixes and polish.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Take-Two
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI – Ver. ??? (September 2019 Game Update)
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Red Death Multiplayer Scenario
- General notes
- If you still have a Civilian unit, then you are still in the game. Once your last Civilian is killed, you will have been eliminated. Be the last remaining player with a Civilian to win.
- The Red Death is the radioactive mass that is consuming the planet. A Safe Zone ring will appear on the map. Periodically this ring will shrink. Keep your units inside the ring to avoid the Red Death.
- On the top-left on the in-game screen is the Red Death tracker. The left portion tells the player how many turns until the ring shrinks, and the right-hand portion tells the player how much damage units will take if they end their turn inside the Red Death.
- Red Death damage increases as the game progresses.
- When the ring shrinks, the Red Death will advance each turn until it reaches the ring. This gives units caught outside of the ring some time to reach the safe zone.
- Units cannot heal in the Red Death.
- You can gain new units and supplies in the following ways:
- Find and clear City Ruins to gain equipment. These appear as war-torn cities with stacks of crates and flares around them. A Ruined City can grant experience points, an Infantry, a Machine Gunner, an AT crew, or another Civilian.
- Clearing a Raider Camp grants either a Helicopter Gunship, an AT Crew, or a Thermonuclear device (once you receive one, any of your combat units can use it).
- Once the “Red Death” ring starts to advance, Supply Drops can appear near the ring edge (also has a notification so you can find them). These lucrative drops can grant either a Tank, a Mobile Artillery, or a Thermonuclear device.
- Oceans and Lakes are corrosive and will damage your units each turn as you cross, so be quick!
- Global heal rate increased from normal for fast-paced gameplay.
- Units have unique promotion trees. Promoting units heals only 25 HP.
- Raiders are random opponents that wander the map, making opportunity attacks on players from their camps. Raider units take no damage from the Red Death.
- A typical match will take anywhere from 15-50 minutes depending on the number of players, and skill of play.
- Factions:
- Cultists: “Observing The End,” All units have +3 sight.
- Doomsday Preppers: “Always Prepare for The Worst,” All units have +100% experience bonus.
- Borderlords: “Living On The Edge,” +10 Combat Strength when 3 hexes or closer to the Safe Zone border.
- Jocks: “Witness Perfection,” +5 Combat Strength.
- Mad Scientists: “This Will Only Hurt A Bit,” All units heal 2x faster.
- Mutants: “Radiant Personalities,” -50 Red Death damage. “Radioactive Movement,” +3 Movement for all units in the Red Death.
- Pirates: “Water Logged,” All units take 50% less water damage and ignore additional movement cost from embarking and disembarking.
- Wanderers: “See You Later,” Infantry and Machine Gunners, as well as Civilians in formation with them, have faster Movement on Woods, Rainforest, and Hill terrain.
- UI:
- Quick-join matchmaking added to front-end menu
- “How to Play” section added to front-end menu.
- Safe Zone displayed as a blue area on the map and mini map. Red Death displayed as a red area on the map and mini map.
- Changed mini map tooltips to be more useful for the scenario. Tooltip displays whether tiles are in the Safe Zone or the Red Death.
- Added mini map icons for the City Ruins, Supply Drops, and Raider Camps.
- New Maps
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Mirror Map: Randomly generated, balanced four-player map ideal for competitive multiplayer matches. Has option to mirror start positions as well.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Terra: A continents map where all major civilizations start on the largest continent.
- Primordial: A map from an early time with unpredictable continents and islands. More volatile conditions exist with extra coastal lowlands and volcanoes. Try it on Disaster 4!
- Tilted Axis: A polar projection of a continents map.
- Splintered Fractal: A highly random map that will often form thin, snaky continents and islands.
- Continents and Islands: Continents with more islands.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Add Lakes map to all rulesets
- Add more small lakes to the Lakes map.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Move Seven Seas and Small Continents to all rule sets (before it was Gathering Storm only).
- Civs
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Exploitive Agenda: Adjusted some of the parameters on the Exploitative Agenda to make it care more about how many tiles are improved. Also bumped up the threshold for “sparsely improved”.
- Maori Civ Ability: Change the production from Unimproved Rainforest and Woods. Before it read “Unimproved Woods and Rainforest are +1 Production, becoming +2 once the Conservation civic is unlocked.” Now it reads “Unimproved Woods and Rainforest are +1 Production. Additional +1 Production from Mercantilism and +2 Production from Conservation.
- [XP1, XP2] Georgia Civ Ability Addition: +50% Production towards defensive buildings.
- Governments
- Added an extra policy card slot for each of the Tier 4 Governments: 3 Military for Corporate Libertarianism (was 2), 3 Diplomatic for Digital Democracy (was 2), 3 Economic for Synthetic Technocracy (was 2).
- Great People
- Great Admirals
- Themistocles: Instantly creates a Quadrireme unit. +20% Production towards units of the Naval Ranged promotion class.
- Leif Erikson: +1 Sight Range for all naval units. Allows all naval units to move over ocean tiles without the required technology.
- Rajendra Chola: +3 Combat Strength for all naval units.
- Zheng He: Grants a free Trader unit in this city and increases Trade Route capacity by 1. Foreign Trade Routes to this city provides +2 Gold to both cities.
- Francis Drake: Instantly creates a Privateer with 1 promotion level. Military units get +50% rewards for plundering sea Trade Routes.
- Ferdinand Magellan: Grants 1 free copy of the Luxury resource on this tile to your Capital city. Gain 300 gold (on Standard speed).
- Ching Shih: Gain 500 Gold (on Standard speed). Military units get +60% rewards for plundering sea Trade Routes.
- Horatio Nelson: Instantly builds a Lighthouse and Shipyard in this district. +50% flanking bonus for all naval units.
- Chester Nimitz: Instantly creates a Submarine unit with 1 promotion level. Grants 1 Oil per turn. +20% Production towards units of the Naval Raider promotion class.
- Grace Hopper: Unlocks 2 random technologies.
- Improvements, Buildings, and Wonders
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Mausoleum at Halicarnassus: +1 Science, +1 Faith, and +1 Culture on all Coast tiles for this city. Great Engineers have an additional charge. Must be built adjacent to a Harbor district.
- Lighthouse: Now also provides +2 Housing if Harbor is adjacent to City Center.
- Fishery: Now also provides 0.5 Housing.
- Shipyard: Now also provides +1 Production to all unimproved coastal tiles in this city.
- Camp: Now provides +2 Gold. Synthetic Materials also provides additional gold.
- Plantation: Feudalism now increases Plantation yield by +1 Food.
- Fishing Boats: Colonialism increases Fishing Boats yield by +1 Production.
- Districts
- Campuses now also receive a major adjacency for Reefs.
- Map Gen
- Increase the Water Luxuries on Splintered Fractal.
- Reefs are no longer placed adjacent to Rivers.
- Rock Bands
- Promotions
- Album Cover Art: Performs as if 1 level more experienced on Wonder tiles (Reduced from 2 levels).
- Indie: Performing a concert causes that city to lose 40 loyalty (Reduced from 50 loyalty).
- Music Festival: Can now also perform concerts on National Wonders.
- Pop Star: Earn Gold equal to 25% of the Tourism generated (Was 50% Gold).
- Space Rock: Performs at Spaceports and Campuses for +500 Tourism and 1 level more experienced (Can play at Campuses w/ no Uni for 500 or with Uni for 1000) (Was 1000 tourism at Spaceports and 1 Level).
- Surf Band: Performs at Seaside Resorts and Harbors for +500 Tourism and 1 level more experienced (Can play at Harbors w/ no Shipyard for 500 or with Shipyard for 1000) (Was 500 tourism at Seaside Resorts and 1 Level).
- World Congress
- Nobel Prize in Physics: (Gold tier gets the Silver tier as well which is the same for all scored competitions)
- Gold Tier: 1 Tech boost, Increases the accumulation of resources in cities with a University by 1 (Updated).
- Silver Tier: 1 Tech boost, Increases the accumulation of resources in cities with a Research Lab by 1 (Updated).
- Bronze Tier: 1 Tech boost (same).
- Diplomacy
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Protectorate War no longer triggers a Betrayal Emergency.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Unit Abilities UI Exposures
- Multiple Leader and Civ assigned unit modifiers have been converted to unit abilities so they can be tracked in the UI.
- Units with Anti-Air strength now have unit ability text describing its function.
- Added abilities and text descriptions for Ranged and Bombard unit buffs/debuffs.
- Unit modifiers granted by retiring Great Generals and Great Admirals are now applied as unit abilities so they can be displayed in the unit abilities UI list.
- Natural Disasters
- Reduce the likelihood of most damage effects from Hurricanes by a third.
- The Veterancy Military Policy (unlocked by Military Training a Classical Civic) now includes Harbors and Harbor buildings.
- Front End
- Change “Additional Content” to be a sub-menu that hosts “MODS, Hall of Fame, and Credits”. This reduces the main menu from 10 items (information overload) to 8 items.
- New Map Type UI when starting a new game that features filtering and icon visualizations for the different maps. Only on “Create Game” and “Advanced Setup” menus in single player.
- Single Player “Jersey” Support: Setup/Advanced Setup now allows the player to select their civilization color (jersey).
- Leader list is now alphabetical, rather than grouped by release.
- End Game
- Add quick fade up of leader portrait (without a movie it looked jarring to snap from hide to show).
- Fix ESC restarting end game movie.
- Pantheon Chooser
- Selected pantheon can now be cleared by clicking the button in the top panel.
- Chooser now plays its slide animation when opening.
- Adjusted button working/style to match other Chooser screens.
- The Religion keybinding will now properly open/close the Pantheon Chooser.
- Misc
- Government Screen: Government card policy slot icons will squish together if they overflow the Government card to avoid overlap.
- Pagination for Gossip Report added.
- Added hotkey for the Power Lens.
- Add a confirmation dialog box for when you are going to remove a feature by settling.
- Domination
- Improve ability to use GDR’s (or other mixed melee/range) to take cities.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Allow units to move out of threatened areas when endangered, even on neutral territory. This manifested in AI units staying still and fortified while being attacked by ranged or air until they were dead.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Some bias adjustments to improve attacks on enemy cities.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Improve range/bombard garrisoning and improve melee garrison logic to attack when it is safe.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Don’t try to assemble city attacks for target cities that have an unclear or hidden path. Improve ability to protect embarked units.
- World Congress
- Favor Trades: Adjust some favor trade values to make deals more viable.
- Normalize evaluation of emergency projects (Send Aid was especially overvalued).
- Mercenary Companies: AI no longer always chooses choice B, “Faith.”
- Great Works
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Rework of how AI arranges and places Great Works to maximize culture generation. Corrected an issue that could cause the AI to “throw away” a Great Work.
- Misc
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Ensure AI finds rally points that are on the map.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Try to improve culture civ’s race for Theater Squares.
- Significant optimization and improvements to Volcano VFX.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Perf optimizations to both Shaka and Mansu Musa.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Reduced memory usage.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Additional graphics performance improvements.
- Production Overflow
- Add the concept of ‘salvage’ production to the Build Queue. Previously, when salvaging production from a lost Wonder build, the production was added directly back to the build queue. This caused problems of not knowing where the extra overflow came from as well as causing build production to happen when the player’s turn was not active.
- e. Player A and B are making the same Wonder. Player A takes their turn, then Player B takes their turn and finishes the Wonder. The salvage production would be added to Player A’s build queue immediately, possibly causing something to complete if the player had multiple things in their build queue.
- Now, when the salvage production is given to player A, it is stored and then applied to player A’s production overflow when player A becomes turn active again. This also fixes the issue of losing legitimate overflow, where we force clear production overflow on turn end to prevent a user from ‘banking’ overflow by force-ending their turn when a city has no production.
- Fixed an issue where production on a unit could be transferred to something else by removing that unit from the production queue.
- UI
- When purchasing something in a city, make sure that if it was already in the build queue, it goes through the motions of removing the item in the build queue as if it were complete, so that if it was the first item, the next item in the build queue starts building properly.
- The user was able to open but was unable to close the World Congress screen while the game is paused in multiplayer.
- Fixed multiple Gossip reports issues.
- Fix usable scroll area and logo clipping for various resolutions.
- Remove the rank border designating a score tier while participating in a non-scored Emergency during gameplay.
- A misleading “Location Pin” icon was present for Projects, Competitions, and Emergencies when the player views the Active Effects menu in the World Congress.
- The “previous results” icon was appearing in low resolution when voting on a Resolution that has appeared before in the World Congress.
- The target civ icon was appearing low resolution when viewing a Military Emergency.
- The Alliance Points appeared with a zero denominator when viewed after an Alliance expires during expansion gameplay.
- Climate Screen – Use the territory name as a fallback for continent name for climate events which will usually give us names for bodies of water.
- Production/Gold/Faith production buttons will now be highlighted properly based on which production panel is currently selected.
- Gameplay
- Fixed a bug where pillaged districts in a conquered city would cost the full production price to repair. Now they cost 25% as intended.
- Fixed a bug where pillaged districts would not regain applied bonuses upon repair.
- Changed Mapuche’s Toqui experience bonus ability to be permanent on units so that it remains even after the governor is removed from the city.
- Pillaged dams no longer prevent flooding.
- The Swap Units operation was ignoring the ZoC state of the units, giving you the possibility of an extra move for a unit in the ZoC.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing units that have the appropriate ability from attacking twice in a single turn.
- Don’t apply Grievances if a player conquers a City-State you have never met.
- Prevent Laurier from taking the Exploitative random agenda
- Eject rock bands from a player’s territory when they adopt the Music Censorship policy.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Tomyris’ heal after kill ability was incorrectly being applied multiple times.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Polish Hussar pushback ability was not working correctly.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Air units can no longer attack plots marked as impassable.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Fixed an issue with military buildings not applying their XP bonus correctly.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Fixed incorrect modifier being applied by Royal Navy Dockyard.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Fix the Colossal Heads not providing faith with every 2 adjacent woods.
- Unit Abilities
- Fixed missing text description for Drone unit bonus ability. Changed Drone unit Civilopedia description text to be more accurate.
- Fixed missing unit ability description for Observation Balloon range bonus. Changed Observation Balloon Civilopedia description to be more accurate.
- Fixed text description for Supply Convoy movement bonus ability.
- Misc
- Mountain Tunnels, Qhapaq Nan, and Ski Resorts (improvements on Mountains) can no longer be destroyed (or pillaged) by natural disasters.
- Transfer canal navigation properties on city capture.
- Crash
- Multiple crash fixes as seen in the public bug collector.
- Fix a crash in the Australia scenario that could occur after a random event.
- Adding a low-quality version of the volcano that gets used if the VFX quality setting is low.
- Apply FOW blending in river overlay pass.
- the game camera on the Ski Resort will now shake the snow. Why? Just ‘cuz.
- Adjusted volcano visuals to feel more volumetric and rolling/boiling.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] World Builder
- Added first pass at hand-drawn river flooding.
- Edge case notes:
- Only works for floodplains at least 3-long.
- Only works for hand-created maps, not adjusted map-script created maps.
- There are a couple places where a user may place a floodplain where it will never flood (like sharing a plain with another river branch, for example).
- Use our own custom overlay type for Continent mode with more vibrant colors.
- Normalize order of tool hotkeys and added them to the tooltips for user discoverability.
- Integrate World Builder properly into the main menu flow instead of hanging off a weird button in the mods screen.
- Fix several usability issues in Map Editor.
- Add tooltips to the placement and plot mode buttons.
- Stop the placement panel from eating the mouse around it.
- Expose wonder distance check to Lua and wire up specific error message.
- Fix many bugs related to changing terrain type and having resources/features/improvements go away when they’re no longer compatible.
- Show different continents in different colors when in Continent mode.
- Only show spawn location icons in Advanced Mode.
- Hide the tools palette when the Player Editor or Map Editor are up. This is necessary for 1024×768 screens.
- Don’t show labels options in World Builder that don’t work.
- Allow brush usage in Continent mode.
- Fix some flipped tests that were locking out improvements unnecessarily.
- Fixed text for rivers and cliffs to distinguish between placing and removing.
- Split feature and Natural Wonder placement modes.
- Fixup Natural Wonder undo when dealing with multi-tile features, especially ones that also modify the terrain as well. i.e. Lake NWs changing the terrain to coast.
- Advanced Mode
- Don’t show spurious “Wonder” district in Player Editor anymore.
- Add labels to all the items in the General tab of the player editor.
- Don’t create any units alongside a barbarian camp in the WB editor.
- We don’t support Garrison strength editing so don’t even show it.
- Districts are now placeable through the Plot Editor Districts can now be pillaged by the Placement Tool or Plot Editor.
- Delete units when a player is edited.
- Fix case where capital city would have no name if you changed a civ’s leader to not match (Should help with mod civs too).
- Fixed issues with the Plot Editor Improvement Pillaged checkbox. Fixed null error which prevented the Placement tool from placing improvements. Pillaged checkbox for Improvements now works with the Placement tool.
- Tiled Map Importer
- Fix additional crashes seen in the wild when importing maps from Tiled editor.
- Misc
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Removed constraint on map start positions that only allowed 1 entry for map/plot, as it was too restrictive for modders.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Looking up localized text in mods will now fall-back to other languages before failing.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Take-Two
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI – Ver. ??? (June 2019 Game Update)
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
- World Congress
- 3 New World Congress Proposals
- Public Relations: Target Player generates 100% more Grievances, and other players generate 100% more Grievances with the Target Player OR the Target Player generates 50% fewer Grievances, and other players generate 50% fewer Grievances toward the Target Player.
- Espionage Pact: All Spies function +2 levels higher for the Target Operation OR Target Operation is unavailable (later game)
- Military Advisory: Target unit promotion class gains +5 Combat Strength OR loses 5 Combat Strength
- 1 New Request for Aid Type
- Military Aid Request: If a civ that you have at least 200 Grievances against declares war on you, a Military Aid Request becomes available. This uses the gifting system (gold and/or project).
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] WorldBuilder Basic Mode is now “on” by default. Click on Additional Content from the main menu, and you will see the button on the upper-right.
- Additional bugs and polish are listed in the WorldBuilder section below.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Unit Abilities
- Added Unit Abilities tooltip to the Unit panel. Mouse over a unit portrait to see Unit Abilities that were previously hidden. Note that this will not include temporary or situational Abilities.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Diplomacy Ribbon Yields
- We now have an interface option in settings to turn on all the player yields on the Diplomacy Ribbon. They are: Always Off, On via Mouse-Over, Always on.
- Many thanks to modders for inspiring this change! We like it better this way as well.
- Power Lens
- Add a Power Lens when on the Power Tab of city-view with area highlights to easily see what is powered and what is not.
- Body of Water Labeling
- Add Map Labels to any body of water over a certain size (oceans, bays, lakes, etc.)
- Civs
- England
- Iron and Coal Mines accumulate 2 more resources per turn. +100% Production towards Military Engineers. Military Engineers receive +2 charges. Buildings that provide additional yields when powered receive +4 of their respective yield. +20% production towards Industrial Zone buildings. Harbor buildings increase Strategic Resource Stockpiles by +10.
- Canada
- Last Best West: Add +1 Production to Tundra/Tundra Hills/Snow/Snow Hills Lumber Mills and +1 Food to Camp in these terrains.
- France
- Château’s adjacency for each wonder doubles at Flight.
- World Congress
- Increase Diplomatic Victory requirement to 25 Diplomatic Victory Points (DVP), and increase ability to gain DVP in-game.
- Players gain 1 DVP when voting for the winning option/target combo of any Resolution.
- Statue of Liberty gives 4 DVP (doubled).
- Potala Palace Gives 1 DVP.
- Mahabodhi Temple Gives 2 DVP.
- Aid Requests (including new Military Aid Request) grant 2 DVP (doubled).
- Non-Emergency Scored Competitions grant 1 DVP to first place.
- Change current DVP Resolution to +2/-3 DVP for the Target Player.
- Buffing starting DVP for existing saves and late starts.
- Saves from “the wild” should now double their DVP upon load, making the victory more achievable with existing saves.
- Advanced starts now have a more reasonable number of starting DVP.
- Scored Competitions now end one turn before World Congress meets again (to lower the noise threshold by all of it happening on the same turn).
- Update to vote tie breaking for World Congress – Now, instead of awarding the win by player ID once all other values are calculated, determine it based on player with LEAST remaining favor.
- Send Aid Project now sends Gold to all accepting ongoing Emergencies
- Eras
- Add light scaling to Era Score by game speed.
- Dedications for later eras:
- Sky and Stars Golden Age (updated): Unlocks the Eurekas for Satellites, Nuclear Fusion, and Nanotechnology if in the Information Era. When chosen in the Future Era the Eurekas for Smart Materials, Predictive Systems, and Offworld Mission are unlocked. +100% XP earned for all Air Units. Aluminum mines accumulate +2 more resources per turn.
- Automaton Warfare Golden Age (new): Gain a Giant Death Robot. Receive 3 Uranium per turn. Uranium mines accumulate +1 more resource per turn.
- Automaton Warfare Normal and Dark Age (new): Gain +1 Era Score for each non-Barbarian unit killed with a GDR.
- New Dark Age Policies for later eras
- Cyber Warfare: +10 Combat Strength against units from the Information and Future Eras. BUT: Grievances against you do not decay.
- Automated Workforce: Your cities get +20% Production towards city projects. BUT: -1 Amenity and -5 Loyalty per turn in your cities.
- Disinformation Campaign: +3 Favor per turn for each Broadcast Center. BUT: -10% Science and Culture in all cities.
- Great People
- Great Works of Writing are now +2 Culture and +2 Tourism.
- If a player cannot earn a Great Person of a class (ex. Great Prophet after they already have one or after they run out), Great People points are converted into Faith at a 1 to 1 ratio.
- Great Person points from the Holy Site Prayers project (and other city projects) now count as excess points and generate Faith if no GP of that type can be earned.
- Map Gen
- New Maps
- 7 Seas
- Small Continents
- Generation
- Decreased the number of one-tile mountains on XP2 Archipelago maps by about 15%.
- Generate more Woods on Tundra.
- Allow Coal to be on Woods and Aluminum to be on Rainforest.
- Building/Improvements (tied to the Tech Tree rebalance)
- Building production cost balancing. Decreasing costs of later game buildings and their civ unique variants by roughly 20%.
- Medieval Walls: 220 (was 225)
- Renaissance Walls: 300 (was 305)
- Tsikhe: 260 (was 265)
- Factory, Electronics Factory, Stock Exchange, Military Academy: 330 (was 390)
- Zoo, Thermal Bath, Aquarium, Oil Power Plant: 360 (was 445)
- Hangar, Food Market: 380 (was 465)
- Seaport, Broadcast Center, Film Studio, Research Lab, Tier 3 Government buildings, Shopping Mall, Hydroelectric Dam: 440 (was 580)
- Nuclear Power Plant, Airport: 480 (was 600)
- Stadium, Aquatics Center: 480 (was 660)
- Buffing the yields and amenities of certain mid and late game buildings to make them more worth the production cost investment. Adding small Power requirements to some buildings as well.
- Workshop: 3 Production (was 2).
- Armory: 3 Production (was 2).
- Ferris Wheel: 3 Culture (was none).
- Factory: 3 regional Production, 6 when powered (was 2, 5).
- Electronics Factory: 3 regional Production, 8 when powered (was 2, 6).
- Military Academy: 4 Production (was 3).
- Food Market: Adds 1 to city power requirements (was none). 4 Food, 6 when powered (was 3).
- Shopping Mall: Adds 1 to city power requirements (was none). 1 Amenity, 2 when powered (was 1). 2 Gold, 4 when powered (was none).
- Airport: Adds 1 to city power requirements (was none). 4 Production, 6 when powered (was 3).
- Stadium: Adds 2 to city power requirements (was 3).
- Aquatics Center: Adds 2 to city power requirements (was 3).
- Tier 3 buildings in districts that can support worker citizens (“specialists”) now increase the yields for each citizen working that in that district tile.
- Coal Power Plant, Oil Power Plant, Nuclear Power Plant: +1 Production per citizen
- Stock Exchange: +2 Gold per citizen
- Military Academy: +1 Production per citizen
- Seaport: +1 Food per citizen
- Broadcast Tower, Film Studio: +1 Culture per citizen
- Research Lab: +1 Science per citizen
- Religion-specific buildings: +1 Faith per citizen
- These values are all viewable in the Civilopedia
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Changing the yields of citizens working district tiles (“specialists”) to better fit the balance and flavor of certain districts.
- Harbor, Royal Navy Dockyard, Cothon: 2 Gold and 1 Food (was 2 Gold and 1 Science).
- Encampment, Ikanda: 2 Gold and 1 Production (was 1 Culture and 1 Production).
- Change Industrial Zone adjacency bonus
- +1 Production for every 2 adjacent districts; +1 Production for every 2 adjacent Lumber Mill; +1 for every 2 adjacent Mine (Minor adjacency).
- +1 Production for the Strategic Resource, Government Plaza and Quarries. (Standard adjacency).
- +2 Production for Aqueducts, Canals, Dams, and Bath Districts. (Major adjacency).
- Increase value of Quarries, Pastures, and Lumber Mills (to have similar output to Mines, which are dominant right now)
- Lumber Mill (unlocked with construction, classical): +2 Production. +1 Production from Steel (Steel), +1 Production from Cybernetics (Future).
- Allow Lumber Mills on Rainforest tiles (Unlocked with Mercantilism)
- Remove River adjacency.
- Pasture (unlocked with Animal Husbandry, Ancient): +1 Production and 0.5 housing. +1 Food from Exploration (Renaissance), +1 Production with Replaceable Parts, +1 Food from Robotics (Information).
- Quarry (unlocked with Mining, Ancient Era): +1 Production, +1 Production with Gunpower (Renaissance), +1 Production with Rocketry (Atomic), +1 Production Predictive Systems (Future).
- Misc
- Hansa: Add +2 Production for Aqueducts, Canals, and Dams. (Major adjacency)
- Religion/Pantheon
- Remove Goddess of the Harvest.
- Add Goddess of Fire which gives +2 Faith for every Volcanic Soil and Geothermal tile.
- Divine Spark: +1 Great Person Points from Holy Sites (Prophet), Campuses with a Library (Scientist), and Theater Squares with an Amphitheater (Writer). (Before just the Great Scientist and Great Writer facet didn’t require buildings)
- Craftsmen: +1 Production and +1 Faith from improved strategic resources. (Before just +1 Production on Mined improvements)
- Earth Goddess: +2 Faith from tiles with Breathtaking Appeal. (Before +1 Faith from tiles with Charming or better Appeal)
- Goddess of the Hunt: +1 Food and +1 Production from camps. (Before just +1 Food)
- Remove Oral Tradition.
- Goddess of Festivals: +1 Culture from Plantation. (Before Goddess of the Festival was +1 Food to half of the Plantation types and Oral Tradition was the other half of plantation improvements +1 Culture)
- Religious Settlements: When chosen and you have at least 1 city receive a Settler in your capital. Border expansion rate is 15% faster. (Before just 15% Expansion)
- Fertility Rites: When chosen and you have at least 1 city receive a Builder in your capital. City growth rate is 10% higher. (Before just 10% Growth)
- River Goddess: +2 Amenities and +2 Housing to cities if they have a Holy Site district adjacent to a River. (Before just +1 Amenity)
- Initiation Rites: When a Barbarian Outpost is cleared receive +50 Faith and the unit that cleared the Barbarian Outpost heals +100 HP. (Before just +50 Faith)
- Technologies and Civics
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Rebalance Antananarivo suzerain bonus to have a maximum bonus of +30% Culture (was no limit).
- Additional Tech prerequisites
- Stirrups requires Apprenticeship
- Chemistry requires Replaceable Parts
- Tech cost increases
- Early Renaissance costs 600 (was 540)
- Late Renaissance costs 730 (was 660)
- Early Industrial costs 930 (was 845)
- Late Industrial costs 1070 (was 970)
- Early Modern costs 1250 (was 1140)
- Late Modern costs 1370 (was 1250)
- Early Atomic costs 1480 (was 1410)
- Late Atomic costs 1660 (was 1580)
- Civic cost increases
- Early Medieval branch costs 220 (was 200)
- Early Medieval trunk costs 300 (was 275)
- Late Medieval branch costs 340 (was 290)
- Late Medieval trunk costs 420 (was 385)
- Early Renaissance branch costs 440 (was 400)
- Early Renaissance trunk costs 600 (was 540)
- Late Renaissance trunk costs 720 (was 655)
- Early Industrial branch costs 800 (was 725)
- Early Industrial trunk costs 1010 (was 920)
- Late Industrial branch costs 1050 (was 870)
- Late Industrial trunk costs 1210 (was 1060)
- Early Modern branch costs 1540 (was 1255)
- Early Modern trunk costs 1540 (was 1410)
- Middle Modern branch costs 1580 (was 1560)
- Middle Modern Ideology costs 1640 (was 1500)
- Late Modern government branch costs 1640 (was 1500)
- Late Modern Nuclear Program costs 1715 (unchanged)
- Units
- Increased Anti-Air strength of naval units to be on par with increases made on land AA units.
- Several strategic resources required unit changes:
- Cuirassier changed from Niter to Iron.
- Cavalry changed from Niter to Horses.
- Cossack changed from Niter to Horses.
- Huszar changed from Niter to Horses.
- Nuclear Submarine no longer requires Uranium per turn.
- Reduced upfront resource cost of remaining unique units from 20 to 10. Mamluk, Conquistador, Redcoat, Black Army, Huszar, Cossack, Mandekalu Cavalry, Legion, and Janissary.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Corps and Army Gold purchase costs now take into account the 25% Production discount awarded by building the Military Academy. Upfront resource costs also consider the 25% discount.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Increased movement ranges of some late game units from 2 to 3. (Modern AT, Mobile SAM, Rocket Artillery).
- Military Engineers can contribute production to Flood Barriers and Aqueducts.
- Update Battering Rams and Siege Towers to only work with Melee and Anti-Cavalry units.
- Medieval and Renaissance Walls are immune to Battering Rams. Renaissance Walls are immune to Siege Towers. Battering Rams upgrade into Siege Towers.
- Policies
- Policy: Music Censorship: Rock Bands from other players may not enter your territory. BUT -1 Amenity in all your cities with 10 or more Population.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Gossip and Combat Status UI
- Reduced size of gossip messages that appear during AI turns and gave them their own column of screen space to the right of combat status messages.
- Reduced size of combat status messages.
- Added new Gossip Report to reports menu.
- Added toggle for drag-and-drop functionality.
- Add mini-map preview to saves so you can see what your game looks like before loading. Only works for new saves created post patch.
- Hot-Key text fields in the Options menu now have tool-tips on each item.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] City Recommendations UI
- Refactor recommended Settlement location system to take more factors into account aside from growth.
- Added easy-to-read Settler recommendation tooltip (with thumbs up/down icons) that reflects why the game is recommending a given location (growth potential, presence of new resources, distance from friendly cities, etc.).
- Increase number of recommendations and spread them out based on the players explored area.
- Back port settling recommendations changes to base and XP1.
- World Congress
- Adding notification for when the player earns DVP.
- Implementing “Previous Results” for resolutions in the World Congress (tooltips added to resolutions where the same resolution has come through the World Congress in the past. Gives the player an idea of how everyone voted the last time the resolution was up for a vote).
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Production Queue
- Add user interface option to always open to the production queue even if the queue is empty.
- Open directly to the production queue if a city has any items currently queued.
- New Pantheon Chooser (left side of screen instead of center of screen). Now the player can see the map when choosing what Pantheon will apply to their civ.
- Religion Screen style update designed to show more data and waste less space.
- Misc
- Floating text for Power Plants when a turn ends will now only show the amount of Power that is actually used, rather than the total amount it generated from the resources.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Add espionage missions to the Spy Civilopedia page.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Add Terrain and Feature defense modifier to the Civilopedia. Also include the movement change in the terrain section of the Civilopedia .
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Fix overlays not being cleared unless the map updated, enabled map search results on the mini-map and full map.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Right click to close full screen movie-based popups, and Historic Moments.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] There is now a notification that appears when a new Barbarian Camp appears in the mid-fog near the player. Unique notification icon added.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Policy Panel: We are now using slightly wider cards to allow more room for text to avoid as many text overflows.
- Units: Allow GDR to be namable
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Colors: Change Gitarja (Indonesia) colors to not conflict with Kupe (Maori).
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Notifications are now properly serialized/localized. If 2 individuals with different language settings are playing Play-By-Cloud, they will no longer see notifications in the opponent language.
- Civs
- Give Matthias additional alliance favoritism to support the Huszar unit
- Correct issue in Eleanor’s alliance favoritism.
- Allow Kupe to settle further from his own cities to stop him from getting island locked.
- John Curtin now favors liberating cities.
- World Congress
- AI support added for new Resolutions.
- AI Aid requests: AI now offers aid every 10 turns, at 3 times previous value. This won’t change existing saves/running emergencies.
- Improve AI vote prioritization, looking at all resolutions available in a given World Congress.
- Adjust AI so it doesn’t regularly overvalue some resolutions.
- Don’t choose Great People for Patronage resolution if they’re no longer available (Great Prophet for example).
- Combat and Operations
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Korean Hwacha – Remove siege designations from unit so that AI uses them properly
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Improvements to city defense tree when trying to get units into defensive positions.
- Improve religious units understanding to retreat from stronger opposing religious units.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Fix bug in tactical (non-coordinated) ranged units with attacking unguarded combat districts.
- Improvements to operational movements around mountains and other terrain.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Barbarians: Fix bug stopping raids from starting.
- Trade
- Use correct stockpile limits when deciding how much of a resource to trade. AI could have offered 0 if they were over their stockpile limit, even if the person they’re trading to was not.
- When the AI does not have a good enough reserve of a strategic resource they want, they won’t trade it away rather than undervaluing it.
- Trade for strategics up to double what is needed, then stop. Makes for consistent valuation.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Fix problem putting together peace deals where they want to return a city.
- Don’t let AI try to trade resources that would take either side beyond their stockpile caps.
- Don’t count both sides of the deal against the amount, this was causing deal amounts to go negative in some situations.
- Misc
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Inner ring and total yield scoring changed to use all yields (previously only production and food) – This makes the AI a bit more aggressive and expand more quickly.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Unit combat analyzers only check for hostile major powers. Makes oligarchy less favored when not at war with majors.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Don’t send non-combat Great People to scout the civilization they are at war with during gameplay (they’re gonna have a bad time).
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Worldbuilder Editor Basic Mode
- UI
- New UI on WorldBuilder HUD (left-hand tool panel, right hand info panel with icon-driven placement).
- Show resources in the plot tooltip in World Builder even if the plot has no owner assigned.
- Don’t allow loading or saving World Builder maps to the cloud, it’s not supported.
- Additional error messages for successful and failed placement (Basic Mode), and for setting visibility (Advanced Mode).
- Impose a delay so the UI can breathe in between instances of the resource scatter. This prevents the scatter code from getting jammed and showing resources that don’t exist.
- ‘Restart’ disabled when in WorldBuilder.
- Show results for resource placement in UI.
- Properly sort out input states so left and right clicks and drags work as documented.
- Update the cursor color immediately when placing or removing an item to show the hex’s new status.
- Save and restore brush size when entering and exiting a mode where it’s not valid and show it as “small” when in the invalid mode.
- Sort all the lists of items alphabetically in Place Mode.
- Chunk undo/redo (previously, when you used a large brush to paint, it would only undo a single hex at a time).
- Full screen map support to easily preview your continent shapes.
- Place/Plot
- Re-enabled allowing user to place Natural Wonders on tile types outside of gameplay rules.
- Fix and issue causing Bananas and other valid resources to be missing from placement lists.
- Lock start position editing completely out in Basic mode.
- Fix an issue that was preventing you from selecting a strategic resource tile when in “Plot” mode.
- Don’t allow plot selector to set improvements that aren’t valid for the tile.
- Plot editor now ignores existing resources and features when deciding what you’re allowed to place.
- Only coastal tiles are shown in green now for Cliff placement.
- Don’t show resources that can’t be placed, such as Toys.
- Front-End
- For WorldBuilder map mods, show the filename in the details view.
- Tiled map importer improvements: Support CSV format for tile layers & do something with transparent tiles, plus register World Builder in Standard rules games for Game Core side scripts to match XP1/XP2 behavior.
- Tiled maps now import from the saves/worldbuilder directory.
- Front End
- When deleting a WorldBuilder map, refresh available mods.
- ‘Restore Defaults’ will no longer clear the WorldBuilder editor flag.
- ‘Restore Defaults’ for WorldBuilder will default to Standard Rules rather than the latest expansion.
- When importing a map, the setup screen will no longer be missing options if the user backs out and goes to create a standard game.
- Misc
- Fix an issue that was preventing City States from spawning on World Builder maps.
- Allow custom text tags to be edited outside of Advance Mode.
- Crash
- Fix an issue that would cause the game to crash when valid starting positions could not be found.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Worldbuilder Editor Advanced Mode (Unsupported)
- UI
- City States are now a slider starting at 0 rather than fixed for most world builder maps.
- Remove cities, improvements, and units from the map when their owning civ is changed.
- Editing a city’s population in the Player Editor now works.
- Improved status reporting for player editor building placement.
- Better status/error reporting for Unit placement, and a special message for the Spy.
- Don’t allow editing gold/faith for barbarians.
- Show a red placement cursor for Districts and Buildings on plots that aren’t part of the selected city.
- Show more accurate errors when unable to place districts and buildings and turn off workarounds.
- Remove Projects from buildings list.
- Configuration
- City states can now be chosen at random based on their starting positions, allowing several city states to be defined while only using a few.
- Mods can now add starting positions for worldbuilder maps such as TSL earth by populating the MapStartingPositions tables located either in Config or Gameplay database.
- Instead of just merging mods that do not affect saved games (UI mods, normally), merge mods that only have active components AND do not affect saved games. This will remove map mods from being included in saves.
- Added extra validation before attempting to set improvement type.
- Do not place goody huts if ‘GAME_NO_GOODY_HUTS’ is set.
- Do not place barbarian camps if ‘GAME_NO_BARBARIANS’ is set
- Perf
- Back-port an XP1/XP2 requirement into base game to allow certain popular mods to write significantly faster implementations of their natural wonder modifiers.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Multiple misc check-ins to reduce memory allocations.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Additional graphics performance improvements.
- Civs
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Changed Royal Navy Dockyard to apply the +1 naval unit movement bonus as an ability so that it carries through when upgrading.
- Environmentalist agenda modifiers were reversed. This is now corrected.
- Air units are now correctly using their standard movement range instead of embarked movement range when based on Aircraft Carriers.
- Fix rebasing air units if the rebase target is the current base of the air unit. If the base was full, it would think it couldn’t rebase there. Rebasing to the same base is done when an air unit is requested to return to base.
- Add very simple concept of a parent/child relationship to the app side Unit System. This is to fix the ugly look of an aircraft carrier moving with air units as cargo.
- Air units now properly have an unobstructed view (added ability for units to be able to see ‘through’ terrain as well as features).
- Units marked as DOMAIN_AIR no longer increase city strength values.
- Fixed a bug preventing aircraft from deploying if based in an airstrip.
- Fixed issue with Hungarian Huszar not correctly requiring Horses for production.
- Removed CLASS_MELEE tag from GDR. It was incorrectly giving the GDR a bonus vs. anti-cavalry units.
- Fix an issue with the Jong not working properly with Press Gangs and International Waters.
- Fixing the Naturalist model staying behind after the unit is destroyed by creating a park.
- Update the text for Rockefeller so that it states that strategics do not need to be improved.
- Climate
- Make sure all unit layers (including the Spy Layer) are checked for units that need to be displaced from a submerged tile.
- Make sure you can’t start a new wonder on a tile suffering from coastal flooding.
- Make sure submerging tiles properly wipes out Great Wall tiles.
- When sea level rise consumed a wonder or district, sometime the incorrect wonder or district would be removed from the map, leaving the submerged version in place (for example, a neighborhood was submerged, but a completely different neighborhood in your empire was removed).
- UI
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Fixing an issue that could cause a black screen to appear when human player was defeated while multiple pop-ups were present (user could “ESC” out of it).
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Unit Panel: Disable the settler lens if a selected settler is killed.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Production Panel: Made failure text for damaged walls. We now display text explaining that the prerequisite wall type must be repaired and the number of turns before the walls can be repaired.
- Diplo Trade
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] In a peace deal, can add a return or cede city, as well as right-clicking existing cities in trade deal, to switch them out.
- World Congress
- Some fixes to prevent players with negative score from gaining rewards in Scored Competitions
- Fix an issue where players were being injected into ongoing Emergencies
- Governors
- Governor Liang’s “Reinforced Materials” promotion now also prevents damage to city HP and walls HP from natural disasters.
- Power
- Changing the rules for which Power Plant resources are used first. Uranium, as the most power-efficient resource (16 power per unit), will now always be used before Oil (4 Power) and Coal (4 Power), if it is available.
- Scenarios
- When playing the Black Death scenario in Hotseat, a new plague icon appears on a City Banner every turn the city has plague.
- If a scenario has no historical rankings information, do not show the rankings tab. This makes historic rankings an optional feature for scenarios.
- Map Search
- Slow down the map search to do at most 35 tiles per frame instead of 128. This prevents us from hitting worst-case map search times that can make the game unplayable, at the expense of slower search results. Modders can always turn it back up if they want to.
- Disable auto-updating the map search, make progress bar more visible. Was causing CPU issues on lower-end hardware. Will not only update when the user performs a search.
- Misc
- Liberated players who return to the game no longer have to build their own Palace.
- Fixing an issue where Civic boost amounts were not accounting for era bonuses or penalties (Civics can be cheaper or more expensive when they are outside the current game era). Tech boosts were doing this already, as intended. This led to a case where earning the boost for the Near Future Governance civic (a 90% boost) would grant the whole Civic, even when the proper prerequisites had not been obtained.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Make Demand Tribute work for human whether they view the AI as Friendly, Neutral or Unfriendly.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Fix city-state clumping problems when generating the map.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Fixing an issue where large amounts of Culture overflow (ex. from Moon Landing project) could apply more than once to increase domestic tourists if it was used to complete more than one Civic. Culture only converts into domestic tourists when applied to researching a particular Civic, and now that amount is capped to the cost of the Civic itself. This means that overflow will no longer be counted more than once towards tourists, but also that the increase in tourists may be spread across several turns as the overflow is applied piece by piece.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Removing Norway’s palace for the Viking scenario so that all three Viking civs will have the Ancient Viking palace
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Stop circular rivers from crashing the game on load.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Fix multi-GPU bug that could cause the game to crash.
- [ALL RULESETS ON PC] Misc crashes reported in the wild via bug collector.
- Exploit: Fix a trading issue which would allow you to give a gift of negative resources to an AI, essentially giving a gift that grants their stuff back to you.
- Fixing the Panama Canal movie not going through the time of day cycle.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Take-Two
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI – Ver. ??? (Antartic Late Summer Update)
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] New and improved version of Map Pins (now called Map Tacks) that includes pin icons for many new specific markers (Districts, etc.), in addition to a new grouped scrollable list of pins that were placed. Thanks to Bradd Szonye for his Mod inclusion!
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Map text search: Located on the mini-map tool bar. Players can now search for map items via text search and have them highlight on the map. For example, type “Iron”, or “Knight”. Includes search history, search suggestions, and “go to” buttons.
- Civs
- Canada: Receives +1 Production from mines on Snow and Tundra (Including hills).
- China: Great Wall can only be pillaged (never removed) by natural disasters. +2 Gold for improvement itself. Add +1 Gold and +1 Culture to that received for each adjacent Great Wall.
- Egypt: Update the Egyptian Chariot Archer to not replace the Heavy Chariot.
- Egypt: Sphinx now provides +1 Culture if built on Flood Plains. Cannot be built on Snow, Snow Hills, Tundra, or Tundra Hills. +2 Appeal (since they are encouraged to build on Flood Plains). Cannot be built next to another Sphinx.
- France: Château now provides 1 Culture for each adjacent wonder. 1 Gold for each adjacent Luxury Resource.
- Hungary: Mathias ability now only 75% resource and Gold discount to upgrading levied units (instead of 100%).
- India: Cities gain an Amenity for every Religion with at least 1 Follower. Missionaries have +2 spreads. +100% Religious pressure from your Trade Routes.
- India: Varu ability no longer stacks but maintenance reduced to 2.
- Mali: Nerf the Mali + City-State + Democracy Combo/Exploit. Democracy is now a 15% discount on purchases with Gold.
- Mali: Increase Mali desert weighting.
- Maori: Toa ability no longer stacks, and Strength is reduced to 36.
- Maori: Reduce the Marae ability to +1 of each bonus yield, instead of +2.
- Netherlands: Add a Production bonus towards Flood Barriers and Dams.
- Norway: Allow Norway (only) to receive Science and Culture from pillaging improvements in addition to Gold or Faith.
- Spain: Mission: +2 Faith; +1 Food, and +1 Production if on different continent than your capital. +1 Science for every adjacent Campus and Holy Site.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Improve leader victory preference weighting.
- Environment Systems and Climate Change
- Reduce Dust storm yields by 33%. Add some Food yields from Blizzards. Reduce damage to population and structures from Blizzards by about a third.
- Detach climate change progress from Natural Disaster Intensity slider.
- Move percentage of coastal tiles that can flood from 35% to 45%.
- Halve carbon emissions from units to slow down climate change to just over half the previous rate.
- Reduce unit CO2 emissions for a player by 50% if they research Advanced Power Cells.
- Increased chance of Storms and Droughts per degree of temperature rise is no longer 20% for all events. Now it does not increase chance of weaker type of each storm/drought at all but instead boosts stronger type by 50%.
- From Phase IV on Floods and Storms will not add fertility.
- At Phases V and above yields previously added to the map can be stripped off as Storms and Droughts pass over (chances increase as you move to later phases).
- Allow a single player’s CO2 footprint to go negative (if they have run the Carbon Recapture project but never generated much carbon). Hence one player can clean up the other players’ mess.
- World Congress
- Provide a one-time cap on each player receiving Favor for reviving each other major player.
- Adding tooltip to tiebreaker scenarios so players can understand why a player won a tiebreaker.
- Adding Favor Per Turn and Request for Aid score penalties for excessive Grievances and CO2 emissions.
- Climate Accords competition now enables projects for decommissioning Power Plants.
- Reducing the lockout timer on hostile emergencies so that they can show up slightly more often.
- Reduce time between deals during Request for Aid emergencies so AI can give multiple gifts if desired.
- Districts/District Buildings
- Reducing power of Royal Society Government District Building (reducing percentage-per-builder-charge from 3 to 2).
- Nuclear Accidents of any severity will now always pillage the Nuclear Power Plant.
- Pillaging
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Convert Science and Culture from pillaging improvements to Gold or Faith.
- Reduce effectiveness of Raid and Total War policies so they are only +50% instead of +100% to pillaging
- Dam districts now provides healing if plundered.
- Pillaged Reactors cannot trigger a nuclear accident. Completing the ‘Recommission Nuclear Reactor’ project will also ‘un-pillage’ it.
- Improvements
- Seastead: Cannot be placed adjacent to another Seastead.
- Wonders
- Panama Canal wonder now gives +10 Gold to its city.
- Mahabodhi Temple and Statue of Liberty now award Diplomatic victory points.
- Units
- Increase the cost of upgrading units (about 33%).
- Reduce base cost of Naturalists from 800 to 600 to make them compete better with Rock Bands.
- Update certain Great Generals and Admirals to provide strategic resources.
- Make sure Barbarians can’t spawn GDRs.
- Unsuccessful WMD attacks now consume the WMD.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Increase the Destroyer’s sight range to 3.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Air unit and Anti-Air unit combat strength balance changes propagated to base game.
- City States
- Add Walls to City States on Diety and Immortal games.
- Add additional melee units to City States at higher difficulties.
- Misc
- Grievances/Warmongering: Changing Grievance calculation (and Warmonger in base and XP1) to treat cities taken offensively during a Defensive Pact/Suzerain War/Emergency War as if taken during a Formal War (now generates Grievances)
- Setup: For advanced starts, add extra Faith and scale it.
- [XP1, XP2] Track barbarian camp placement throughout the game (much like we do storms & droughts) and shy away from camp locations that are close to previously used spots. Should distribute camps across the continents better.
- Play By Cloud
- Hide full games on Lobby list.
- Adding Remember My Choice option for what happens after a client readies up.
- Adding automatic ready up countdown.
- Activating an in-game notification for a Your Turn event to display a popup that will allow the user to go straight into that match.
- The Upper case ” i “, lower case ” L”, and number 1 all look identical when observing the Join Code in the Game Summary of the Play By Cloud Staging Room.
- Increased size of the font so unique aspects of gylphs can be determined.
- Misc
- Relationship pip icons would fail to display when progress with other Human Players during a Multiplayer game (Allied, etc.).
- Staging Room countdowns should reset when a new session is joined. Countdowns should persist even if the screen is simply hidden, which happens if the Game Settings tab is pressed.
- In-game chat panel should not display dead players.
- Additional general bug fixes and polish.
- You can now play the Black Death scenario in hotseat/PlayByCloud.
- Add secondary color to jersey selection color collision detection. Now jerseys are only considered to have collided if BOTH primary color and secondary color collide. Jerseys with similar or identical primary colors are now allowed if the secondary colors are very different
- Great Works UI: Converted system to Drag and Drop.
- Climate Overview: Add icon, tooltip for fertilized tiles lost due to weather events.
- Civilopedia: Pillaging Yields are now database driven in the Civilopedia.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] World Resource Report: Add sorting on resources and on the leaders in a row.
- Additional general bug fixes and polish.
- Trade
- Increase value of Diplomatic Favor. Limit number of items desired in a trade. Set minimum value for traded items.
- Don’t try to trade more of a Luxury resource than the human is already importing.
- Correctly value maintenance resources when calculating trades. Reduces possible exploits with resource for gold trades with the AI.
- Fixes to trades for strategic resources – Stop paying full value for them when you’ve got a decent stockpile, not just at the stockpile cap. Reduces possible exploits with resource for gold trades with the AI.
- AI will not pay for banned resources
- Reduce the chance that the AI offers only a single strategic resource in a trade deal unless they are padding out a larger deal.
- Improvements to AI Deal management with Gold.
- [XP1, XP2] Fix an issue where AI was overvaluing Great Works on the turn they are created (causing lots of trade requests).
- Victory Strategies and Agendas
- Boost Wonder Obsessed AI’s desire for Wonders in later eras.
- Improve victory strategies, including Diplomatic victory.
- Combat
- Improve AI ability to successfully complete the capture of a city during a Military Emergency they are taking part in.
- Embarked units know they are under threat from naval units – Improve protection of units while on city assault.
- [XP1] Improve ability for AI to use Warrior Monks militarily – Add additional war footing condition.
- [XP1, XP2] Fix an issue where an AI unit garrisoning a city would occasionally leave the protection of the city when they didn’t need to, exposing them to attack.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] AI more strongly prefers attacking with aircraft to deploying to districts.
- Misc
- Fixed an issue that was making the AI less likely to improve strategic resources.
- Avoid advancing your Power Plant if you don’t have resources for it.
- Increase odds of aggressive civs making encampments.
- [XP1, XP2] Reduce value of supply convoys, they were heavily overvalued by AI.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Minor Civs will no longer make aircraft carriers (since they can’t make aircraft)
- Additional AI and rendering performance improvements.
- Civs
- Phoenicia: Fix non-capital continent bonuses moving properly for Phoenicia (additional checks).
- Cree: Poundmaker’s Trade Route UA (which is based on tile improvements at the destination city) now works like it used to back in XP1.
- Maori: Mana ability was incorrectly being applied to all units.
- Ottomans: Ibrahim in some situations was not able to be moved to another capital.
- Kongo: Now correctly is awarded benefits from Founder beliefs. Mvemba now cannot get the Intolerant Agenda.
- Policies: Check for obsolete policies after awarding free civics (Bolshoi).
- Many fixes to code that controls what is expelled during city flips, capture, trade, etc.
- On city transfer, all air-units that do not belong to the new owner that are based in a district or improvement, are immediately re-based, prior to any other expelling of other units.
- If the city is flipped to a new culture, default placement rules apply, no units are booted out, except stationed air-units, unless they can’t be in the new owner’s territory.
- If the city is transferred in a deal, only friendly units (non-air), traders and spies can stay.
- Units, Movement, and Combat
- Fixed a bug caused when trying to form an Army with a unit that has no movement remaining.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Don’t factor in embarked and amphibious combat penalties for air units.
- Don’t let the player select other player’s air units.
- Fix an issue that was causing the unit cycling to pull camera away from user when they were doing things like changing citizen assignments in the city.
- Don’t add Mountain Tunnel entrances/exits on water tiles.
- Don’t let an embarked builder/engineer create an adjacent improvement on a land tile.
- Remove mountain tunnel entrance/exit if the tile submerges.
- Don’t let naval units use Tunnels.
- Carriers/Air Units/Rebasing
- Added additional checks to rebasing aircraft to make sure they are properly paired in cases where a carrier unit exists in a city center.
- Correct some visualization issues with air-unit rebasing.
- When a tile is annexed by a player and it is trying to kick out any other players that shouldn’t be there, don’t assume that all the air units can’t be there, they might be able to stay.
- Also do the kick out in two stages so that if the units do have to leave, any parent objects are moved first, then child objects, so the child objects can just go to where the parent is (aircraft carrier) if appropriate.
- Civilopedia
- Removing a page from the Civilopedia’s Trade Route game concepts, which referred to a base benefit that was removed in XP1 and XP2 and made into a governor bonus instead.
- Update Sweden’s capitals in the Civilopedia to be Swedish instead of Norwegian.
- UI
- Golden Age UI will fail to display on the Status bar when transitioning into the Future Era during a Gathering Storm gameplay.
- Fix an extremely large amount of space being added for tooltips from point.
- UI now properly updates upon completion of the Recommission Nuclear Reactor project.
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Several color systems fixes and corrections. Improved default colors for several civs that were difficult to read.
- Multiple misc UI fixes and updates.
- Front End: ‘Teams Share Visibility’ is now disabled/0 when ‘No Teams’ is checked and reset when unchecked.
- Trade
- Treat incoming gifts as incoming demands; don’t allow the user to modify them.
- Resources
- Player Resources are now updated before Player Units in the turn order. This is to fix the issue where the insufficient resource combat debuff was not being removed until the following turn, even though the player had sufficient resources at the beginning of the turn.
- World Congress
- Fixing multiple World Congress issues that could cause mis-matched or blank proposal choices to show up on the review and results screens.
- Adding in filtering for the Migration Treaty, so that players cannot target unmet players.
- Fixing an issue that would allow a Special Session to be called before the World Congress properly unlocked.
- Wonders
- Fixed an overflow that some players noticed when they had large amounts of gold and completed Big Ben, which gives a 50% gold bonus.
- Fixed an issues with Apadana where the user was not granted 2 Envoys when completed.
- Fixed Panama sometimes not lining up with its neighbor canals.
- Grievances
- Grievances now decay between dead civilizations. Prevents negative Loyalty modifier from hanging around after defeating the city’s original owner.
- Fixing Grievance notifications doing nothing when clicked.
- Districts
- Fixed a bug preventing nuclear reactors from being removed from the game when a city is razed. Changed the identification of nuclear reactor buildings to use a database parameter instead of a game tag. Added fail checks when searching for a reactor type building.
- District modifiers should now properly reattach when the district was pillaged but has been successfully repaired (was staying inactive; ex. a pillaged Suguba district that was then repaired).
- Districts that are over strategic resources are now correctly represented in the Reports screen. Resources are shown as from that city as opposed to ‘Gameplay Bonuses’.
- Misc
- Hall of Fame: Improved performance of aggregate updates. Also fixed a crash that would occur if one of the Hall of Fame aggregate queries was bad (typically from a mod).
- Map Gen: Make is so that there is a chance that Zhangye Danxia and Mount Roraima can appear. Before there was 0% chance of them showing up.
- Map Gen: Make sure coastal lowlands don’t appear inland near lakes
- Scenarios: Plantations should not show up as a potential build in the Black Death Scenario.
- Achievements: Fix “Peacekeeper” achievement to require that the end-user be Laurier winning an emergency.
- Achievements: Ensure that the player has actually won the Nobel Prizes for achievement
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Multiplayer: Fixing progress blocker that was occurring if a player was defeated during their turn in hotseat.
- Road Vis: Fixing issues with Road and Railroad “spaghetti”.
- Tile improvement modifiers should now properly detach from an old city when the tile is swapped to another city (was staying active; ex. Power from green energy improvements)
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Espionage: Fix espionage funds being siphoned not showing for negative amounts
- City-States: When sending your first real Envoy to a city-state, but you already have Amani in that city-state giving you “virtual” Envoys there, correctly award a second bonus Envoy from the Diplomatic League policy
- Multiple crash fixes as reported by the public crash reporting system
- [ALL GAME VERSIONS] Re-enable SHIFT+ENTER to force end turn. Make sure that production overflow is lost if this is used.
- Coastal Raids can no longer target Impassable plots. In Gathering Storm, this loophole allowed naval units to raid a mountain improvement (ex. Mountain Tunnel) without actually pillaging it, allowing continuous gold.
- Great Generals that transform a military unit into a Corps or Army can no longer do so for the GDR, which is not allowed to be a Corps or Army.
- Correct exploit where player could receive duplicate Luxuries by trading it away, removing the improvement, then rebuilding it for a duplicate copy.
- ModBuddy (unsupported)
- ModBuddy now supports XP1, XP2, and shared pantries in art tools.
- Misc polish and debugging.
- WorldBuilder Editor (unsupported)
- Allow Forge tuner panel to work in WorldBuilder.
- Add “Basic mode” for creating simple hand-crafted location maps with random start positions. Separate out scenario tools to “Advanced Mode”, which is very much still in development.
- Add ability to “paint” with different brush sizes.
- Assign a default continent value when “painting” any terrain (Africa).
- Scatter Resources button added.
- Settings
- Disable Generate New ID button in Basic mode.
- Make Generate ID button do something in Advanced mode.
- When updating text strings, the text in the left column did not update to reflect the changes.
- Now, text options are locked for name, descript, and map name, map descript (they are required). These were able to be deleted before.
- Misc
- Don’t allow selection of resource amounts for non-strategic resources in the Plot and Placement editors.
- Fix an issue where an already saved WorldBuilder map, when loaded back into WorldBuilder, would lose continent data.
- Erase any improvements on a plot when changing the owner to NONE.
- Erase improvements and features on a tile if you change the terrain type to something incompatible in the Placement mode.
- Allow changing the Pillaged state of improvements on tiles.
- First pass at status message system to give feedback like “Library requires a Campus district” or “Placed Shrine successfully” instead of silently doing nothing.
- Show correct civ icons in World Builder Player Editor.
- World Builder Front-End
- Additional Content
- New maps created in WorldBuilder are now automatically found and enabled when returning to the main menu. No more required restart.
- Updated mods UI to show a different icon if the mod came from a map.
- If a mod has a ‘Created’ property, show the date the mod was created. * Expansion 2 and Expansion 1 are now always shown at the top of the mods listing.
- Map-loaded mods are always considered compatible.
- Additional fixes for compatibility, etc.
- Game Setup
- Maps now display properly in the in-game map-lists if you are in the correct rule-set, and the map mod is enabled.
- Maps created in the “Standard” ruleset now will show as playable in both Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm.
- World Builder Menus
- Change front-end menus to reflect only items necessary for WorldBuilder. Update text strings. Update in-game pause menu to reflect only items necessary for WorldBuilder.
- Add World Wrap toggle to Advanced Setup.
- Fixing hotseat Rock Band colors.
- Fixing the unit colors for the Fez city state.
- Tweaking the unit colors for Japan and Mapuche to match their civ jersey’s a bit better
- Pass on the “Player Colors” which are the jerseys that are picked when we run out of other reasonable jersey selections. We have enough to cover over the max number of players picking the same civ.
- Add beards to all remaining leaders that did not previously have beards.
- Tweak to the civ Icon backing texture that is used in the Character selection screen. Show more representative color scheme so that players will be able to make more informed readability decisions in the main menu.
- Editing Gorgo/Greece civ symbol placement and size so it matches all the other civs.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Take-Two
How to download updates for Sid Meier’s Civilization VI for the Nintendo Switch?
To download the updates for Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, you have three options:
- let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off
If not…
- try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;
- select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.
To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.