
Oshiiro (light stick-wielding 3D horror game) announced for Nintendo Switch

Oshiiro is a 3D horror game developed by Tamasumen (an indie developer known for quirky games) in which you get to exorcise hordes of evil spirits. But unlike other similar games, you don’t do so with guns, holy water, magic, or even a camera, but with… a light stick — the same kind people wave around at concerts.

And today, Tamasumen (the developer) announced that Oshiiro is coming to the Nintendo Switch. Very little is known about this version of the game (developed in collaboration with Regista), other than it will feature “plenty” of additional content not found in the (free) PC version.

Here’s a trailer for the PC version:

Oshiiro takes place at a concert venue called Chiba Legends Arena. 20 years ago, human remains were found during contruction, and an exorcist discovered that the place was haunted by spirits. At first, those were deemed harmless, which is why construction went ahead. For 20 years, nothing happened, but following a virtual idol concert, those spirits suddenly turned into man-eating monsters… not so harmless anymore!

Your goal in this game is to investigate the Chiba Legends Arena and exorcise the monsters you come across. To do so, you need to wave around your light stick, but you can’t do so mindlessly. You have to make sure your light stick is of the same colour as the bracelets and the light sticks worn by the monsters.

Here’s what the gameplay looks like:

Oshiiro (Switch – eShop) does not have a release date yet.

Source: Tamasumen (Twitter)
Game details: Automaton Media


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.