OlliOlli to be crossbuy on Wii U / 3DS, coming out on March 5th
Earlier this week, we learned from a listing on the Wii U eShop that OlliOlli would come out on March 5th in Europe, and Curve Studios has just confirmed the news. Even better: that release date is indeed for both Wii U and 3DS versions, but also for North America. And even, even better: the game will be cross-buy in both territories, meaning you won’t have to buy the two versions separately… you’ll get both just by buying the game on your favorite platform.
OlliOlli will therefore be the very first game to offer crossbuy right off the bat in both Europe and North America, even before Mario vs Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars (out on March 20th). There has already been games with crossbuy on Nintendo consoles, but only in Europe so far: this is definitely an improvement for Nintendo fans, one that should definitely allow Curve Studios to garner even more good will.
As for the price, it will be 9.99€ in Europe, 7.99£ in the UK and 7.99$ in North America. Check out the very first screenshots for the Wii U and 3DS version by clicking here!
OlliOlli (Wii U / 3DS) comes out on March 5th in Europe and North America, and will be crossbuy.
Source: Curve Studios PR