Ohayou! Beginner’s Japanese: details on the upcoming update
A few days ago, Finger Gun Games announced on Miiverse that an update for Ohayou! Beginner’s Japanese was in the works. It’s meant to fix a couple of glitches that found their way in the final version of the game, but it looks like there will be more to it than just some (welcome) bug fixes. There’s also a couple of improvements, that will make it easier to use the game.
Here’s the patchnotes for the update, that will bring the game to Ver. 1.1:
- You can now scroll up and down with the D-pad if you do not wish to use the joystick.
- Your last position is now saved on the lesson screens so you don’t have to scroll back down when you finish a lesson.
- Character duplications in the “d” and “z” Sound Game lessons have been removed. No more confusing two characters of the same type popping up.
- The issue with no star showing up when you get five stars in all lessons in either the Hiragana or Katakana category of the Sound Game has been resolved. Before, if you got five stars in all lessons in either the Hiragana or Katakana Romaji Games, the star to show that you completed them all will also show up in the Sound Game menu.
This update for Ohayou! Beginner’s Japanese should be released sometime this week or next week, in Europe and North America (it’s not clear whether the release will be simultaneous or not).
Source: Cordero (Miiverse)