Nintendo Switch: Nintendo UK prize draws for hands-on event
On January 12th/13th, Nintendo will reveal plenty of details about the Nintendo Switch (price, line-up, more) during the Nintendo Switch Presentation. And after that, Nintendo will host several hands-on events, to allow both the press and fans to try out Nintendo’s new gaming platform.
We already knew that there would be hands-on event in Japan (on January 14th and January 15th), but this week, Nintendo announced some for other countries. Yesterday, we found out that Nintendo was sending invites to select My Nintendo members in the United States, and today, the company announced a raffle for fans in the United Kingdom.
Basically, there are two ways to win an invite to the hands-on event:
- players with a Nintendo Account and with the Nintendo Newsletter setting set to “Receive”. There are 500 invites to be won that way;
- participate in the Facebook prize draw. All you have to do is tell Nintendo why you’re excited about the Nintendo Switch on this page.
The Terms and Conditions reveal that this hands-on event will take place on January 14th and January 15th. If you win, you will be able to chose the date and time of your session
So far, Nintendo has been sending invites to hands-on sessions in the United States and the United Kingdom. We should be hearing about hands-on sessions in other countries pretty soon, most likely before the end of the week.
Thanks Jonneh3003 for the heads up!