Nintendo news (December 26): Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore / Yoiko
Today’s Nintendo news: latest videos for Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore, but also…
- Yoiko
- Nintendo Switch
- Brain Training for Nintendo Switch
- Fire Emblem Premium Arrange II
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
Nintendo have opened the “official website” of Fortuna Entertainment, the in-game Talent Agency in Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore. The website doesn’t reveal anything about the game, but it does have previews of some of the vocal songs found in the game:
And here’s a couple of web commercials for the game:
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore (Switch) comes out on January 17th worldwide.
Here’s the latest episode of Nintendo’s webshow with Yoiko, this time showcasing Ring Fit Adventure and Brain Training for Nintendo Switch:
Brain Training for Nintendo Switch (Switch) comes out on December 27th in Japan, and January 2nd in Europe.
Nintendo Switch
Here’s a few more TV Commercials for the Nintendo Switch in Japan:
Brain Training for Nintendo Switch
Here’s a few more screenshots for Brain Training for Nintendo Switch:
Brain Training for Nintendo Switch (Switch) comes out on December 27th in Japan, and January 2nd in Europe.
Source: 4Gamer
Fire Emblem Premium Arrange II
Earlier this year, Intelligent Systems released the Fire Emblem Premium Arrange album, that includes arrangements of popular music tracks from the Fire Emblem. Said arrangements were performed live at the Fire Emblem Expo. And as announced a few days ago, there will once again be live performances at the Fire Emblem Expo II in May. Naturally, that means a second Fire Emblem Premium Arrange album!
Logically called Fire Emblem Premium Arrange II, this album will also be released ahead of the Fire Emblem Expo II on February 19th. It will cost 3 200 Yen.
Here’s what the cover looks like:
And here’s the tracklist (in Japanese):
- 「戦闘マップ3 勝利近し(プレイヤー側)」「暗黒竜と光の剣」より
- 「真実 絶望 そして希望」「聖魔の光石」より
- 「新たなる歴史を刻む者」「新・紋章の謎~光と影の英雄」より
- 「貴様らが…姉さんの言葉を語るな!」「覚醒」より
- 「正義は此処に~颯」「if」より
- 「解放への勇進」「Echoes もうひとりの英雄王」より
- 「フォドラの暁風」「風花雪月」より
- 「野望の地平」「風花雪月」より
- 「鷲獅子たちの蒼穹&天と地の境界」「風花雪月」より
- 「ガルグ=マク大修道院の日常」「風花雪月」より
- 「第2章(アグストリアの動乱)」「聖戦の系譜」より Vocal:川村 ゆみ
- 「あの空の向こうに(ロイの旅立ち)」「封印の剣」より Vocal:川村 ゆみ
- 「大戦闘メドレー」
- 「Clash」「蒼炎の軌跡」より
- 「Attack!」「封印の剣」より
- 「攻撃」「烈火の剣」より
- 「攻撃」「聖魔の光石」より
- 「暁の団」「暁の女神」より
- 「我故に我アリ」「暁の女神」より
- 「正義をかけて ベルド戦」「トラキア776」より
- 「「I」~望」「覚醒」より
- 「王の子は煉獄に踊る」「Echoes もうひとりの英雄王」より
- 「汝、闇の同胞よ」「if」より
Source: Gamer