Monster Strike: latest batch of details and screenshots, videos
A few weeks ago, mixi promised that new details about Monster Strike 3DS would be revealed on a weekly basis. The company picked up Monday for those weekly updates, which mean it’s already time for the latest one (and the last one before release)! This time, a new monster is introduced, we get additional details about the game, and more! Unfortunately, this week, the details are mostly a recap of previously-revealed info.
The new monster is called Berserkyu, and he has a special ability not found in Monster Strike on mobile platforms. When its HP drop down to a certain point, he starts absorbing energy from nearby (weak) monsters in order to heal itself.
Next, mixi talks about the Medical Center and a mysterious laboratory, which are two important places for the story: it looks like there’s some secrets to unravel in there! Finally, we learn that the game will have some sort of achievement list: it allows you to track your records as you play (number of quests completed, time played, and more).
Here’s the latest batch of screenshots for Monster Strike:
Finally, here’s two videos for the game:
Head after the break for the rest of the videos!
Monster Strike (3DS) comes out on December 17th in Japan.