Japan: Famitsu sales for June 2021 (Software, Hardware, Publishers)
Famitsu have shared their latest monthly report on video game sales in Japan, this time covering June 2021 (to be more precise, the period going from May 31st to June 27th, so 4 weeks in total).
After 3 months at the top, Monster Hunter Rise leaves the Top 5 Software altogether, and is replaced at #1 by… Game Builder Garage! Not only that, but it’s the only game that managed to sell over 100 000 units this month with 126 008 units sold at retail alone. June is usually a pretty quiet month for the video games market in Japan, and this year was no exception.
Mario Golf: Super Rush lands at #2 after only 3 days of sales. It sold 80 430 units, which is a strong debut (much better than the previous entry on Nintendo 3DS with 59 000 units sold at launch). There’s little doubt it will enjoy strong sales throughout the Summer holiday season (along with Game Builder Garage).
Unfortunately, the Nintendo Switch version of Samurai Warriors 5 did not chart in the Top 5 Software, as it sold about 39 000 units at launch.
Here’s the Top 5 Software for June 2021:
01./00. [NSW] Game Builder Garage <EDU> (Nintendo) {2021.06.11} (¥3.164) – 126.008 / NEW
02./00. [NSW] Mario Golf: Super Rush <SPT> (Nintendo) {2021.06.25} (¥5.980) – 80.430 / NEW
03./05. [NSW] Miitopia <SLG> (Nintendo) {2021.05.21} (¥4.980) – 62.464 / 169.640 (-42%)
04./00. [PS4] Samurai Warriors 5 # <ACT> (Koei Tecmo) {2021.06.24} (¥7.800) – 55.675 / NEW
05./00. [NSW] Ring Fit Adventure # <HOB> (Nintendo) {2019.10.18} (¥7.980) – 53.835 / 2.654.669
This month again, the Nintendo Switch grabbed 4 of the 5 spots in the Top Software:
NSW – 4
PS4 – 1
Once again, Nintendo was the most successful publisher with about 560 000 units sold. The good performance of the new releases coupled with the steady sales of its evergreen titles allowed it to sell over two times more games than the other two publishers in the Top 3 combined.
Those two publishers are Koei-Tecmo with 138 000 units sold (Samurai Warriors 5 account for half of those sales) and Capcom with 79 000 units sold (mostly from Monster Hunter Rise).
- Nintendo – 566 000 units sold
- Koei-Tecmo – 138 000 units sold
- Capcom – 79 000 units sold
Hardware-wise, the Nintendo Switch had a fairly good month with 323 553 units sold. That’s significantly less than in May (501 705 units sold), but that drop is either unexpected or all that worrying. There’s two reasons for that:
- Famitsu’s tracking period for May had 5 weeks (including the Golden Week), and only 4 for June
- June as a whole is much slower month for the video games market
The Nintendo Switch is still selling at an unusually strong pace for a console already on its 5th year on the market, and with the Summer holiday season, it’s unlikely sales are going to slow down any time soon. However, Year on Year comparisons are only going to get tougher moving forwards, though as of June, 2021 sales are well ahead of 2020 sales (about 300 000 units)… despite 2020 being the best year ever for the platform!
|System | This Month | Last Month | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| NSW # | 323.553 | 501.705 | 295.606 | 3.001.457 | 2.666.882 | 20.341.831 |
| PS5 # | 76.533 | 123.272 | | 603.433 | | 858.583 |
| XBS # | 11.121 | 4.113 | | 25.200 | | 56.624 |
| PS4 # | 7.125 | 7.670 | 51.219 | 80.183 | 435.812 | 9.371.073 |
| 3DS # | 1.736 | 2.323 | 4.280 | 15.863 | 33.340 | 24.574.771 |
| ALL | 420.068 | 639.083 | 351.318 | 3.726.136 | 3.138.719 | 56.369.501 |
| PS5 | 65.886 | 101.654 | | 511.829 | | 718.451 |
| PS5DE | 10.647 | 21.618 | | 91.604 | | 140.132 |
| XBS X | 8.341 | 2.405 | | 17.122 | | 41.998 |
| XBS S | 2.780 | 1.708 | | 8.078 | | 14.626 |
| NSW L | 67.252 | 143.707 | 85.996 | 845.018 | 1.307.290 | 3.917.110 |
| NSW | 256.301 | 357.998 | 209.610 | 2.156.439 | 1.359.592 | 16.424.721 |
| PS4 | 7.125 | 7.670 | 28.867 | 79.959 | 268.250 | 7.795.350 |
|n-2DSLL| 1.736 | 2.323 | 3.977 | 15.863 | 31.334 | 1.179.826 |
Source: Famitsu
Data compiled by: Chris1964 (ResetERA)
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