Inazuma Eleven Ares: new details and pictures (gameplay: command battles, passes, defense, shoots; toys)
This month, Level-5 once again updated the official website for Inazuma Eleven Ares, sharing some additional details and pictures for the game. This time around, only the System section of the website was updated, with new screenshots for previously revealed details, but also brand new screenshots and details.
One of the key points of the game, like in previous Inazuma Eleven titles, lies in scouting players for your football team. You can talk to your manager in order to do so. Generally, you need to fulfill specific conditions in order to convince a player to join your team.
Next, some details about gameplay systems, starting with passes. As seen in the screenshots below, you have lines “linking” the various players: those allow you to see at a glance where the other players are, and who you can send the ball to. This system is said to be both intuitive, and allowing for deep, strategic play.
Here’s how you pass the ball:
- 1) you select the pass course. The lines indicate who you can send the ball to, but just sending it at random won’t do: you have to carefully think about who to send it to, depending on the situation of the game (like the position of players from the other team, etc.);
- 2) you determine the timing of your pass. Just like you can’t really send the battle to any player, you also have to take other things into account: the distance between players, but also the timing of your pass.
When you’ve passed the ball to another player, the camera automatically switches to them. You then have to keep passing the ball around until you’ve reached the other team’s goal!
As mentioned in this post, Inazuma Eleven Ares uses a command system. In this game, a “command battle” occurs when the player with the ball comes into contact with an opponent: you then have a few seconds to take a decision, and the very action you take can be the difference between victory and defeat.
Here’s how it works:
- 1) Come into contact with the player holding the ball: a command battle is triggered when a player comes into contact with the one currently holding the ball (if they’re part of the opposing team, you can’t really have a command battle with yourself!)
- 2) Select a command: once the command battle has been triggered, you have to select a command. There, you need to select the most appropriate action for the current situation, and that includes using a Hissatsu technique.
On the screenshot below, we can see Inamori facing Haizaki, with the following options available:
- Y button: go left
- A button: go right
- X button: use a Hissatsu technique
In fact, the UI reveals various other details:
- Top left corner: Asuto’s stats with element (in his case, Fire), gender (male), his position (FW), his GP and TP, and his base power (128)
- Top right corner: Haizaki’s stats with element (in his case, Wind), gender (male), his position (FW), his GP and TP, and his base power (117)
- Top center: element chart. Fire > Wind > Water > Earth > Fire > etc.
- Bottom right corner: “map” of the field.
Command battles are pretty important: their outcome can end with you losing the ball, so you really need to think carefully about which action to take every single time.
Defense is a key element of “normal” football, and naturally, it’s also the case in Inazuma Eleven Ares. A successful defense allows you to take back control of the ball.
You can do a “press” in order to try and get the ball back, but the outcome depends on the total power: if your player’s is higher than their opponent’s, then they can take the ball back.
In one of the screenshots below, we can see the player being offered two options:
- Y button: line press
- A button: circle press
No details are provided about those two kind of presses, unfortunately.
Next: shoots. When you’ve come close enough to your opponents’ goal, you can try a shoot in order to score. For the ball to end up in the goal, you have to learn to read the goalkeeper’s movements.
You also have to choose both the type of shoot and its trajectory. Whether or not the ball ends up in the goal or the goalkeeper’s hands depends on various factors: the game situation, the timing of your shoot, and of course the individual ability of the players involved (player doing the shoot and the goalkeeper).
Another key element of the Inazuma Eleven series found in Inazuma Eleven Ares: the Hissatsu Techniques. They’re special moves you can pull off in order to take the upper hand during a match. There’s 4 different kids of Hissatsu Techniques:
- Shoot: Hissatsu Techniques to use when trying to score. Example: Spectrum Magna;
- Offense: Hissatsu Techniques to use during a command battle. Example: Ice Arrow (Kouri no Ya);
- Defense: Hissatsu Techniques to use when trying to get the ball back. Example: Rensa The Wall;
- Keeper: Hissatsu Techniques to use to block enemy shoots. Example: Royal Shield (Ooke no Tate).
As you can imagine, every single Hissatsu Technique has its own characteristics. Learning how and when to use one is pretty much key to victory!
Finally, we have details about how the toys interact with the game. As mentioned previously, you can link the Eleven Band and scan the Eleven Licence toys in order to enjoy various benefits, and today, details about that particular feature were finally shared.
Every day, you accumulate energy via the Eleven Band (by moving around, etc.), and you can then send it to the game once a day. Depending on the amount of energy transferred, you can get either XP or Nekketsu Points (lit. Hot Bloodedness Points). Also, by entering a specific code on the Eleven Band, you can get and transfer “SP Tokkun Power” (lit. Special Training Power), that allows you to get useful items in-game.
As for the Eleven Licence, it allows you to get either XP or Nekketsu Points. You can scan up to 3 Eleven Licences a day. Also, there’s something called “Bonus Theme”. If you scan an Eleven Licence corresponding to that theme (let’s say, “3rd Years”, aka the licence of any 3rd Year character), you get a bonus!
Now, you’re probably wondering what on earth those “Nekketsu Points are supposed to be. They’re points that you need to acquire Hissatsu Techniques, items, accessories, and more, in Inazuma Eleven Ares. What’s more, they can also be required for special training and practice matches. It’s not clear whether you can get them by playing normally, but it definitely would be unexpected if you couldn’t!
Finally, Level-5 there’s still more to the Eleven Licences and the Eleven Bands, but we will have to wait before getting more details about that…
Here’s various pictures and screenshots from the official website:
But wait, there’s still more! As we learned earlier this week, Level-5 is planning to offer the Nintendo 3DS version of the very first Inazuma Eleven game for free, via the Nintendo eShop (in order to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the series).
Today, it was announced that the game will be available from July 20th, but only for a limited time (unfortunately, no end date for the offer was provided). At the very least, it’s been confirmed that it’s the full version of the game that will be available, not just a special version missing content or anything: it’s the real deal. Unfortunately, no such offer is planned outside Japan (at least, at this point in time).
Inazuma Eleven Ares (Switch) comes out this Fall in Japan.
Inazuma Eleven for Nintendo 3DS (3DS – eShop) comes out on July 20th in Japan. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!
Source: 4Gamer