Hyrule Warriors Legends – Character Trailer #6: Linkle
Last month, Koei-Tecmo uploaded the very first character trailer for Hyrule Warriors Legends, and started introducing the new playable characters of the game. And as announced last week, the next character trailer is for Linkle (a brand new character, who was revealed a few weeks ago during the latest Nintendo Direct presentation).
When comes the time to bash some enemies, Linkle uses a couple of crossbows… and she uses them well! She is a very acrobatic character, who has some very swift attacks. In her hands, crossbows are as deadly as a sword or the iron fists of a Goron. She has her own “spin-attack”, where she uses her crossbows instead of a sword.
The trailer shows her “charging” her crossbows, and then starting to walk while shooting (just like in a TPS). She can also charge ahead while shooting arrows after arrows, leaving not even a second for enemies to react. Finally, she has a special move where she throws a huge bomb to the ground, and then kicks it in order to make it explode.
Here’s the character trailer for Linkle:
Here’s another picture for the contents of the Treasure Box edition of Hyruule Warriors Legends:
The next video will be a trailer for the game!
Character trailer #1: Tetra
Character Trailer #2: King of Hyrule
Charater Trailer #3: Toon Link
Character Trailer #4: Ganondorf (with Trident)
Character Trailer #5: Skull Kid
Hyrule Warriors Legends (3DS) comes out on January 21st in Japan, and March 25th in Europe and North America.