Fire Emblem Heroes: Scattered Fangs Summoning Focus brings more Heroes from Fire Emblem (GBA)
This week is a pretty big one for Fire Emblem Heroes, as a brand new Software update goes live on Thursday/Friday (check out this post for more details). But that’s not all: a few hours after the update has landed, a new Summoning Focus will go live, bringing some brand new Heroes from Fire Emblem (on GameBoy Advance).
The new Summoning Focus is called “Scattered Fangs”, and it will be live from June 8th to June 21st. Here’s the 3 Heroes included in this one:
- [5 ★ Focus] Karla, the Sword Vassal (from Fire Emblem). Voiced by Allegra Clarke. Artist: Kita Senri;
- [5 ★ Focus] Legault, the Hurricane (from Fire Emblem). Voiced by Christoper Bevins. Artist: PenekoR;
- [5 ★ Focus] Nino, the Pale Flower (from Fire Emblem). Voiced by Sarah Blandy. Artist: Amagaitaro.
Here’s the usual trailer introducing this Summoning Focus and its new Heroes (English and Japanese versions):
Want another Hero from Fire Emblem? Then keep an eye on the Grand Hero Battle starting on June 12th, as it will feature Linus, the Mad Dog!
As usual, this new Summoning Focus will come with a new set of Story Maps, and more precisely a Story Chapter called “The King’s Demise”. It will feature the regular set of 5 maps. And alongside this Summoning Focus, there will be a new set of Daily Log-in Bonuses, logically called “New Heroes Bonus”.
Make sure to check out the Events and Content Updates and Characters page to keep up to date with all that’s happening in Fire Emblem Heroes!