Fire Emblem Heroes: new Summoning Focus (Fire and Ice)
A few weeks ago, several Summoning Focus events allowed players to get characters from Book II of the main story of Fire Emblem Heroes. But as you’re probably aware, not all them are available yet: some of them are still missing. Fortunately, the next Summoning Focus features two of the missing characters! It’s called Fire and Ice, and it runs from November 21st to December 11th.
Quite interestingly, this new Summoning Focus features only two Heroes, which is highly unusual. However, it’s not clear why there’s so few Heroes this time around, though this is most likely due to the upcoming start of Book III of the main story.
Here’s the two Heroes features in the new Summoning Focus, Fire and Ice:
- [5 ★ Focus] Ylgr, Fresh Snowfall (original character). Voiced by Megan Lee. Artist: Maeshima Shigeki;
- [5 ★ Focus] Surtr, Ruler of Flames (original character). Voiced by ???. Artist: Maeshima Shigeki.
Here’s the trailer introducing the Summoning Focus and its Heroes (English and Japanese versions):
Alongside this Summoning Focus, the following will also go live:
- a new set of story maps, and more precisely a Paralogue Story called “Whispers of Death”. It will include the usual 3 maps;
- a new set of Quests related to that Paralogue Story;
- a new set of Daily Log-in Bonuses: New Heroes Log-in Bonus, allowing players to get up to 13 Orbs.
As usual, keep an eye on the Events and Content Updates and Characters pages to keep up to date with all that’s happening in Fire Emblem Heroes!
Source: Nintendo (YouTube)