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[Europe] Nintendo eShop: ShopTo now selling download codes

Nintendo eShopIn the past couple of years, Nintendo has launched various initiatives to increase sales on the Nintendo eShop. One of them consists in increasing the number of ways people can buy content: via the Nintendo eShop, via Nintendo’s very own websites, via pre-paid cards, and even via download codes.

Good news for European users: ShopTo has started selling download codes for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games on their website. Unfortunately, the prices really leave to be desired (especially if you’re not paying in £). But at least, the selection is strong with a lot of retail and downloadable titles, and even some DLC (such as the one for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, for example).

In fact, there’s even tickets for Wii Karaoke U! But there’s another catch: there doesn’t seem to be any third-party titles, with the exception of Virtual Console titles (which are published by Nintendo themselves).

You can check out the Nintendo Digital store on ShopTo by clicking here.

Finally, a quick reminder that Nintendo eShop codes are not region-locked (with some rare exceptions), so codes bought on ShopTo should work on any European Wii U or Nintendo 3DS console.

Thanks Axis 1500 for the heads up.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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