
Etrian Odyssey V: pics for the Gunner DLC (EOII) / Countdown pics

Etrian Odyssey V: countdown pics

Today, Atlus started sharing some countdown pics for Etrian Odyssey V, which comes out in exactly one week in Japan (on August 4th).

  • D-7: CHANXCO
  • D-6: Masakazu Ishiguchi
  • D-5: Udama
  • D-4: Choboraunyopomi
  • D-3: Nagimiso
  • D-2: Daioki
  • D-1: Taiki
  • D0: Yuji Himukai

Etrian Odyssey V: DLC

A few weeks ago, Atlus revealed the line-up for Etrian Odyssey V DLC, which is as follows:

August 4th

Character models

  • New Adventurer 1 (300 yen): school boy with uniform
  • New Adventurer 2 (300 yen): girl wearing a uniform
  • New Adventurer 3 (300 yen): girl wearing a sweater
  • New Adventurer 4 (300 yen): new illustration of the Paladin from Etrian Odyssey I
  • New Adventurer 5 (300 yen): new illustration of the Medic from Etrian Odyssey I


  • Adventurer Training Plan (300 yen): this quest gives you lots of XP, but also a special accessory that increase the amount of XP you get in battle by 3
  • Adventurer Good Luck Plan (300 yen): a special quest that gives you lots of money, but also a special accessory that increase by 100% the drop rate of materials (with the exception of those with specific drop conditions)



  • FM synthesis soundtrack (800 Yen): can be switched at any time during gameplay, by going to the options

Character models

  • New Adventurer 6: TBA

And today, in the latest issue of Famitsu magazine, the last bit of DLC was finally revealed:

  • New Adventurer 6: new illustration of the Gunner from Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard

Here’s some screenshots and artworks for this character model:

Etrian Odyssey V (3DS) comes out on August 4th in Japan.

Source: Famitsu


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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