
Endless Dungeon: all the Hero Reveal trailers

Endless Dungeon is a rogue-lite tactical action game developed by Amplitude Studios, and set in their Endless universe. In this game, you get to recruit a team of shipwrecked heroes and plunge into a long-abandoned space station to explore it (with hordes of deadly monsters to fight against, naturally).

And it’s those very Heroes that SEGA and Amplitude Studios are showcasing via a series of Hero Reveal trailers in the months leading to launch. In this post, you will find all the trailers in one place!

Here’s all the Hero Reveal trailers videos available as of writing:

  • Sweeper [January 18th, 2023]
  • Cartie [December 6th, 2023]
  • Fassie [August 28th, 2023]
  • Comrade [July 24th, 2023]
  • Shroom [June 6th, 2023]
  • Blaze [August 29th, 2022]
  • Bunker [April 28th, 2022]
  • Zed [January 21st, 2022]


Meet Sweeper, the station’s janitor-turned-combatant! He’s a support class hero specialized in crowd control and turrets, and a great addition to any squad.

Born poor and under-skilled on a planet that values money and talent, Sweeper’s life has been a long, hard slog. He dreamt of becoming a pilot, before having to drop out of pilot school to get a job. He was hired into So*Net as Associate Duster, and through hard work and dedication worked his way up to Mop Specialist.

Unfortunately, his latest gig was on a ship that ended up on a one-way trip to the Station… and all he wants to do now is get off, go back, and get his wings! Will you help him escape?


Meet Cartie, the station’s resident archivist! She’s a speedy crowd control hero and a great addition to your squad.

Cartie was born on the Station, ages ago, with her hundreds of thousands of siblings. Today she is the only one of her kind left alive. Cartie is nimble, clever, and light-hearted; these were useful characteristics for her people, the Harahara, back when the Station was full of them. Delivered and raised in the Labor Colony district, they helped the Endless keep the Station running by doing maintenance and collecting Dust.

Due to her habit of collecting everything (not just Dust), Cartie ended up being stored for a long time with her collectibles. Oh well, strange things happen sometimes! Now that she is back and running around, all she wants to do is collect more things and kill Bugs, the monsters whose voracious appetites consumed her extended family.

Fassie (voiced by Eikou Kano in Japanese)

Fassonandu (or Fassie for short) is a Drakken, a species once native to the planet Auriga. The Endless found them fascinating enough to distribute their DNA for manipulation across dozens of labs in dozens of systems, and as a result there are little pockets of Drakken all over the place.

Most, like Fassie’s family, are happy to manage the peace and prosperity of their little corner of the cosmos. Fassie, however, dreams of bigger–and older–things.

That drive had him crossing the galaxy in search of components for potions and elixirs; these days, refined but ambitious, he seeks the specs of legendary mixologists, and a legendary beverage.

Comrade (voiced by Itaru Yamamoto in Japanese)

Comrade Oruz is a Remnant – an artificial being created to serve the mysterious ancient beings known as Endless. Remnants bore the formal title of “Bailiff” but were used to execute any sort of task — and, rumors had it, any sort of creature, being little better than glorified assassins. After events on the Station left Oruz ‘out of commission’, they had little to do for millennia but wait to be repaired — and think, quite extensively, about everything that happened around them.

Now, once again awakened and alert, they have discovered a few things: a Station in massive disrepair, massive gaps in their memory, and a massive desire to tear down the society that made them do the horrible things they did.

Comrade is a grade-A tinkerer, with the ability to create and repair turrets that will aid you in your quest to defend the crystal. Let’s check out their skills:

  • To Arms! (Passive) — Shoves performed by this Hero on Research Terminals and Resource Generators repair them
  • Comrade Turret (Special skill) — Creates an attacking Turret in front of this Hero
  • Revolution (Ultimate) ​ — Temporarily transforms this Hero’s Weapon into a static Turret

Shroom (voiced by Lynn in Japanese)


Shroom’s opinion — shared by few others — is that every solid team needs a “plant whisperer”. Since her services as undertaker are no longer required thanks to the Reloader, she has taken to talking up her incenses, herbal remedies, and potions as having powers akin to miracle panaceas.

Living somewhere in that gray zone between “apothecary” and “snake oil salesman”, Shroom does her best to keep the squad alive with whatever roots, herbs, flowers, leaves, and nuts she can dig up. The rest of the gang, however, wonders how good a healer she can be if she requires so much protection. After all, if her skills came from embalming dead friends, what good is she with live ones?

Heres’ a round-up of her skills:

  • Passive: Wincense – Increases “Soul” stock per killed monster in the room.
  • Special: Soul Patch – Heals fellow Heroes by spending “Souls”.
  • Ultimate: Special Mix – Increases Health regeneration, defense, and prevents death.

Blaze (voiced by Kenta Miyake in Japanese)

No description.

Bunker (voiced by Popona in Japanese)

There’s a new sheriff in town! By “town” we mean menacing abandoned space station, and by “sheriff” we mean robot tank obsessed with order, justice and (of all things) politeness. That’s right folks, it’s time to meet Bunker! She’s the second hero we’re spotlighting in our “Hero Reveal” series.

Zed (voiced by Maaya Uchida in Japanese)

Service name Zedoé Kovlava; alias “Headbanger” to friends, acquaintances, and any casual observers. This metal-loving gunslinger is the first to get the star treatment as we introduce our new ENDLESS™ Dungeon “Hero Reveal” series, highlighting the eclectic cast of characters shipwrecked on a certain godforsaken space station.

Endless Dungeon (Switch) does not have a release date yet.

Source: SEGA PR (09/06/2023) / SEGA PR (25/07/2023)


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.