Dragon Quest XI: latest details from Jump (Skill Panel)
During the past few months, Jump magazine has run regular articles about Dragon Quest XI: Sugisarishi Toki o Motomete, sharing more details about the game. This week, we’re getting yet another article, this time detailing a new feature called “Skill Panel” (once again, with translation by Gematsu).
With this new system, each character has its own Panel, and its size and shape vary. It works just like you would expect: you unlock panels, which allows your characters to learn new skills. Naturally, you need Skill Points to learn them, which is something you earn by various means (such as leveling up for example).
The scan below shows some of the skills your character can learn throughout the game:
- Protagonist: Giga Slash. An exclusive skill that allows the protagonist to use a lightning blade;
- Kamyu: Steal. Allows him to steal items from enemies;
- Veronica: Magical Awakening. Makes her spell more powerful;
- Senya: Melody of Fire. Puts up a protective fire;
- Silvia: Flute of Fascination. Allows her to charm monsters, using a flute;
- Martina: Vacuum Kick. A powerful kick;
- Rou: Aesthetic Enlightenment. Increases the effect of spells.
Here’s the latest scan from Jump magazine:
Dragon Quest XI: Sugisarishi Toki o Motomete (3DS) comes out on July 29th in Japan. The Nintendo Switch version will follow at a later date.
Source: Jump
Translation by: Gematsu