Daily news (July 31, Round 2): Doom Eternal / Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
Today’s Daily news: footage and screenshots for Doom Eternal, but also…
- Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
- Tokyo 2020 Olympics: The Official Video Game
- Omega Labyrinth Life
- Disgaea 4 Complete +
- YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world (anime)
- Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu
Doom Eternal
Here’s some footage for Doom Eternal, from QuakeCon 2019:
And here’s some screenshots:
Doom Eternal (Switch) comes out on November 22nd in Europe and North America.
Source: 4Gamer
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
Here’s the latest soundtrack sample for Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, with the “Underwater Saunter” track (composed by Matt Griffin):
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair (Switch) comes out later this year in Europe and North America.
Tokyo 2020 Olympics: The Official Video Game
Here’s the segment dedicated to Tokyo 2020 Olympics: The Official Video Game from the latest episode of Denjin Getcha:
Tokyo 2020 Olympics: The Official Video Game (Switch) comes out next year in Europe and North America.
Omega Labyrinth Life
This week, Omega Labyrinth Life will be featured in Famitsu magazine with a 10-page article. Here’s the preview pictures:
The latest issue of Famitsu magazine comes out on Thursday in Japan (effectively later today in Europe and North America).
Omega Labyrinth Life (Switch) comes out on August 1st worldwide.
Source: Famitsu
Disgaea 4 Complete +
Here’s the latest video clips for Disgaea 4 Complete +:
Disgaea 4 Complete + (Switch) comes out on October 29th in Europe and North America, October 31st in Japan, and November 5th in Australia / New Zealand.
YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world (anime)
Here’s the latest trailer for the YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world anime series, currently airing in Japan (includes spoilers):
YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world (Switch) comes out on October 1st in North America, and October 4th in Europe.
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu
Here’s the latest video for Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu: