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Astroneer (Switch): all the updates (latest: Ver. – Verdant Update / Next: Ver. – Roadtrip Update)

On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for Astroneer on Nintendo Switch (originally released on January 13th 2022 in Europe, North America, and Japan)!

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Astroneer – Ver. (Roadtrip Update)

  • Release date: TBA
  • Patch notes:
Feature Updates:
New Missions

Alert: New Structures Detected!

  • Missions have been added to guide curious Astroneers to new discoveries.
  • Recruits must complete the following missions in preparation for this new endeavor:
    • G. desolo: Verification
New Schematics

Upon collecting requested Data Circuits, two new schematics will be unlocked

  • Extra Large Resource Canister
    • Recipe: 1 Diamond, 1 EXO Chip, 2 Nanocarbon Alloy
    • Printer: Large
  • Large Rover Seat B
    • Recipe: 2 Plastic, 1 Compound
    • Printer: Medium
  • Adjustments have been made to the Tapper. Most organic production rates have been slowed. This should leave a bit more breathing room for other power production methods in the early-to-mid game
  • Tooltip updates for certain items
  • Experimental: Save File Repair Settings
    • These settings can be used when saved files cannot be loaded.
    • WARNING: These settings will DELETE certain items from the save in an attempt to make them able to load
    • More about these settings can be found here.

The following bugs have been fixed as of version

  • AS-18105: In multiplayer during Rail Missions the host’s performance degrades when a client joins when certain Rail Missions are active
  • AS-19640: Clients in a Multiplayer session do not receive the PUM-KN Shelter from the Fall LTE
  • AS-19502: Backpack Aux Slot does not autopull next bundle of Power Extenders when auto-connecting the the last extender in a bundle
  • AS-19639: The PUM-KN shelter hologram in the catalog is missing mouse collision
  • AS-19998: The full screen Message of the Day image is poor quality and squished
  • AS-20202: The Breakdown Event item tooltips still list printers and say they can be sent via Exo Request Platform Recovery Rocket after the event is over
  • AS-20204: The EXO Recovery Platform does not drop packaged Resource Canisters on launch and consumes/loses them
  • AS-20210: The Exo Request Platform’s progress bar in Control Panel does not match expected values during Repeating Stage in the Summer Event
  • AS-20511: Several items when drilled into non-terrain will not properly slot into the backpack when quick stowed

Astroneer – Ver. (Verdant Update)

  • Release date: March 12th 2024 (North America, Europe) / March 13th 2024 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:

Feature Updates    
This update is all about harnessing the power of plants in a “sustainable” way. The Tapper can be placed on “tappable” plants that now spawn in biomes on several planets. The best part? These tappable plants can be uprooted, giving you seeds that will then allow you to plant tappable plants anywhere that is convenient! Start planting your little space orchards!  

New Item – The Tapper 

Place the tapper on any tappable plant and it will automatically generate organic that you can then feed into your crafting system, automate into carbon for power, or gather for LTEs. It doesn’t require power to operate, but it does take time for the organic to form. Warning: placing multiple tappers on one plant will split the overall output of organic from one tapper between all of the connected tappers.   

  • Recipe – 1 Aluminum  

New Flora – Tappables  
Tappable plants are a new class of flora in Astroneer that spawn across the solar system. Place a tapper on them in the wild for some organic on-the-go, or uproot them for their precious seeds so you can plant some near your base for some organic farming. They also are great for adding a little bit of green around your base as decoration. While we are only allowing you to farm organic right now, we would love to hear about other tappable types you might want in the future.   

  • All existing hazards and harmless flora are also tappable  
  • 5 New Tappable Variants  
    • Plumefir – Sylva  
    • Cactile – Calidor  
    • Glacio – Pricklepod  
    • Stretchpetal – Vesania  
    • Honeypot – Atrox  


Since this update is all about plants, we are releasing the very fitting Bumble Bundle in EXO Outfitters! Get to buzzing around the solar system with this full set.   


The following bugs have been fixed as of version   

  • AS-19803: Both Host and Clients should now see their point progress correctly in the EXO Request Platform control panel when playing with a client that has the same number of LTE points, or more LTE points than the Host.  
  • AS-20038: In Multiplayer, Clients should now hear destruction SFX when a harmless hazard is harvested  
  • AS-20010: Harmless Hazards should no longer produce debris when blown up by dynamite  
  • AS-20066: Power Puzzle box tops should pop open less aggressively  
  • AS-18959: Storage Sensors should now function for Trade Platforms  
  • AS-6586: Quick Stowing drilled items should now properly slot into the backpack  
  • AS-20004: The MOTD menu should no longer open in the background while the Player is in the Store  
  • AS-20037: Explosive Personality name now displays without clipping the hat in the Customization Menu  
  • AS-20003: If a player has not previously acquired the Starter Bundle, they should now be able to see it available in the store  

KNOWN ISSUES: Right now we are seeing an increased crash rate on Nintendo Switch for players who were working hard to complete the Anniversary LTE. All of the added underground spawns are causing players to crash and the save will no longer load. We have a planned fix, but it will take some time to test and deploy. This fix will potentially fix saves that can currently not load due to this problem. Apologies for the issue and thanks so much for being patient while we identified and came up with a plan to fix. 

Astroneer – Ver. (Breakdown Event)

  • Release date: February 1st 2024 (North America, Europe) / February 2nd 2024 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:

Trigger the Breakdown Event by completing the Battery Backup mission and claiming the mission reward at any Landing Pad. Next, open your compass and equip your drill as you make your way into the caves to uncover the mysteries below. Fulfill the requirements presented in the EXO Request Platform to begin mending the anomalies within the system.

But beware, the caves are like a maze, posing the risk of getting lost amidst their complex twists and turns. Prepare yourself for unique hazards, including toxic gas, aggressive flora, and treacherous terrain.

Dive into all three stages of the event for a triple dose of adventure!

  • Stage 1: Monday, January 29
  • Stage 2: Monday, February 5
  • Stage 3: Monday, February 12
  • Event Ends: Sunday, April 7
EXO Dynamics rewards contributions with:
  • 2,619 Points: NEW “Baublegum” Visor
  • 111, 519 Points: NEW “Liminal Leak” Palette
  • 000000 Points: <Redacted>
  • 888,888 Points: NEW “Explosive Personality” Hat
  • Useful incremental rewards along the way and randomized recurring rewards at the end of the event – including useful resources, Rail components, QT-RTGs, Portable Smelters, and Dynamite!

The EXO Request Platform is now more accessible with reduced byte costs and a simpler recipe.

  • Byte Cost: 1,500 Bytes
  • Resource Cost: 1 Resin, 2 Compound
Five-Year Anniversary Hat

Astroneer is turning 5 years old! Whether you’ve been with us for 5 minutes or 5 years, we want to thank you for being part of our continued success. Visit EXO Outfitters in February to claim your exclusive Fifth Anniversary party hat for free! Here’s to many more years of fun, friendship, and adventure together!

  • AS-5646: The correct SFX play now when a resource is consumed by a puzzle
  • AS-19100: The Contour Palette should now appear correctly on all Hats and Masks
Custom Games
  • AS-19517: Starting Biome should now be listed in the game configuration page in the Astropedia
  • AS-19027: The intro cinematic can now be skipped on Xbox
  • AS-18799: Singular Substance mission description should now be translated in all supported languages
  • AS-19750: “Travelling Companion” objectives should now be correctly translated in Russian
Main Menu
  • AS-19881: The Main Menu Message of the Day is now properly hidden upon dismissal when visiting the store customization menu
  • AS-19886: The Main Menu Message of the Day can now be closed by clicking the close button
  • AS-19804: Images in the Full Screen Message of the Day now have corrected aspect ratio
  • AS-19763: Clients can no longer join before the host has left their dropship
Tool tips
  • AS-19746: One-Time Tooltips should now appear correctly on Rail Post bundles

Astroneer – Ver.

  • Release date: December 4th 2023 (North America) / December 5th 2023 (Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Project CHEER Delivery Event

Container wrecks have been spotted on Sylva, Desolo, Calidor, and Glacio surrounded by various toys and debris. Production-minded Astroneers can create fresh toys via the Small Printer using Scrap and other resources.

To get started, print the EXO Request Platform. You can unlock this blueprint on the third page of your Research Catalog and print it with the Medium Printer using 2 pieces of Resin and 1 piece of Ceramic, which is refined from smelting raw Clay. You can find both raw resources on the surface of any planet or extract them using the Soil Centrifuge.

Packaged toys are worth different point amounts when shipped:
  • 20 Points – Automaton 001s & 002s
  • 35 Points – Cubic Objects
  • 50 Points – Stellar Objects
  • 75 Points – Cosmic Baubles (Printable from Small Printer)
  • 125 Points – Astral Figurines (Found on Glacio)
EXO Dynamics rewards packages received with:
  • 1500 Points – Holiday Throwback Bundle
    Contains cosmetics rewarded from previous years:

    • Palette: “Carbonated”
    • Emote: “Shiver”
    • Hat: “Seasonal Allure”
  • 3500 Points – Palette: “Rockstar”
  • 10000 Points – Suit: “Hard Suit”

EXO Dynamics supplies useful items and resources along the way to boost your recovery or production efforts. Randomized recurring rewards are available after completing the main event including:

  • Resin, Clay, Graphite
  • Packagers & Dynamite
  • Copper, Iron, Titanium, Tungsten
  • Small Power Items
  • Hydrazine & Jet Packs
  • EXO Chips & Portable Smelters
  • QT-RTGs
Tether Toppers

Multi-colored lights return to adorn the tether lines of intrepid Astroneers! Use them as decorations, in support of your construction projects, or simply enjoy their merry glow.

The following bugs have been fixed as of version

We managed to crush a lot of bugs in this one!

  • AS-16639: The Wanderer Suit should now unlock when playing offline or with poor connection
  • AS-18095: One Time Tooltips are now being saved correctly. Player should no longer see them appear after the item is used
  • AS-18155: Packager’s indicator light, tooltip and behavior are now updating correctly when the state of a resource canister changes while the packager is attached
  • AS-19316: Players should no longer spawn multiple Xenobiology labs
  • AS-19471: Gateways should now provide oxygen
  • AS-19463: If a player quits while in orbit, a new warning pop-up message will alert them about losing save and equipment
Limited Time Events and Missions
  • AS-18855: Completed LTE missions are now being removed from the Rewards section of the Mission Log
  • AS-19038: LTE points should no longer appear to reset after the game is resumed from a console’s rest mode
  • AS-19434: LTE mission prompts should no longer immediately show up in their mission log after landfall
  • AS-19504: During an active LTE, LTE items that the player has not interacted with should no longer disappear entirely on Save/Load
Custom Games
  • AS-19283:Player progression is no longer blocked if players start with no Starting Shelter
  • AS-19322: Setting Starting Bytes to Maximum allowed amount no longer prevents new schematics from being unlocked in the Research Catalogue
  • AS-19356: Cached Custom Games Config data is now correctly saved
  • AS-19367: When starting with No Shelter config, all Players in a MP session should now see the Astroneering Bas(e)ics under their completed/rewards missions in the Mission Log
  • AS-19419: Players can no longer use illegal characters in custom configuration game save names
  • AS-19449: Custom Games SES Promoted Game Configurations should now sort in a consistent order on all consoles now, from lowest to highest by share code
  • AS-19464: Players can no longer use a colon in a custom game’s save name (as it is an illegal character)
  • AS-19465: Custom game config save names are limited to less than total 45 characters
  • AS-19468, AS-19207: Disabling Printers Item Bundle and disabling the XL Rover item no longer block mission progression items from being available
  • AS-19029, AS-19516: Confirmed Princess log entry is correct in Russian
  • AS-19371: Tungsten should now be consistently translated in Polish
  • AS-19357: Fractal Rose Seed description should now be correct in Russia
  • AS-18799: Singular Substance description shoul be translated in every supported language
The following is still a known issue as of version
  • AS-19640: Clients in a Multiplayer session do not receive the PUM-KN Shelter during the Fall LTE
  • AS-19678: In Custom Games Configs, setting Decorators to 0 in Calidor Caves stops shells from spawning

Astroneer – Ver. (Custom Games Update)

  • Release date: August 3rd 2023 (North America, Europe) / August 4th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Feature Update: Custom Games Mode

Hey everyone, excited to release the patch notes for this very unique update, the Custom Games update!

This update cracks open Astroneer in a way that allows players to do all sorts of really fun things. From creating new saves with unique characteristics like hardcore permadeath, to setting up exact scenarios and speedruns, the custom game tools added will allow you to make the experience your own and then share them with others.

Some context: We have always wanted to add new game modes to Astroneer, but we felt like that might be too prescriptive. Instead, we endeavored to create a plethora of customizations that allowed you all to fine-tune the exact experience you want. Hoping for a little more challenge? Change the amount of oxygen produced by all sources, pick a different starting planet, and prevent respawns for a hardcore experience. Do you have trouble with some of the more tedious parts of the game and could use some shortcuts from an accessibility standpoint? Feel free to adjust to your liking and experience the entire game your way. We indexed hard on player choice so everyone can enjoy the game however they would like.

Ok now for the details: Upon loading the game players will be greeted with a brand new option when creating saves: CUSTOM GAME. This will take you to a submenu where you can start creating your “configuration”.

Preconfigured Custom Game Modes + Management

The first screen will present you with some premade options so you can jump right into a custom configuration. SES will prepopulate these, and eventually, will pull configurations from the community to share with everyone else. If you feel like you have made something awesome, share it with us on Discord or social media so we can keep these slots fresh! You can also access previously saved configurations from this screen. NOTE: These configurations get saved to your account, so if you log in on another machine, or play somewhere else, your configs will move with you.

If you want to make your own, click CREATE NEW CONFIGURATION and put your lab coat on.


On the custom game mode screen, you can navigate between the different pages of options on the top left, then save, share, and launch your shiny new configs from the initial tab.


By pressing “PUBLISH CONFIG” you can share your configuration with friends on any platform. When you publish your configuration we bind it to a numerical “Share Code” that you can give to other users. If they put the code in, all pages will auto-populate with your settings, which you can still adjust!


This is the list of things you can adjust in this update, please share more ideas of things you might want beyond these with us!


That’s right folks, we finally did it. You can choose your starting planet, and for a real challenge, you can spawn on the planet with no starting habitat. That second option is not for the faint of heart, you need to find a reliable oxygen source ASAP to begin to start your base!


Select from a number of T1 items to start with in your backpack. You can choose the specific slot where things will spawn for players in your save.


These options allow you to set a limited number of respawns individually or in a shared pool before a GAME OVER state gets triggered for a permadeath experience. Fear not though, your save will still be accessible, but it will be automatically converted to a Creative Mode save in which achievements and missions can no longer be completed.


These are pretty self-explanatory, the default (1) is vanilla Astroneer value, and you can slide the bar to change how it scales up or down!


Also self-explanatory, but likely to be somewhat controversial, you can just set the game to allow for free oxygen. While this might make the game “easy” we believe having this option is a good one. For players who want a chill story mode experience, or for players for whom managing oxygen prevents them from enjoying the game we believe letting players choose to opt into this is great for accessibility. Play with your kids or your partners with no worries about suffocation <3


The first is self-explanatory, while the others are specific to how many bytes you receive, as well as how fast. These multipliers will modify the default values for all research items.

This page also allows you to stop certain items from ever being researched via bundles:


These will allow you to stop items from being researched, but not found in the world. Hover over the checkbox to see the full list of items in each bundle.


This is the big one, you can now modify planet generation across the SOL system. These work via modifiers, and can be adjusted per planet or per biome. You can even set specific seeds so other players can share their amazing start points or seeds so players can experience the exact planet generation. Speedrunners take notice!

  • SEED
BIOME MODIFIERS – All modifiers can be adjusted per biome including cave layers

Astropedia now has two new pages: The first addition allows players to see the active custom game settings in a list, so you know what things are active in the save you are playing in.

The second is the addition of the credits. The list was getting a little long for our end-game cutscene so we added it to Astropedia so you can read the names of all of the awesome humans past and future that have worked on Astroneer.

DISCLAIMER: There are so many options here and we did our best to test them across all platforms, but there are bound to be some interesting results based on how many changes we have made. Please report anything you see to us! That also means you might be able to do things like softlock your save or degrade performance by spawning in tons of things via planet settings. As we mentioned above, we opted to give you options rather than limit them, so if your GTX 1060 starts melting because you set every slider to max, do not be mad at us! 😉

OK, that is all for this one, we are so excited to get this into the communities’ hands and I personally am so proud of the team for this one. This was my first update at the helm of the team working on Astroneer and I am consistently so surprised that our little 6-year-old game is still showing up in bestseller lists and making millions more players happy. Can’t wait to share what we have coming next.



The following bugs have been fixed as of version
  • AS-18954 Printers are no longer grabbing extra resources and dropping them after print jobs are finished
  • AS-19081 Printers are no longer ejecting resource nuggets from their input slots when the player unlocks an item from the research catalog
  • AS-19156 “Strange Object” Tooltip now shows the correct supported languages
The following bugs have been fixed as of version


  • Players are able to invite/join a multiplayer game using the Custom Game configuration: No Starting Shelter
  • In a MP game, Client’s dropship now lands in the same spot as the Host with Custom Game configuration: No Starting Shelter
The following is still a known issue as of version
  • AS-19086 Power Generation Settings are not affecting all power-generating items like the RTG, Generators, Batteries
  • AS-17201 Community | Items are clipping through terrain more frequently
  • AS-18287 Tractor sits lower to the ground and bounces more than expected
Multiplayer/Dedicated Servers:
  • AS-18105 Host’s performance degrades when a client joins when certain Rail Missions are active
  • AS-17916 Snail Shell specific decorators cannot be destroyed with a client’s vehicle drill/paver
  • AS-7425 Entering the shuttle while on the gateway station or Sun Room immediately puts the client in solar view
  • AS-18242/AS-17750 Client’s compass is completely empty


If you encounter either of the following issues, please contact us at! We’d like to gather additional information.

  • AS-18141: In Dedicated Server saves, Rail Lines between all Rail Posts, Rail Junctions, and Rail Stations disappear completely. Newly created Rail Anchors cannot make Rail Line connections.
  • AS-15682: Vehicle mission actors such as Data Recorder or MAT, on Desolo or Vesania – fail to appear in Adventure Mode

Astroneer – Ver. 1.27.301.0

  • Release date: March 13th 2023 (North America, Europe) / March 14th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
  • AS-18853 | When the LTE is no longer active, the game won’t crash if a printer had an LTE item selected, and there was a platform within the printer’s output area that did not have an open slot for the printed item.
  • AS-18866 | When T2 carrying an item while using the gamepad, the player is now able to proximity select the held item
  • AS-18857 | Rail cars now have slot rules turned off when leaving a Rail Station in the same direction as the car’s arrival
  • AS-18862 | Revised ‘Align’ minigame to address player confusion
  • AS-18856 | The Trade Platform now automatically pulls (or pushes) scrap, Astronium, or Fault Finders
  • AS-18867 | Active Fault Finder minigame can now be canceled
  • AS-18861 | Research Chamber now auto pulls Researchable Items acquired from Rails Missions
  • AS-18850 | Full audio/song now plays when Curious Object/ Skybreaker is used during the Firewall mission
  • AS-18865 | Some mission rewards have been tweaked to no longer be confusing or cause issues for players
  • AS-18858 | The Red/default firework is no longer missing from the Trade Platform

Dedicated Servers/Multiplayer:

  • AS-18105 | Host’s performance should no longer be severely degraded when a client joins when certain Rail Missions are active
  • AS-18819 | Player can now crack the data log and mission log in the Sun Room
  • AS-18898 | Button on Sun Room Data Log now works after loading a save
  • AS-18877 | Attempting to reclaim key mission items in Sun Room will no longer fail
  • AS-18852 | Mission reward items can now be claimed in the Sun Room in situations they previously could not


  • AS-18918 | Depots and You description text is no longer missing Portuguese translation
  • AS-18854 | When in French, the ‘My Crew’ description now shows the correct translation
  • AS-18910 | Several Rails-related logs and descriptions are no longer missing translations

Astroneer – Ver. (Awakening Update)

  • Release date: January 25th 2023 (North America, Europe) / January 26th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:

New Mission Chain

Per Astroneer[ERROR!#00] Protocol, recruits are expected to complete the following missions in preparation for this new endeavor:

  • Composite Perfection
  • Final Entry
  • Training Complete

Please consult your EXO-certified mission log to verify your completion of these missions.

Fault Finders & Advanced Trade

Once [ERROR#%//HELP] has been completed, Fault Finder items can be crafted and deployed. Fault Finders which are activated and used to store a [ERROR//%!DENIED] can be used on the Trade Platform for the acquisition of extremely valuable or enjoyable items.

UX Improvements
  • Printer Control Panel Updates Control Panels on the Small, Medium, and Large Printers have been updated with category-based navigation. Items are now grouped into separate rows, matching their grouping within the Catalog.
  • Location and Travel NotificationsWhen entering a region on a planet, a location notification will briefly appear at the top of the screen. The current location can be redisplayed by opening the compass. A travel notification will also appear at the top of the screen when traveling to a different planet.
  • SpaceflightStabilizations have been made to the camera when launching a shuttle into orbit, or traveling between planets.
  • Creative Mode Catalog AdditionsThe Beach Ball (Recreational Sphere variant) and multiple color variations of the Fireworks item have been added to the Catalog, and can be found within the second Creative Mode item category.
Astroneer’s Fourth Anniversary

Wow! It’s been almost four years since 1.0… can you believe it?! This February, we’ve got a celebratory cosmetic to share with players, from our hearts to your head. Log in during the month of February to unlock exclusive cosmetic items!

Store – New Items Available Now!
  • New Limited Time Bundle – the Tychomancy Bundle! It’s a divine outcome for fashionable spacefarers!
    • Includes: Heaven-scent mask, Astrolabe hat, Space Magic Palette
  • New Palette: Daydream palette
  • New Visor: Cloudy visor
  • New Emote: Thank You emote – Thank you, Astroneer Community, for your love and support!
    • Redeem this free emote in EXO Outfitters.

The following bugs have been fixed as of version

  • AS-18801 | Automation | Repeater Segment Pins Are Now Usable After Reaching a Certain Range
  • AS-18793 | Planetary Flight | The camera will no longer collide with things while flying between planets
  • AS-18783 | Audio | The hoverboard should be the same volume for clients
  • AS-18759 | Power | The Large Solar Panel is now outputting 8 U/ s, in line with its description
  • AS-18708 | Shuttles | Camera | The camera will no longer jitter when flying between planets
  • AS-18687 | U27 | Copyright date in opening credits has been updated from 2022 to 2023
  • AS-18554 | SWITCH | Overachiever | The Overachiever Palette should now unlock when completing all the tasks
  • AS-18413 | ART – Some Dev folders are no longer visible in Game Files in Shipping Builds
  • AS-18412 | ENGINEERING- Some Dev folders are no longer visible in Game Files in Shipping Builds
  • AS-18411 | DESIGN – Some Dev folders are no longer visible in Game Files in Shipping Builds
  • AS-18410 | Child Actors | Several items can no longer have pieces removed by other items while slotted
  • AS-18406 | Community | The Trade Platform’s Rocket Can No Longer Be Unattached in Creative Mode
  • AS-18391 | Mini-Smelter | Leaving relevance and relaunching the game while a Portable Smelter is running will no longer put it in a broken state
  • AS-18354 | U26 | Skybreaker | VFX | Skybreaker activation effect is now properly aligned to the object when triggered via the Astroneer’s Backpack Aux Slots
  • AS-18298 | Debris | Debris Items ‘Debris_Wreckage_Hatch’ are no longer missing a tooltip
  • AS-18284 | Localization | Engine-uity Mission Description is no longer misleading in French
  • AS-18280 | Skybreaker | Controller | Skybreaker tooltip is no longer oriented vertically when auto-selected with controller in many cases
  • AS-18262 | Spaceport | Storage Canisters will now push or pull resources to or from slots on the Spaceport
  • AS-18196 | Rails | The Trade Platform’s rocket can no longer be pulled onto the Rail Station if it is set to “UNLOADS STOPPED CARS”
  • AS-18169 | Localization | Rails | The end of C.O.L.E.’s description in the catalog is no longer cut off in several languages, omitting the power requirements
  • AS-18056 | Switch | Achievements | Overachiever palette can now be unlocked by obtaining all other cosmetics earned through Achievements
  • AS-17289 | Crash | Fixed some instances where some saves would crash upon loading
  • AS-17123 | Field Shelter | Compass | Icon for the field shelter will now go away if it is packaged or destroyed
  • AS-16969 | Hazards | Boomalloon | Clients will now see the explosion VFX for the boomalloon when triggered via proximity
  • AS-16690 | Hazards | Vehicles | Lashvines, Cataplants and, Lashleaves can no longer target the user when they are driving a Tractor
  • AS-15667 | Shift Click | Several interactions will no longer become broken when shift clicking certain items
  • AS-11556 | Audio | Main Menu music will no longer persist after loading a save before the actual in game music begins playing
  • AS-11497 | Shift Clicking | Shift clicking a terrain tool augment will now prioritize an empty terrain tool slot over the backpack (This also affect printing and quick-stow)
  • AS-10943 | Multiplayer | Clients’ oxygen line no longer appears behind the user in several vehicles. Dropship, VTOL, Tractor
  • AS-6932 | Gateways | When a user is in the solar view the Gateway Station is no longer displayed twice

The following is still a known issue as of version

  • AS-18601 | Portable Smelter | Resources created by Portable Smelter that are pushed to an open slot have no tooltip
  • AS-18023 | CRASH | Dedicated Server | Rare Client crash on DS where having a train either enter or leave relevancy on a client’s request can cause a Crash
  • AS-18105 | Performance | Multiplayer | Rail Missions | Host’s performance degrades when a client joins when certain Rail Missions are active
  • AS-7425 | Multiplayer | Gateway Station | REDACTED | Entering the shuttle while on the gateway station immediately puts client in solar view
  • AS-17768 | Switch | Achievements | Switch users have no way in-game to track achievement progress
  • AS-18242 | Multiplayer | The Client’s compass is completely empty in a community save
  • AS-17750 | Multiplayer | Compass | Client’s compass will be completely empty after teleporting to any planet from the station
  • AS-17732 | LTEs | Physical LTE rewards can only be claimed once per machine
  • AS-18792 | Settings | Lowering the Frame Limit increases camera mouse sensitivity
  • AS-18383 | Research Chamber | The Research Chamber can get into a bad state when a resource is placed there from the output slot of another module
  • AS-18155 | Packagers | Packagers show the green indicator light when they are connected to Medium or Large Resource Canisters that have their first resource added to them
  • AS-17916 | Dedicated Server | Decorators | Drills | Snail Shell specific decorators cannot be destroyed with a client’s vehicle drill/paver
  • AS-17390 | Jump Jet/Hoverboard Combo Leaves Player Hanging in Air after Running Out of Fuel
  • AS-17198 | Dedicated Server | Compass | No navpoints are visible on compass except for one vehicle on Dedicated Server
  • AS-15254 | Audio | Cinematics | Ending Cutscene audio is slightly out of sync with visuals on Xbox
  • AS-9202 | Multiplayer | Relevance | Beacons hang in air from clients perspective when in other players backpack when backpack goes out of relevance
  • AS-8537 | Dedicated Server | Players will sometimes be unable to use F to interact or see tooltips after server travel, loading a save or starting a new game

Astroneer – Ver. (Project C.H.E.E.R Update)

  • Release date: December 5th 2022 (North America, Europe) / December 6th 2022 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Project CHEER Delivery Event




Container wrecks have been spotted on Sylva, Desolo, Calidor, and Glacio surrounded by various toys and debris. Production-minded Astroneers can create fresh toys via the Small Printer using Scrap and other resources.   
It is curious that shipping containers keep crash-landing on planets in the Sylva System around this time each year… what’s going on with EXO’s logistics department? Must be a weird glitch in their subroutines. Maybe that explains the weird containers ERROR//LU-C1D filtration at 63% HelpHelpHelp that have been reported on Sylva, Desolo, and Calidor.

Packaged toys are worth different point amounts when shipped:
  • 20 Points – Automaton 001s & 002s
  • 35 Points – Cubic Objects
  • 50 Points – Stellar Objects
  • 75 Points – Cosmic Baubles (Printable from Small Printer)
  • 125 Points – Astral Figurines (Found on Glacio)
EXO Dynamics rewards packages received with:
  • 1500 Points – Holiday Throwback Bundle
    Contains cosmetics rewarded from previous years:     

    • Hat: “Boreal Beanie”
    • Mask: “Pudding Warmer”
  • 3500 Points – Palette: ”Carbonated”
  • 6500 Points – Emote: ”Shiver”
  • 10000 Points – Hat: ”Seasonal Allure”

EXO supplies useful items and resources along the way to boost your recovery or production efforts. Randomized recurring rewards are available after completing the main event including:

  • Resin, Clay, Graphite
  • Packagers & Dynamite
  • Copper, Iron, Titanium, Tungsten
  • Small Power Items
  • Hydrazine & Jet Packs
  • EXO Chips
  • Nanocarbon Alloy
  • QT-RTGs
Special Event Missions

To support event-related communications, special missions have been added that will appear in the Mission Logs of players when a new event is active. Players only need to activate an EXO Request Platform rocket to start the current event and complete the mission.

Community Reward

As with previous years, all package points will go towards unlocking a global total that will grant everyone in the community a FEZANT hat! We will be tracking progress via social media so when you complete the event, you can continue sending rewards to help make sure the gift gets unlocked for everyone!

Tether Toppers

Multi-colored lights return to adorn the tether lines of intrepid Astroneers! Use them as decorations, in support of your construction projects, or simply enjoy their merry glow


The following bugs have been fixed as of version
  • AS-18369 | Crash | Game will no longer crash when placing a Sturdysquash Sample into a Research Chamber that is on the same platform as a Cauldrangea.
  • AS-18370 | Crash | The game will no longer run out of memory very quickly while idling in certain saves in shipping builds
  • AS-18371 | LTEs | The requested item icons and point values are no longer duplicated while in the care package phase of the LTE
  • AS-18535 | Holiday LTE | Packagers spawned in with the rest of the LTE items will now get removed when the LTE ends
  • AS-18560 | Localization | Japanese is now for the G. novus Shells mission title
  • AS-18562 | Localization | Japanese is no longer missing for Astroneer log
The following is still a known issue as of version:
  • AS-18391 | Mini-Smelter | Leaving relevance and relaunching the game while a Portable Smelter is running may put it in a broken state
  • AS-18169 | Localization | Rails | The end of C.O.L.E.’s description in the catalog is cut off in several languages, omitting the power requirements
  • AS-18554 | SWITCH | Overachiever | The Overachiever Palette does not unlock when completing all the tasks
  • AS-17750 | Multiplayer | Compass | Client’s compass will be completely empty after teleporting to any planet from the station
  • AS-17386 | Switch | UI | The Reconnect UI does not appear to allow players to reconnect to interrupted multiplayer sessions
  • AS-16898 | Rover | Drill | Using a drill attached to a rover will eventually slow the Rover to a stop on Console
    AS-14453 | Dedicated Server | Error message when attempting to join with incorrect password just says “Join Failed”
  • AS-11556 | Audio | Main Menu music will persist after loading a save before the actual in game music begins playing
  • AS-18196 | Rails | The Trade Platform’s rocket can be pulled onto the Rail Station if it is set to “UNLOADS STOPPED CARS”
  • AS-18141 | Rails | Dedicated Server | Rail Items are not appearing for the client in multiplayer sessions
  • AS-18242 | Multiplayer | The Client’s compass is completely empty in a community save
  • AS-18627 | Mission Log | When a tracked mission is completed it will no longer track the follow-up missions





Astroneer – Ver.

  • Release date: September 28th 2022 (North America, Europe) / September 29th 2022 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:







Feature Updates
Gravity Globe

A new vehicle(?) has been discovered in the wild! This curious contraption seems to be an evolution on EXO’s recreational line of enrichment items, ingeniously augmented with a gyro-stabilized control platform in its interior. While simplistic in its appearance, the Gravity Globe harnesses some of EXO’s most advanced technologies, allowing it to roll against gravity (within reason), and even perform small ‘hops’ to clear minor obstacles. Just like the more primitive Recreational Spheres, the Gravity Globe is an ideal enrichment activity for all Astroneers (and other sentient beings, where appropriate).

Gravity Globes can sometimes be found on EXO wreckage: most commonly on abandoned spaceports, but occasionally attached to derelict rover chassis (for what purpose remains unknown). They can additionally be acquired via the Trade Platform.

  • Trade Platform: 8x Astronium
  • Shredding Output: 1x Scrap
Portable Smelter

A new, rare crafting item has been added to boost refinement of valuable resources. This small item is extremely versatile and can be used to process nuggets on-the-go in your Backpack, to bootstrap a new base, or as part of an intricate automated production network.

Portable smelters can sometimes be found on EXO wreckage while exploring or can be acquired via the Trade Platform.

  • Trade Platform: 8x Astronium
  • Shredding Output: 2x Scrap
  • Power Draw: 2 Power per second
Curious Items

Something… new… has been observed appearing in Abandoned Backpacks found across planets in the Sylva System. It’s unclear exactly what has caused these objects to manifest; further information and experimentation are needed. Caution is advised when interacting with [ERROR!%&#HELPHELPHELP]

LRD Behavior


New Emote – Dizzy

A new emote – “Dizzy” – has been added to the core game. This emote can be unlocked by [ERROR – REFERENCE MISSING] which can certainly make an Astroneer become dizzy!

Store – New Items Available Now!
  • New Suit: Galastro Suit
  • New Mask: Mecha Snail
  • New Palette: Toasty
  • New Emote: Greet the Dawn

It’s time again to gather hard-working Astroneers and band together for EXO Dynamics in the Fuel Acquisition, Renewal & Maintenance event! Sturdysquash are in season and can be farmed in bulk to be processed in Cauldrangea plants. Ship off the products to EXO for points and rewards!

  • Find Wild Sturdysquash that can be harvested for their seeds on Sylva, Calidor, or Atrox; use these seeds to grow offspring that yield Sturdysquash Samples
    • Each of the featured planets have a unique variety of Wild Sturdysquash which yield different quantities of seeds
    • Sturdysquash Samples can be placed in Medium and Large Resource Canisters to keep your farms tidy
  • Locate Cauldrangea plants on Sylva, Calidor, or Atrox – but beware of the hazards that tend to grow nearby! Use the Cauldrangeas to produce one of three types of biofuel.
    • Compass navpoints appear to indicate nearby Cauldrangea.
    • Cauldrangea can be interacted with to cycle through their current biofuel recipe for production.
    • Each of the featured planets have a unique variety of Cauldrangea with different production speeds.
  • Different biofuels can be produced using different ingredients; the rarer the ingredients, the more the produced biofuel is worth:
    • Squasholine: 15 Points
      Sturdysquash Samples
    • Attapetrol: 35 Points
      Sturdysquash Samples + Mutant Spiny Attactus Seeds
    • Noxothane: 50 Points
      Sturdysquash Samples + Mutant Elegant Spewflower Seeds

EXO Dynamics rewards biofuel contributions with:

  • 800 Points – Biofuel Throwback Bundle
    Contains cosmetics rewarded from previous years:     

    • Emote: ”Giddyup”
    • Hat: ”Honest Living”
    • Cosmetic T4 Shelter: “PUM-KN Shelter”
  • 2400 Points – Emote: ”Leaf Leap”
  • 5600 Points – Visor: “Pollen Count”
  • 8000 Points – Hat: ”Galastro Cap”

Useful incremental rewards are included along the way to bolster your harvesting capabilities. Randomized recurring rewards are available after completing the event – including QT-RTGs & EXO Chips! – for those who want to continue to produce biofuels.

Quality of Life Improvements
  • Creative Mode item duplication:
    • Duplicating a held item will now also duplicate most items slotted to it (excluding items in input/output slots).
    • Duplicating an item that is snapped to a slot while held will automatically slot the duplicate item.
  • Research Chamber:
    • The Research Chamber will now automatically pull research items from storage. Valid non-research items (such as crafting resources) can still be slotted manually, or by using an auto-arm.
    • Items can now be slotted to the Research Chamber as soon as a research operation is complete (instead of needing to wait for the animation to finish).
  • Mission/Data Logs:
    • Missions with key items will be automatically tracked
    • Missions that are unlocked when a tracked mission is completed will be automatically tracked.
    • Scrolling through the mission/log lists will clamp to the top or bottom entries, instead of wrapping around to the other end.
    • The details panel will not take cursor focus when the cursor just happens to be over it as the log opens.
  • (Power) Extenders:
    • ‘Extenders’ have been renamed to ‘Power Extenders’.
    • Power Extenders can now be toggled between directional and networked connections. Doing so will toggle the entire chain of extenders.
  • Wanderer Missions
    • The mission “Things to Remember” has been refactored to provide a specific objective for each scannable probe.
    • An extra descriptive line showing the scanned status of a probe has been added to their tooltips, tracked on a per-player basis.
  • EXO Request Platform
    • EXO Request Platforms now have an additional screen showing the requested items for the current event and their point values.
    • The icons shown within its control panel and on the outside of the module now cycle the currently requested items.
  • When using a gamepad, item tooltips will show up on a delay when an item receives proximity focus. (Tooltips are not delayed when focusing on items using the cursor.)
  • Tooltips will not display for items whose control panels are currently open.
  • The collision volumes on most small slots have been tuned with a lower profile, leading to fewer instances of the cursor targeting an unintended slot.
  • The resource info tooltip on the Terrain Tool cursor appears more readily when held over a resource deposit.
  • Rover power cables are no longer forced to be directional when attached to non-rover items (like platforms).
  • Menu-sliders will now increase/decrease more quickly the longer input is held.
  • Large spaceport structures that can be found on planets now have functional landing zones.

The following bugs have been fixed as of version

  • AS-18152 | Camera no longer swings too aggressively when player turns at high speeds.
  • AS-18104 | Specific save no longer Crashes on Load After U25
  • AS-17996 | Rails & Vehicles | Player is no longer able to trigger the cursor while in a vehicle when cursor is set to toggle mode
  • AS-17864 | Field Shelter | Cables | When two field shelters are plugged into eachother the cable will no longer be able to be extended indefinitely
  • AS-17671 | Terrain | Collision | Some items will no longer phase through cave layers when dropped after leaving relevance of affected terrain
  • AS-16878 | Player no longer receives “Failed to Join: Could not find user” error if they try to join a session with a friend already in a session hosted by someone not on the player’s friendlist
  • AS-16842 | Hoverboard | Multiplayer | Hoverboard can no longer be put into a broken state if a client dies and lets their initial backpack disappear with the hoverboard in it
  • AS-15670 | Main Menu CMS | MOTD | The title and link are now localized in Chinese
  • AS-9903 | Leveling Block | Leveling Block now removes USE tooltip when the block is drilled into things other than terrain
  • AS-9768 | Multiplayer | Client’s control panels on modules no longer enters a broken state when someone is in a seat attached to a platform while module is performing an operation
  • AS-9418 | Multiplayer | Control Panels | Control Panels no longer become uninteractable while a user is in a vehicle that the module is attached to
  • AS-5801 | Multiplayer | Shuttle | Client will no longer see an active thruster while shuttle is not being operated when entering relevance of full thruster
  • AS-17888 | Localization – The medium shuttle’s description is now correct in Chinese
  • AS-17329 | Performance | Host’s performance no longer degrades a lot for the host after completing the Overcharged mission in a game with at least one client
  • AS-18165 | Creative Mode | Player can now duplicate an item if they open their backpack while holding it
  • AS-18150 | Rails | Crane | Resources and Soil collected by a Crane attached to a Rail Train will now transfer to the connected rail cars if the train has moved before using the Crane
  • AS-18144 | Rails | Missions | Text no longer Overlaps on Data Log in Certain Languages
  • AS-18140 | Localization | XL Wind Turbine no longer Displays Incorrect Amount of Power in Chinese
  • AS-18138 | Shelter | Art | Shelter Feet Pylons are no longer clipping through the main body
  • AS-18121 | Vehicles | Tooltip for Buggy no longer has a Train Length section
  • AS-18117 | Rails | Rail Station | The right trigger slot can now send trains if there is no rail connection to the left side of the Station
  • AS-18105 | Performance | Multiplayer | Rail Missions | Host’s performance no longer degrades when a client joins when certain Rail Missions are active
  • AS-18072 | Rails | Multiplayer | Phantom rail segments can no longer appear in multiplayer games, can be used to travel between multiple planets
  • AS-18067 | Localization | “Recall Failed” is no longer Misspelled in Polish at the Rail Station
  • AS-17941 | Crash | Crash no longer occurs when a client attempts to join another session while their compass is open
  • AS-17560 | Camera | Creative Mode | The Right Stick no longer moves both the cursor and the camera after toggling Creative Mode flight while the cursor is active
  • AS-17054 | Missions | Wanderer Probes are now Counted on Mission Board
  • AS-16970 | Multiplayer | Spaceport | Cable Plugs on Spaceports will now retract if a user fails to connect them to a valid plug port
  • AS-16701 | Exploit | Multiplayer | Power Switch no longer provides free oxygen to clients
  • AS-11906 | Repeaters | Count and Delay Repeaters’ control panels now allow the value to be changed with controller d-pads, A/D, or the arrow keys
  • AS-18185 Mission Log | Mission Log list no longer loops from top to the bottom instead of being static.
  • AS-18073 Rails | Deleting a Rail Engine or Cart will now remove the Nav Point in Creative Mode
  • AS-18049 Localization | Boost Mod is no longer Translated 3 Different Ways in Turkish
  • AS-8901 Creative Mode | Options | Creative mode sliders will now move quicker

The following is still a known issue as of version

  • AS-17386 | Switch | UI | The Reconnect UI does not appear to allow players to reconnect to interrupted multiplayer sessions
  • AS-15848 | Hoverboard | Physics | Physics interact with the hoverboard differently between UWP and Steam
  • AS-18212 | Gravity Globe | Multiplayer | Player can shred an occupied Gravity Globe if they are already holding it when the second player enters it
  • AS-18155 | Packagers | Packagers show the green indicator light when they are connected to Medium or Large Resource Canisters that have their first resource added to them
  • AS-18148 | Creative Mode | Controller | Backpack stays in front of the camera when player launches drone through the pause menu while backpack is open
  • AS-18095 | Several things are not saved when the player dies and respawns
  • AS-18061 | Resource Canister Horns | All resources play the same piano note if the in-game language is set to any Non-English language
  • AS-18023 | CRASH | Dedicated Server | Client | Client crash on DS where having a train either enter or leave relevancy on a client’s request can cause a Crash.
  • AS-17916 | Dedicated Server | Decorators | Drills | Snail Shell specific decorators cannot be destroyed with a client’s vehicle drill/paver
  • AS-17732 | LTEs | Physical LTE rewards can only be claimed once per machine
  • AS-17674 | Vehicles | Catalog and Personal Mission Log are very jittery when cracked while a vehicle is in motion
  • AS-17390 | Jump Jet/Hoverboard Combo Leaves Player Hanging in Air after Running Out of Fuel
  • AS-17079 | Snail | Terrarium | Sylvie’s terrarium has some texture fighting on the grass when viewed at a distance
  • AS-15682 | Vehicle Mission | Mission actors sometimes fail to spawn
  • AS-14741 | Multiplayer | Dedicated Server | Terrain | Player generated terrain sometimes disappears soon after it was added
  • AS-11722 | Creative Mode | Items get stuck when a PlayStation 4 or Xbox client spawns the item from a Small, Medium, or Large Printer Cheat Plinth
  • AS-9517 | Dedicated Server | Multiplayer | User generated/removed terrain has inconsistent LOD for client when approaching rapidly
  • AS-738 | Audio | Crane | Crane has no sound effects when being interacted with.







Astroneer – Ver. 1.25.152

  • Release date: August 18th 2022 (North America, Europe) / August 19th 2022 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
  • AS-18103 Fixed an issue where one of the Trigger Slots would often send the train in the wrong direction
  • AS-18071 Fixed an issue where drilling from a Crane attached to Rail Caravan did not work correctly after the caravan has moved
  • AS-18066 Fixed an issue where Junctions are more likely to fail to switch tracks if they left relevancy in a Horizontal manner
  • AS-18060 Fixed an issue where a user could pull Automation Wires out of Automation Hook Receptor Slots on the Train Stations
  • AS-18059 Fixed an issue where trains stopped triggering Rail Station automation Hooks if multiple stations are on the same line.
  • AS-18143 Fixed an issue where the Description for the Back On Track Mission: “Access the Data Log attached to Logistics Depot: Glacio to request support for railway creation” was using an old Translation in Japanese
  • AS-17990 Added updated Japanese strings for U25 content
  • AS-18058 Fixed an issue where The 1100 QBIT SKU in the Featured tab would show a preview price that is always incorrect when selected
  • AS-18090 Fixed an issue where Usagi the Desolo Galastropod was no longer displaying NavPoints for the Chess Figurines when fed
Known issues:
  • AS-17839 Storage Sensors attached to a rail car will default to “full or not full” behavior no matter the setting when 2 medium printers are placed in the slots
  • AS-18105 Host’s performance degrades when a client joins when certain Rail Missions are active
  • AS-17954 Player is able to stack multiple cars in the same slot of the Rails Station in a dedicated server

Astroneer – Ver. (Rails Update)

  • Release date: July 21st 2022 (North America) / July 22nd 2022 (Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:

Railway Vehicles 
The Catalog has been updated with two new vehicles custom-built for the Rails System. Railway vehicles can be used individually or chained together into trains up to six vehicles long. Just make sure you have enough power to run them; each vehicle in a train increases its power draw! 

Rail Cars 
Basic railway vehicle with a medium storage slot. Slower than Rail Engines, but can be chained together in either direction. 

  • Printed on: Medium Printer 
  • Resource Cost: 2 Resin, 1 Aluminum 
  • Byte Cost: 1500 
  • Power Draw: 1 Power per second 

Rail Engines 
Specialized railway vehicle used for personal transportation and faster trains. Provides a built-in seat, 2x small auxiliary slots,  and a headlight. Can only be placed on the front or back of a train. 

  • Printed on: Medium Printer 
  • Resource Cost: 1 Resin, 1 Aluminum, 1 Copper 
  • Byte Cost: 1000 
  • Power Draw: 3 Power per second 


Railway Items 
Your new railway vehicles won’t do much good without rail lines to ride along! Fortunately, the Catalog has also been updated with a range of railway items for building out the rail network of your dreams. 

Rail Posts (Standard & Tall) 
The backbone of every rail line. Like tethers, they chain together automatically as they’re dropped. And don’t worry if you left your train back at base; the nearest train can be called to any rail post, at any time! 

  • Printed on: Small Printer 
  • Resource Cost: 1 Resin, 1 Aluminum 
  • Byte Cost: 750 
  • Bundle Count: 10 

Rail Junction 
Rail Junctions split rail lines in two, forming a 3-way connection. 

  • Printed on: Medium Printer 
  • Resource Cost: 2 Aluminum 
  • Byte Cost: 1000 
  • Bundle Count: 5 

Rail Station 
The Rail Station offers powerful automation tools to assist in advanced rail logistics, including automatically loading or unloading trains. 

  • Printed on: Large Printer 
  • Resource Cost: 2 Titanium, 1 Copper, 1 Quartz 
  • Byte Cost: 2500

Updates and additions have been made to existing automation systems to take advantage of the Rails System. 

Railway Items as Sensors 
Rail Posts and Stations are equipped with reaction slots that activate in response to railway vehicles. 

Railway Item Pin Slots 
Rail Junctions are equipped with a pin slot for each of their three connections, giving you precise control over when each one is active. 

Rail Station Pin Slots 
Rail Stations are equipped with pin slots that will start a docked train moving in the desired direction. 

  • Storage Sensors and Railway Vehicles 
    When placed on a railway vehicle, the Storage Sensor will monitor storage state across the entire train. 
  • Adventure Mode Story + Missions 
    New missions have been added to the mid-game which send players down a path of logistics investigation and exploration. Travel to the icy wastes of Glacio, the mysterious caves of Calidor, and the whimsical depths of Sylva to learn about the importance of railways within EXO Dynamics. Along the way, players will discover new characters who have stumbled upon a mystery that may have greater ramifications for the overall mission of Astroneers.  
    (Players who have completed “Talking Tungsten” will automatically receive the new starter mission “Digging Deeper”.) 
Quality of Life Improvements 
  • Rover tooltips now display train length status 
  • The VTOL now responds properly to local gravity zones 
  • All Data Logs now track seen/unseen entries per player 
  • Bundleable items will no longer snap to the backpack while held, making it easier to place them near the character 
  • Item bundles in the backpack’s auxiliary slots will automatically replenish from bundles of the same type in the backpack 
  • The camera has been improved to better handle tight spaces, without taking zoom control away from the player 
New SKU: Starter Bundle!

We’re introducing a new Bundle available for all players as a one-time purchase. 


  • 750 QBits 
  • Starter Bundle Suit 
  • Starter Bundle Palette 

Store – New Items Available Now! 

New Hats 

  • Quick Thinking 
  • Exhaust Port 

New Mask 

  • Cow Plow  

New Palettes 

  • Riveting 
  • Pearlescent  
EXO Automated Mass Production Protocol  

The Automated Mass Production Protocol returns! Astroneers are asked to undertake the creation of large quantities of valuable resource nuggets to send off via the EXO Request Platform in exchange for useful goodies and stylish customizations. 

EXO Dynamics has changed up the resource requests this year and upgraded their transfer rocket to accept any of the following resources for varying points (per nugget): 

  • 1 PointCompound 
  • 3 PointsAluminum 
  • 5 PointsTungsten Carbide 
  • 15 PointsNanocarbon Alloy 

All Astroneers present are awarded points when a rocket is launched – cooperation is encouraged for efficiency! 

EXO Dynamics rewards contributions with: 

  • 160 Points “AMPP Throwback” Bundle –  
    Contains cosmetics rewarded from the previous year: 
  • “Cogpiece” (Mask) 
  • “Copper Plate” (Palette) 
  • 480 Points NEW “Dot Com” Palette 
  • 960 Points NEW “Thoughtful” Emote 
  • 1920 PointsNEW “Forge Ahead” Mask 
  • Useful incremental rewards along the way and randomized recurring rewards at the end of the event – including QT-RTGs, EXO Chips, and useful resources! 

Tether Toppers 
Tether posts have been updated to get your automation vibes cranking – log in to experience these temporary decorations that are sure to turn heads! 


The following is still a known issue as of version 

  • AS-17846 U25 | Rails | Dedicated Server – Rail anchors can be attached to some plants and end up bundled to the plant underground 
  • AS-17954 U25 | Rails | DS – Player is able to stack multiple cars in the same slot of the Rails Station 
  • AS-17911 Rails | Multiplayer | Caravans are often in the wrong location or invisible from client’s perspective on join and rejoin 

The following bugs have been fixed as of version 


  • AS-17772 Item Pads | Power meters on the cable slots of Item Pads are no longer broken 
  • AS-17748 Packager | Proximity Repeater | Placing multiple packagers on a single item will no longer cause the item to duplicate into that amount of packagers attached when activated by a proximity repeater 
  • AS-17485 Camera | There is no longer strange behavior with the camera’s max zoom distance when exiting tight spaces and loading saves 
  • AS-17736 2022 Automation LTE | Players are now awarded a Splitter when passing 280 points if they had a Medium Resource Canister slotted to the T2 slot when it was launched 
  • AS-16983 Intro Cinematic | Intro cinematic no longer replays if a new player exits their new session to the main menu before the persistenplayerdata file is created 
  • AS-15876 Atmospheric Condenser | Output Slot | Players and AutoArms can no longer place any resource into the Atmospheric Condenser and cause it to stop functioning. 
  • AS-9497 Atmospheric Condenser | Station | Using an atmospheric condenser on the Gateway Station the condenser no longer displays white squares 
  • AS-8700 Small Solar Panels no longer become disconnected when flying between planets with them. 
  • AS-17391 Furnace Output Slot | Players/ AutoArms can no longer place a resource into the Furnace output and cause it to stop functioning. 
  • AS-15697 VTOL now properly changes orientation in the different gravity volumes in and around the gateway engines 


  • AS-9458 Keybinding | UI | Semicolon and backquote no longer lack glyphs in tooltips, tutorial prompts, and Astropedia icons 
  • AS-16847 Mouse & Keyboard | Dying no longer causes Left Mouse Button to behave like Right Mouse Button 
  • AS-8951 Controller | Soil Centrifuge proximity tooltip will now appear from different angles 


  • AS-17876 Achievements | Localization | Trophy text for “Encounter With the Infinite” no longer has a typo in Japanese 
  • AS-17758 Localization | Several T1 Storage Items Are now correctly Translated to Chinese 


  • AS-11273 Multiplayer | Clients are now unable to deploy extenders from AUX slots 
  • AS-7441 Multiplayer | Gateways | Client will no longer die unexpectedly when stepping off power puzzle pillars in completed chamber 

Astroneer – Ver.

  • Release date: March 24th 2022 (North America, Europe) / March 25th 2022 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Controls & Accessibility

This is a long time coming but we did a bunch of work to add (honestly..) basic functionality for controls across all platforms. You can now use mouse and keyboard on console and can remap a TON of inputs to completely customize your experience. We did this mainly for accessibility purposes, if you are a player who needs to move buttons around to make sure you can enjoy Astroneer, this one is for you <3. Of particular note, you can now make some “hold” actions a toggle to help make sure you can play with less need to hold multiple buttons down for long periods of time.

  • The menu has been updated to include separate tabs for Keyboard / Mouse and Controller settings on a per-platform basis (moved from the general Options menu where they previously lived)
  • Players can now remap controller inputs in the Controller Settings tab of the menu
  • Mouse and Keyboard support has been added for players on Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch
  • Support for remapping of extra mouse buttons has been added
  • Players on controller can now set Virtual Cursor to a toggle
  • Players on Mouse and Keyboard can now set Camera Orbit functionality to a toggle

Additionally, adding Mouse and Keyboard support to console means people can use a variety of peripherals if they need. We tested a lot of hardware (thanks so much Q/A team <3) to ensure that you can remap lots of actions to any mouse button or any keyboard input. The team also tested these changes with the Xbox Adaptive controller which should work great on Xbox and PC. (Note: we didn’t test everything, so let us know if you are having trouble with a specific mouse or k/b!)

Miscellaneous Improvements
Audio Improvements
  • T1 Oxygenator, when slotted into the player’s backpack while on, will fade out its audio loop while remaining operational.
Camera Improvements
  • The camera handles tight spaces more smoothly, with reduced instances of rapidly zooming in and out.
  • The camera now responds intelligently to movement up or down slopes when following the player.
  • The camera no longer loses sight of the player when moving at very high speeds.
  • General tuning adjustments.
Drill Improvements
  • The drill aiming UI now accurately represents the angle of the drill relative to the rover. This means the tilt indicator on the drill UI no longer drifts as the drill moves to align with it.
  • Rovers now maintain a steady speed while drilling, instead of increasingly gaining speed downhill, and outpacing the drill in the process.
  • Drilling is now clamped between a maximum upwards and downwards tilt, in order to prevent the rover from flipping over, or losing traction.
  • Drills are automatically disabled if the rover starts to point vertically up or down.
Landing Zone Improvements
  • The player experience when orbiting a planet and selecting landing zones has received an update to improve communication and comprehension
  • Landing zones have animated visuals added along with beacons to aid in more easily locating and selecting them
  • Landing zones now also have tooltips that appear on hover / cursor select
  • Landing zones generated from player-created Landing Pads (including the starting pad) now have a unique cylindrical shape, icon, and label
  • For gamepads, a prompt appears to notify players that they must use the virtual cursor to select a landing zone
Resource Bytes Update
  • Composite resources now have Byte values assigned and can be researched in the Research Chamber
  • All researchable resources have had their research times changed to 5 minutes total with Byte values adjusted accordingly
  • Trophy/Achievement names and descriptions have been updated with new translations in Japanese
Store – New Items Available Now!
New Limited Time Bundle – EXO TECH BUNDLE
  • Control Unit Hat
  • Grid Lock Palette
  • Error Code Visor
New Suit
  • Aquatic Suit
New Hat
  • Encrypted Creepers
New Emote
  • Fish
New Visor
  • Biohazard
EXO Salvage Initiative

The EXO Salvage Initiative returns for a limited time! EXO accepts a variety of salvage types which can either be collected from exploration or crafted and destroyed or shredded. Astroneers are encouraged to employ the approach that is the most fun for them and ship their collected exports off using the EXO Request Platform!

Salvage items are worth different point amounts when shipped:

  • 25 Points – Debris Bundle (5 Points per partial)
  • 50 Points – Scrap Nugget
  • 100 Points – Debris Package (Small / T1)
  • 300 Points – Debris Package (Medium / T2)

EXO Dynamics rewards submissions received with:

  • 1500 Points – Salvage Throwback Bundle
    Contains cosmetics rewarded from previous year:     

    • Palette: “Going Green”
    • Hat: “Wired”
  • 4200 Points – Hat: ”CO-N3”
  • 8000 Points – Emote: ”Stop Sign”
  • 14000 Points – Palette: ”Safety Orange”

EXO supplies useful items and resources along the way to boost your recovery or production efforts. Randomized recurring rewards are available after completing the main event including:

  • Clay & Graphite
  • Copper, Iron, Titanium, Tungsten
  • Hydrazine & Jet Packs
  • EXO Chips
  • Nanocarbon Alloy
  • QT-RTGs
The following is still a known issue as of version
  • [AS-17329] Players may experience performance issues in multiplayer when the Glacio and Atrox Snail missions are active. As a workaround, players can complete the missions to acquire Bestefar and Enoki in single player, after which multiplayer performance should return to normal.
The following bugs have been fixed as of version
  • [AS-17298] Cosmetics should now be properly unlocking for Switch players when the requirements are met. Note: Progress was not being saved properly. It is now, but unfortunately this fix will not be retroactive, so players will need to complete the required steps again to unlock their cosmetics.
  • [AS-7908] The Sylva gateway engine should now keep its free oxygen even after placing the Geometric Triptych
  • [AS-16918] Fixed an issue with auto arms where they could get into a bad state if the slot they’re trying place an object into becomes occupied
  • [AS-16975] Players should be much less likely to encounter a natural landing zone without terrain below it
  • [AS-17387] Fixed a setting on Switch that may have caused players to hit a save size limit earlier than they should have
  • [AS-6223] Unsolved EXO Dynamics Research Aid boxes now have camera collision
  • [AS-6361] Finally fixed the bug where the power indicators on the Medium Battery would be misaligned after traveling to another planet
  • [AS-7685] Fixed a bug where the start of a tether line did not properly visually connect to platforms
  • [AS-16673] The toxic cloud that comes from spewflowers should now gradually dissipate when the player goes out of range rather than disappearing abruptly
  • [AS-8424] Fixed a visual issue where the backpack was floating a bit too far behind the body when wearing the Bio, Retro, Control, Frame, and Wanderer suits
  • [AS-8851] Fixed a bug on controllers where holding the menu button would quickly open and close the menu
  • [AS-9092] Players should no longer be able to bind controls to the Windows key
  • [AS-17274] Players on Switch can now use the Left Stick to navigate the CONNECTION LOST popup
  • [AS-17204] Rebinding controls to Right Alt should now show the appropriate key in the menu
  • [AS-17205] Rebinding controls to Left Ctrl should now show the appropriate key in the menu
  • [AS-17044] Fixed a bug where the mission log on the starting landing pad would not have a beacon for available rewards for the first mission “Planetfall”.
  • [AS-17206] Added collision to the Trade Platform catalog hologram so it should now detect mouseover
  • [AS-17418] Updated Astropedia pages to use the correct font in Japanese
  • [AS-17388] Fixed some bugs with “Unlocked By” text in the customization menu incorrectly referring to achievements when unlockable through other means
  • [AS-4968] Updated Astroneer desktop icon on Steam to replace an older version. Players may need to delete their current shortcut/icon and create a new version to see this change.
  • [AS-7359] Fix a bug in several languages where text would extend outside the bounds of the Controller Disconnected popup box
  • [AS-7773] Fixed a bug on PS4 when renaming a save, the placeholder text should now get cleared out once players start entering new text
  • [AS-8185] Fixed an issue on PS4 where the instruction text would spill out of the box in multiple languages when joining a game through the Play Together UI
  • [AS-14672] The “Stuffed Storage” mission now properly refers to the required item as “Medium Resource Canister”
  • [AS-17146] Added Unlocked By text to the customization menu on Switch for the BNTY-HNTR visor and Power Suited palette
  • [AS-8593] -0 is no longer an option on the Brightness or FOV Bias sliders
  • [AS-17141] Fixed a bug in Astropedia under Resources where the planets listed for Nitrogen extended outside of the box in Japanese
  • [AS-17203] Updated the pips under Astropedia pages to use a shade of blue consistent with the rest of the game
  • [AS-17197] Fixed an issue where clients could not interact with a packaged item placed in the oxygenator slot on the Xenobiology Lab
  • [AS-14454] Players can no longer hot-swap items from another player’s backpack or terrain tool when full
  • [AS-17022] Spewflower audio should now stop playing when the hazard is dug up
  • [AS-17290] Fixed a bug where audio was not properly playing for the Dance: Shakefield emote

Astroneer – Ver.

  • Release date: February 11th 2022 (North America, Europe) / February 12th 2022 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
  • [AS-16311] Fixed a bug where Enoki’s (Atrox Snail) buff would get removed when the player sits in any seat 
  • [AS-17157] Fixed the issue where a resource nugget could get stuck in the Xenobiology Lab 
  • [AS-17199] Slotting a seed on top of Enoki’s terrarium no longer causes the buff to stack, giving players super speed and jump height 
  • Fixed various crashes: [AS-17173], [AS-17174], [AS-17177], [AS-17178] 
Dedicated Servers 
  • [AS-17198] Fixed an issue where compass navpoints were not properly showing up on servers.  This could still happen occasionally, but should be less frequent, and can be worked around by restarting the server.  
  • [AS-17155] Reverb has been restored to cavern layers on all platforms, except for Switch, where this is intentionally disabled for performance reasons.  
  • [AS-17147] Fixed a bug in the Astropedia on the Sylva page where the Japanese translation for power would extend past the bounds of the box 
  • [AS-17041] Fixed an inconsistency in Dutch, where two different words were being used as the translation for Compound 
  • [AS-11905] Fixed an incorrect translation for the gas canisters in Spanish 
  • [AS-17142] New Japanese translation for “Steel” 
  • [AS-17143] Updated Japanese translation for general Platform description 
  • [AS-16909] Fixed an inconsistency in the French translation for “packager” 
  • [AS-17099] Fixed an issue in Japanese where the Medium Shredder had the incorrect value for power usage 
  • [AS-17115] Fixed a bug where “Visit the Unidentified Satellite” was missing all non-English translations in the mission log 
  • [AS-17117] Fixed a bug where there was an incorrect translation in Dutch on the Glacio planet tooltip in the solar system view.   This translation error was giving players bad info about power sources on Glacio. 
The following is still a known issue as of version
  • [AS-17197] Clients cannot interact with oxygenator on the Xenobiology lab when it’s packaged.  This can be worked around by:
    1. Hosts interacting with the packaged item (if not on a server)
    2. Using an auto-arm to remove the packaged item or
    3. Using a proximity repeater to open the packaged item 

Astroneer – Ver. (Xenobiology Update)

  • Release date: January 13th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
  • Patch notes:
Galastropods have arrived!

“Space Snails” are now a part of the universe of Astroneer. Players have the opportunity to gain these unique and highly adaptable creatures as permanent companions that also give benefits to their caretakers.

  • Full Tummies & Companion Benefits
    Each Galastropod loves treats and will become extra happy and energized when fed. While a Galastropod is full, players receive a unique benefit to aid in their adventures. Galastropods also have favorite foods which will extend the duration of their benefit when fed.
  • Adventure Mode Story
    Begin a new adventure to retrieve unique Galastropoda specimens and investigate the mystery behind their appearance.
  • Update-Specific Intro Cinematic
    We’ve added a new cinematic that will display the first time players start the game after receiving this update. This doesn’t replace the original intro cinematic for brand new players, which will still play their first time.
  • New Missions
    Fresh content has been added to the early game to launch players on a journey of snail discovery across the solar system!
  • Mission Items + Recall Rewards
    Certain new missions now have required items and/or permanent rewards. Both of these allow players to respawn them at the nearest landing pad for their convenience (or if they’ve misplaced them). Mission items are limited to a single item per save, while permanent rewards are available as a single item per player.
  • Creative Mode
    Galastropods are immediately available for access in Creative Mode via the Catalog in the “Discoveries” tab (second from the right).
Astroneer’s Third Anniversary

Wow! It’s been almost three years since 1.0… can you believe it?! This February, we’ve got a celebratory cosmetic to share with players, from our heart to your head. Players logging in during a specific Anniversary time frame will get it for free – watch our socials for more details (Twitter, Discord, etc.)!

Store – New Items Available Now!
  • New Limited Time Bundle – SNAIL PALETTE! Get in sync with your favorite snail with matching palettes!

    • Forest Friend
    • Cosmic Companion
    • Desert Dweller
    • Royal Regalia
    • Mystic Moon
    • Frosted Familiar
    • Peculiar Pal
  • New Hats
    • Friendly Shell
    • Lunar Shell
    • Spicy Shell
    • Fancy Shell
    • Sweet Shell
    • Chilly Shell
    • Strange Shell
    • Extra Eye
  • New Mask
    • Friendly Face
  • New Visor
    • Biohazard
  • Performance
    A wide variety of performance efforts have been undertaken to support the Switch release and to generally improve player experience for every platform. Players should notice improved loading times, especially on consoles.
  • “Sticky” Terrain Fix
    We’ve literally moved the heavens to fix the issue some players experience which cause them to get “stuck” at seemingly random points while moving. This fix only applies to new saves for the time being; old saves should be unaffected.
  • Hazardous Flora Farming
    All hazardous flora has been updated to produce multiple seeds to allow for easier cultivation. Seed growth times have also been reduced (to feed your hungry snails!)
  • Orbital View
    Planets have a larger collision volume when selecting them from solar system view, which should make them easier to select, especially when using a controller
  • Updated Localization
    Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese

The following is still a known issue as of version

  • [AS-17036] The Vesania Galastropod’s buff can conflict with the ability to respawn at the nearest shelter when it’s active
  • [AS-16970] Cables on spaceports can break for clients in multiplayer games if they are picked up but not plugged into anything. Players can work around this by leaving and rejoining the session

The following bugs have been fixed as of version


  • [AS-16895] Fixed a bug where clients were not seeing the beacons from field shelters when in orbital view.


  • [AS-16846] The “From Thin Air” mission will now only complete if gas is produced by an Atmospheric Condenser
  • [AS-16661] Mission text in the mission log will now keep its uppercasing when the mission is completed.


  • [AS-16889] Fixed a bug where the bumpy variant of the Sturdy squash seed was misaligned when slotted
  • [AS-16639] Fixed a bug where players were not unlocking the Wanderer Suit when playing offline or with a poor connection
  • [AS-16298] Fixed an exploit where Used Solid Fuel Thrusters were yielding more scrap from shredding than it cost to acquire the resources required to craft them from the Trade Platform. Both new and used Solid Fuel Thrusters will now produce 1.5 scrap nuggets when shredded.
  • [AS-11904] Small canisters no longer float when placed onto medium canisters by an auto arm.
  • [AS-7313] Fixed a bug where multiple packagers attached to an object when packaged would cause the extra packager(s) to become broken and unusable.
  • [AS-7306] Fixed a collision issue where items placed next to Daggeroot hazards could become impossible to interact with.
  • [AS-7163] Fixed a bug where Spaceport POIs were either not spawning at all or at greatly reduced rates. Players should now see these much more frequently!

How to download updates for Astroneer for the Nintendo Switch?

To download the updates for Astroneer, you have three options:

  • let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off

If not…

  • try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;


  • select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.

To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.