SpiderHeck (Switch): all the updates (latest: Ver. 1.5.2)
On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for SpiderHeck on Nintendo Switch (originally released on September 22nd 2022 in North America and Europe, and September 23rd 2022 in Japan)!
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SpiderHeck – Ver. 1.5.2
- Release date: March 19th 2024 (North America, Europe) / March 20th 2024 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Fixed Players and Enemies occasionally spawning while invisible in Wave Mode.
- Stopped death cubes rotating slower on dedicated servers.
- Fixed Weapons turning invisible, swapping textures or becoming intangible.
- Fixed Boomstick losing texture after it explodes the first time when the player has Efficiency.
- And more!
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: tinyBuild (Steam)
SpiderHeck – Ver. 1.5.1 (The Honeycomb Update)
- Release date: January 30th 2024 (North America, Europe) / January 31st 2024 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Honeycomb Platform and Map Updates: Brace yourselves for new maps featuring breakable platforms and fresh twists on classic landscapes. Uncover surprises around every web, and swing into action!
- Revamped Lobby Creation: We’ve redesigned the lobby creation process, making it smoother and more intuitive. Selecting online or offline modes is a breeze. Less hassle, more heck!
- Optimization Boost: We’ve fine-tuned both the client and server for an optimal SpiderHeck experience. Enjoy improved speed and stability, ensuring a seamless adventure through the SpiderHeck universe.
Maps Optimization: All maps have been optimized for the ultimate SpiderHeck escapade. Dive into each web-filled landscape and discover their intricacies!
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: tinyBuild (Steam)
SpiderHeck – Ver. 1.5.0 (New Year, New Heck)
- Release date: December 19th 2023 (North America, Europe) / December 20th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
NY LobbyFeel the festive vibes with snowballs right in your lobby. Because, why not bring the winter wonderland inside? There’s also a Christmas Tree with the best decorations!
4 New Community MapsExplore fresh community-made maps and embrace the creativity of the SpiderHeck community. There’s always something new to discover.
- Panopticon
- Reactor (versus and survival)
- Shackle
- Arme (versus and survival)
8 Refreshed MapsWe’ve looked at some of the older maps and given them a bit of a touch up, making them better, faster, stronger and more deadly…
- Dead Weight
- Compactor
- Cargo
- Humdrum
- Ribs
- Skull
- Trash Barrage
- Cove
Bi-weekly Limited Tiers of Heck ChallengesTest your skills with challenges crafted by the community. Some are tricky, some are downright bizarre. How many can you conquer? Each has a unique hat to gain by beating it!
NY CosmeticsAnd completing those limited tiers will let you ring in the New Year in style! Check out the latest hats in the Scroll of Heck. Fashion-forward spiders, this is for you.
Invite Codes in Friends-only Game ModeEnjoy exclusive sessions with friends. Invite codes bring a touch of exclusivity to your SpiderHeck experience.
Restriction on Custom Maps in Cross-NetworkTo maintain balance, custom maps are now restricted in cross-network game mode. Fair play for everyone!
Issues FixedWe’ve squashed pesky bugs, corrected localization issues, and improved gameplay mechanics. SpiderHeck is now smoother and more enjoyable. Some examples below!
- Localization fixes
- Light Steps modifier no longer allows moving objects with mines
- “There could be non-xbox network users in the game” pop-up doesn’t display when connecting to cross-network lobby via find a match
- Player melee knockback fixed
- Fixed incorrect voting mechanics in wave survival mode
- Add shotgun sound on equip
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: tinyBuild (Steam)
SpiderHeck – Ver. 1.4.1
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
- Connectivity Evolution: Dedicated Server improvements!
- Connection Type Switcher: Choose between Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and Dedicated Server (DS) connections with a new switcher.
Bug Fixes and Tweaks
We’ve squashed some spi…, er, bugs, and made improvements. Loads of em. Too many to list! But there are loads!
As an example:
- Fixed wave mode enemies not spawning if you killed the last enemy in a wave while in ghost form when all your teammates are dead
- Fixed the Shaman enemy’s fireball not disappearing on death
- Fixed music stopping working when joining a lobby
- Fixed an exploit with dropping and picking up weapons – the spider will now teleport behind the weapon if you spam pick up in Versus Mode.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: tinyBuild (Steam)
SpiderHeck – Ver. 1.4 (Late Anniversary Patch)
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
New Weapons:
- Death Ray Cube: It spins, It shoots, things die, and it shoots through walls so you can’t hide!
- Boomstick: It’s a spear, it’s a grenade—it’s Boomstick! Try touching someone with it, we dare you!
- Reflective Beams: Dazzling beams in Survival and Versus modes.
- Last Chance Survival Mode: Become a ghost and conquer those waves!
- Beeplomacy Survival Mode: Make friends with the wasps.
- Light Steps Survival Mode: Dance through mines and defy gravity.
Hazards from Heck:
- Aero Tube: Let the wind lift you!
- Dummy Platform: A moody platform that dislikes being stood on.
- Turret: An invulnerable turret with explosive ammo.
New Versus Maps:
- Sentinel: Gladiator out, turret in.
- Floatiest: Soon, there’ll be nothing but air.
- Juggler: Let the balls handle the fun.
- Croissant: Tasty chaos on a plate!
- All Seeing Eye: Beware, this map sees all.
- Floating Temple: A heavenly challenge awaits!
- Suspended: Watch your step; things fall apart.
- Box Rain: The sky is falling, and it’s boxy!
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: tinyBuild (Steam)
SpiderHeck – Ver. ??? (Scroll Of Heck Update)
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
- Versus presets – Preset configurations for versus mode. Become a “Blademaster” in Particle Blade only duels or practice your accuracy in “One Shot”.
- New levels – Seven brand new versus levels are available! These levels include various new physics platforms and hazards. Swinging lasers, platforms suspended on breakable chains, hornets and more!
- Dedicated servers – Versus mode is now using a beta version of new dedicated servers!
- Scroll of Heck< – A list of the in-game cosmetic unlocks for you completionists. Complete the scroll and earn even more spider colors!
- Limited Tiers – Time limited Tiers of Heck challenges will periodically become available. Complete these to earn unique cosmetics!
- Achievements – New achievements have been added for beating pain levels and parkour.
- New map editor objects – New objects are available in the map editor.
- Modifier “One Shot” made available in versus settings
- Web now properly disconnects if the object spider is webbing to gets destroyed.
- Fixed: In versus map selection the “Custom maps” and “Default maps” buttons are not translated and are displayed in english.
- Fixed an issue where players could make custom tier with no waves.
- Fixed – The ‘Name the map’ menu stays over the screen after pressing the ‘ESC’ key on the ‘Name the map’ menu.
- Fixed – The background of the new created map fails to display in the custom map after saving the new map using a dot ‘.’ in the name of custom map New versus mode.
- Fixed – Player1 able to customize and access player2 character in customize screen
- Fixed – “select none/all” option jumping around in versus map selection screen.
- Auto Shotgun – Each burst now counts as a separate shot. No more half bursts when modifiers are enabled.
- Auto Shotgun – Reworked recoil – less kick for aiming, more pushback on spider on each shot.
- Lobby reworked to make islands easier to find.
- Default Versus round count is now 7.
- Other minor changes and fixes that Neverjam forgot to list.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Neverjam (Steam)
SpiderHeck – Ver. ??? (Quality of Heck Update)
- Release date: June 13th 2023 (North America, Europe) / June 14th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Options for different style of cursors were added for better visibility.
- “Show player names” button is now rebindable.
- Holding a mouse button now lets you spawn a spider.
- Fixed an issue with Tiers of Heck menu background on ultra widescreen devices.
- An option was added for changing how player names are displayed. You can now disable them or only show the “P1, P2, P3” markers.
- “Show player names” button is now a toggle instead of a hold.
- An option was added for changing how player names are displayed. You can now disable them or only show the “P1, P2, P3” markers.
- “Show player names” button is now a toggle instead of a hold.
- “Toggle all” option added to versus map screen.
- In case of lost saves, hats linked to achievements will now be regranted on launch.
- Survival mode respawns have been improved, the game will try and avoid spawning you on top of your allies.
- Parkour maps now have an indicator to show where your web will land.
- A new color reward “SYNTH” has been added for reaching wave 30 on pain level 7.
- Added some balls to the waiting room for entertainment.
- Tier of Heck names now shown in the loading screen.
- Bunch of minor bug fixes that Neverjam was too lazy to list.
- Some functions were added in the game’s codebase to let modders make menus easier.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Neverjam (Steam)
SpiderHeck – Ver. ??? (Our Park Update)
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
Added new Parkour island with solo parkour challenges! Added three new customization items (Fox, Winner and Diamond) that can be unlocked by beating the parkour challenges. Added three new weapons: Auto Shotgun, Gravity Saw and Gravity Grenade. Hecksaw has been modified! Its effectiveness as a melee weapon has been reduced: in some circumstances, it will launch automatically if used in melee. To offset this, it has gained targeting lasers for easier use as a projectile weapon. Death by disintegration has become more instant. Reduced max cooldown on web usage.- Fixed a bug that caused some players to load randomly into the Tiers of Heck mode.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the camera to be more zoomed out in multiplayer matches.
- Lots more small polish all over the place.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Neverjam (Steam)
SpiderHeck – Ver. ??? (Trials of Jazeps Update)
- Release date: November 24th 2022 (North America, Europe) / November 25th 2022 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Custom Tiers of Heck
- Create your own Tiers of Heck and share with friends! Select the map, weapons, modifiers and enemy types and see if you are up for the challenge! If you complete the Tier, you will receive the level code to challenge your friends [Codes are PC only]
- Pain Levels
- Survival has been extended with new difficulty levels. 7 progressively more difficult modes can be unlocked to test your skills. Receive colours for completing them and compare your results with the community on the built-in leaderboards
- Portals
- New maps with Portals are available. New ways to jump and stab in both Survival and Versus!
Quality of Life improvements
- Customization selections now saved between games
- Additional information displayed about Lobby types when starting Survival or Versus
- Pause menu shows notification if game is running in the background
- You can now set the rarity of weapons in Versus, instead of on/off toggle
- New item notification now displayed above the customization island and new items are identified in the menu with “*”
- Performance improvements
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with Customization preview spider not appearing correctly or appearing in level geometry
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Neverjam (Steam)
SpiderHeck – Ver. 1.0.1
- Release date: October 24th 2022 (North America, Europe) / October 25th 2022 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- For a limited time Lobby has become more spooky
- Resolved performance issue when Tiers of Heck menu is open
- Fixed customization preview not showing the spider correctly
- Fixed preview spider appearing in levels
- Fixed sound and music volume selection not saving
- Fixed issue with destroyed weapons not disappearing, causing them to remain non interactable in the level
- Resolved issue with perks not resetting after survival or versus in some cases;
- Optimization pass for Laser Cube weapon
- Fixed “Hornet” hat not unlocking on wave 70
- [Switch] fix of text “Return to Lobby in:”
- [Switch] The “Tiers of heck” restarting fix
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Neverjam (Steam)
How to download updates for SpiderHeck for the Nintendo Switch?
To download the updates for SpiderHeck, you have three options:
- let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off
If not…
- try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;
- select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.
To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.