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Roots of Pacha (Switch): all the updates (latest: Ver. 1.2.0 / Next: Ver. 1.3.0)

On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for Roots of Pacha on Nintendo Switch (originally released in November 2023 in North America, Europe, and Japan)!

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Roots of Pacha – Ver. 1.3.0

  • Release date: TBA
  • Patch notes:
  • 4 romanceable characters
  • 18 non-romanceable characters (you can spot two in the union scenes above)
  • 2 new biomes with 4 subregions each
  • 1 new cave system with iron and other materials
  • Tent sleeping and unlockable homes in other regions
  • 2 new festivals with a ball sport mini-game
  • 4 new animals
  • 6 evolved animals
  • New plant variations
  • New line fishing mini-game
  • An unlockable place to play music in the Islands
  • An unlockable mini-game in the Tundra
  • Hangout spots
  • Many new cutscenes
  • Quests
  • A Mysterious Visitor
    • Once you complete the main story, you’ll encounter a mysterious figure who introduces you to a new mechanic, bug-catching. This will enable you to retrieve items that will allow you to venture into some new caves.
    • Inside these caves, you’ll discover new materials and ideas for working with them. But that’s not all. Bug catching opens the door to learning line fishing, where you can use your catch as bait for even more exciting fishing adventures!

Roots of Pacha – Ver. 1.2.0

  • Release date: July 31st 2024 (North America, Europe) / August 1st 2024 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
  • Intermediate saves: save and resume the game at any time by going to your bed and choosing “Save at current time.”
  • Olla: an early watering Idea which holds 16 charges and waters the surrounding plants.
  • School: a late game idea where the clan’s children will go learn with Daari.
  • School learning station: after building the school you’ll get a learning station which can be placed in the fields affecting a 7×4 area. The children of the school will check it every morning to: clean affected sheds and talk to the animals living inside, water and harvest plants, refill ollas, pump irrigation pumps, harvest honey, and harvest trees. Up to 4 learning stations are available with higher prosperity.
  • Children new stage: toddlers can be enrolled in school to make them grow up to school-age children. Your child will get one of 4 personalities and eventually choose from 8 professions, with unique dialogue and gifts for the different combinations.
  • School-age children can wear hats, different clothes and you can also change their hair style and color.
  • Newborn, toddlers, and school-age children attend festivals.
  • Romanceables schedules adjustments to spend a bit more time in the house during the morning.
  • Added more dialogue for romanceables.
  • 2 new Union locations: caves and beach, in addition to the existing Pacha Tree location.
  • Kiss your partner in your Union reception.
  • New dance music pools depending on who you dance with.
  • Partners, nannies, and school-age children can now use the seats placed in your house.
  • Added “Available to date” setting, which will prevent you from being asked to start dating in 6 flower cutscenes. The setting can be changed anytime in Settings->Gameplay and won’t affect your ability to use the context action “Start Dating.”
  • Added 5 new skin tones and 5 hair colors.
  • Quick “Transfer all” and “Transfer matching” items in storage boxes and inventory. New Sorting methods added.
  • Pets can be sent to fetch in different areas and bring back items from them.
  • Cave lions and wolves can grow to be adult pets by giving them “Baby Shroom,” which is obtained in Glyptodon’s Tree shop.
  • Some pets can be mounted: mammoths, spiders, adult cave lions, and adult wolves.
  • Animals in the village will show an arrow when they’re in the tall grass area to make it easier to find them.
  • Animals can be fed alfalfa.
  • You can now put multiple items in processors (solar dryers, fermenters, etc.) by holding the main action button. It also works when picking up the produced items.
  • Processors can now be removed while producing with a confirmation.
  • New Village subcategory under Journal to show the prosperity objects and the players’ lifetime contribution.
  • A button was added in Settings->Exit to take a screenshot without the UI.
  • Trap locations now show on the map after interacting with them and show whether they have a trap and if it’s ready.
  • Jag will now ask you if you want to go with him to the festivals that can be reached from the map: Competition Day, Clans Gathering, Cave Painting.
  • Cave challenges can be exited to retry later. They can also be skipped and marked as completed, although no achievement will be given in this case.
  • The unstuck button changes from a “Go back a few steps” to “Go back to checkpoint” when in the caves and now works when in owl/monkey mode.
  • The dialogue before using the forest shortcut to the village is displayed only the first 3 times.
  • Igrork’s nursery shows the current count of the selected seed in your seedbag.
  • Mounts can be sent to their sheds/herds/home.
  • Frer starts using the harpoon a few days after the idea is researched.
  • Vallah, Touk, and Krak will always go to the New Year festival if they’re the partner of any player.
  • New fishing mini-game UI
  • Added Korean language.
  • Added Traditional Chinese language.
  • Lowered regeneration rate for field debris.
  • Most meditation buffs will now last a full day.
  • Stone fences need 3 stones instead of 4.
  • Grob has some feathers and boar fur to exchange weekly.
  • Fishing consumes a little bit more stamina.
  • Animal sheds cost more at 750 contributions.
  • Active Idea smoke signals showing in “Past.”
  • Riding points for players when racing.
  • Water tool executing water animation when empty and not targeting anything.
  • Additional notes: none
  • Source: Soda Den (Steam)

Roots of Pacha – Ver. 1.1.0

  • Release date: December 7th 2023 (North America, Europe) / December 8th 2023 (Japan)
  • Patch notes:
  • You can now change your name in-game in the You tab.
  • If in Union with Vallah, Touk, and Zeda thought you had divorced her.
  • Herb and mushroom growers didn’t keep the item when loading a save if they had already produced.
  • Potential soft lock on Carnival and Competition Day if you broke up with Jelrod and Ibon or Jelrod and Mana at the same time.
  • [Switch] Audio issues after a few in-game days when using tools that target multiple tiles.
  • [Switch] Audio issues when going to the bear challenge.
  • [Switch] Names with non-latin characters were getting saved as “???”.
  • Additional notes: none
  • Source: Soda Den (Kickstarter)

How to download updates for Roots of Pacha for the Nintendo Switch?

To download the updates for Roots of Pacha, you have three options:

  • let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off

If not…

  • try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;


  • select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.

To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.