
Pokémon GO news (June 1): Alolan Exeggutor / Safari Zone (Dortmund)

Today’s Pokémon GO news: Alolan Exeggutor now appearing in-game, but also…

  • Safari Zone

Pokémon GO – Alolan Exeggutor

A few days ago, it was announced that the Alolan Form of Pokémon from the Kanto region would start appearing in-game. And earlier this week, to coincide with the announcement of Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! / Eevee! for the Nintendo Switch (which does feature connectivity with Pokémon GO), the very first Alolan Form Pokémon began spawning.

Since Alolan Exeggutor is one of the most iconic Alolan Forms, it’s no wonder that it was chosen as the very first one to appear in-game. You do have to admit it leaves quite the impression! Right now, it’s not clear how long they will be available (just that they will be appearing more frequently than normal for a limited time), or when other Pokémon will start appearing.

Source: Niantic

Pokémon GO – Safari Zone

Earlier this week, Niantic shared some details about the Safari Zone that will take place from June 30th to July 1st in Dortmund, Germany (and more precisely at the Westfalenpark). During this event, it will be pretty easy to catch various Pokémon (including some not often available in Europe), including Corsola and various types of Unown, thanks to increased spawns.

Also, Lure Modules will be live throughout the day, and you will be able to get special 2km eggs from the many PokéStops in the park. What’s more, there will be various activities in the entire city district, inviting players to explore the city’s cultural history through Pokémon GO. However, there will not be any raids or Gyms inside Westfalenpark (just some Raid Bosses in nearby areas).

But that’s not all: players will also be able to take a break at theme-themed lounges (with phone charging stations, snacks, and drinks), take part in giveaways, or participate in a huge group photo (on both days).

If you plan to attend, you should know that while this is a free event, it’s only open on a first-come, first-served basis.

Source: Niantic


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.